Page 108 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 108
Page 6 February 4, 1982 Terror's -playoff hopes alive -, two qUiCKfouls and sat down again first five minutes and went on to open through with four consecutive pres- lead with 35 seconds rernaining in Bruce Mable Jim Francis also came off the bench up a 20 point lead. Jim Dawson and sore free-throws to put WMC back on Ihe game. Dickinson got a quick The second half of January was full to throw in a bucket, but it wasn't until Doug Pinto tied for the scoring hon- top by 2 with three minutes remain- basket and called time out with 27 of highs and lows for the Terror Dave Engle's beyond half court enot • ors with 18 points a piece. Dave ing. Jeff Weyer then hit a bucket to seconds left 10 set up a full court Basketball Team. The high came with at the buzzer that the Terrors offense Engle was right behind them with 17 open up....a f~r point lead. Dickinson press, but the Terrors beat it with a four consecutive wins that lead to the came to life pts. followed by John Seiler 11 cts.. came back wHha quick 'bucket to cut lull court pass to Jirn Dawson who .r Terrors being voted into the top The second half was a completely Scot Kohr with 10 ots.. Jeff Weyer it to two again and called time out was, you guessed it, fouled on his twenty teams in the country lor the different story as Western Maryland and Jim Francis with 4 a piece and with 25 seconds remaining. Jim Daw- way to a layup. His shots made nrt- .- first time this year. The low came outscored LV 46-27 to win the ball Joe Callahan with 1 pt. Jeff Weyer son missed a chance to put the 67 with onJy second remaining. Jim -when the Team then went out and game. Dave Engle lead the Terrors lead the rebounding with 8 game on ice after the time out by Dawson then stole the ball and was lost to Muhlenberg to end their with 22 pts. followed by John Seiler By tar the most important game the missing the lront end of a one and fouled again. He made one. Dickin- winning streak, probably lose their (16 pts.) and Doug Pinto (12 pts.) Jim Terrors played was against confer- one. Dickinson came down court and son missed their last shot and Dave national ranking and drop to 4-3 in Dawson added 8 and Jeff Weyer 6. ence rival Dickinson. The day before with ten seconds remaining, drew a Engle put in the last nail to make the the Middle Atlantic conference. They The next team to fall was old rival this game the Terrors were voted into loul and made two foul shots to tie final margin 74-67. now have their backs to the wall Johns Hopkins, 78-62. Jim Dawson the top twenty in the country and that, the game with six seconds left. Coming right after the national rank- since they must win all their remain- lead the way with 19 pts. and 7 combined with Dickinson undefeated Westem Masyland called time out to ing, the win over Dickinson seemed ing conference games to have a assists before fouling out late in the conference record, made this a real set up the final shot, but Dave Engle to justify the Terrors being ranked chance to make the playoffs this second half. Doug Pinto added 15 test. The last time the Terrors had missed from twenty feet at the buzzer among the best, but over break they year. The Terrors trall undefeated (in pts. and 5 rebounds while Scot Kohr been ranked they had gone right out and the game went into overtime took a trip to Muhlenberg and every- conference) Moravian, once beaten threw in 13 pts. John Seiler domi- and lost to a team they should have Dickinson won the jump ball and thing that could go wrong did, with a Dickinson and twice beaten Franklin nated the boards, collecting 11 re- murdered. This time was different. quickly scored to take a 60-62 lead. vengence. First of all Jeff Weyer & Marshall in the race for two spots in bounds and scoring 8 pts. Dave Westem Maryland took. control right John Seiler then missed a one and came oown with the flu and didn't the MAC playoffs. Engle (9 pts), Jeff Weyer (8 pts), Pat Irom the start as Doug Pinto hit four one opportunity and Dickinson even make the trip. Second Doug The Terrors started their winning luce (2 pts.), and Joe Callahan (1 pt) straight jumpers to move WMC out to grabbed the rebound, but Jim Daw- Pinto was unable to play because of streak with a 74-55 win over confer- ~ rounded out the scoring an eight point lead five minutes into son came through with a steal and religious observance of the sabbath. ence rival lebanon Valley. Bridegwater College was the 'rer- the game. Dickinson settled ooen scored on a lay-up to tie. Dickinson These losses wiped out Western • The first half ended in a 28-28 rors next victim as they fell 84-62. and played the Terrors even for the came beck again and drew a loul, Maryland's bench and didn't do deadlock as_LV kepi close with an WMC jumped out to an early 8-0 lead rest of the half and closed the lead to but only hit one 01two free throws to much -lor their inside game either. aggressive offense that consistently and never trailed for the rest of the five points at the half take a one point lead. WMC came Anyway, they went up to Mulllen- beat the Terrors down under the game. The closest Bridgewater came The second hall was the same as down the floor and Dave Engle was berg and got outshot from the floor, basket. Coach Ober kept switching was 31-29 with 2:14 left in the first the first with the two teams trading fouled. He hit both ends of the one outshot from the line, oulrebounded, his line up in an attempt to shut down half, but after a WMC time out the baskets as WMC held on to a small and one to put the Terrors back on and they got beat by twenty points, LVs offense and to bring WMC's Terrors opened up a six point lead four point lead 10f the tirst four top with 3:29 left in overtime. Dickin- 74-54. Not only will this probably back to life. Joe Callahan came off and were never threatened again minutes. Dickinson then clawed their son called time out but then came knock tem out of the top twenty, but the bench early and sank three They opened the second half by way back to tie the game with seven • down the floor and missed and WMC it also drops them to 4-3 in the jumpers in a hurry but then picked up outscoring Bridgewater 14-6 in the minutes left. John Seiler then came grabbed the rebOund and their first conference and puts their chances chance to pull away.Jeff Weyer got for the playoffs in a much worse IIIDDLE ATLANnC STATES COLLEGIATE ATHLETlC CONFERENCE the ball down low and went up for the situation. They now must get some ._.. ..... ...... points at the line as WMC moved out conference in order to have a REPORT FOR February 1, 1982 BASKETBALL shot but was fouled. He got the two help from the other teams in the chance to a 66-63 lead. Dickinson missed • F ,. '- """''' F , again and this time it was Jim Still, at 11-4 overall this team is T_ WL PCT OFF DEF W L PCT Dawson's turn to shoot a one and doing much better tnan anyone ex- Moravian 60 1.1XXl 359 320 59.8 '" .11 . 733 9(X)838 one in whal looked like a foul shoot- pected after the loss of Scott Peters, Dickinson . I eoo sea 302 77.6 50' • 6 571 ing contest more than a basketball lester Wallace and Steve Farley ~ FAM '2 .6673B3 371 69.1 61.8 11 6 64711551022 '" game. Dawson hit the first shot, but They still have a good chance to 9B6 63.' a a WestemJJCt 333346363 I Muhlenberg 2. .571484 '58 57.7 65' 11. .7331070923 missed the second one. Dickinson make the playoffs, because they play 235 9301010 60.5 ta Lebanon Valley 2 5 286 393 452 56.1 54.6 · 9 400 9611050 grabbed the rebound came down the all three leaders one more time, and 6 G.tty.b.". 07 CXXl422511 ".3 73.0 · 15 .21111381336 floor and, how did you guess, was the three also have to meet each BAIKET8ALl. RESULTS .wesren M~and 74, Dickinson67 01 fouled. They made both shots and other at least one more time. In fact Western Maryland 84. Bridgewa1er62 Johns Hopkins67, Franklin & Marshall 62 when the Terrors got the ball Dave Dickinson and Moravian have yet 10 Bucknell 69, Gettysburg60 Washington50, Swarthmore 39 Engle drew another one and one, meet this year, so the whole thing is Dickinson 63. Joo~a 56 ..ktlns Hopkins65, Swarthmore 54 made one, and gave WMC a 68-65 far from decided Moravian 64. Delaware Valley 47 Muhlenberg 74, weeem Maryland 54 Allentown 57, Muhlenberg54 Dickinson 75. Messiah 60 FrankI~& Marshall70, LebanonValley 51 Frenklin & Marshall 70, Ge~rg 58 'Women swimmers still tops 5:36.82, while Paul Burkitt received Maryland women was the 71-42 vic- The Western Masyland women in- two third place finishes in the 2()(). tory over UrsiruS. One of the four creased their chances of an unde- yard and TOO-yardfreestyle events double winners was Lisa Steel, who feated season, as they beat Franklin The men's 71-29 loss to Ursinus is again won both diving events with and Marshall College, 69-44, and the fourth in a raw for the struggling 133.35 points in the required and Ursinus College, 71-42, totalling eight Terrors, who have now compiled a 2- 146.85 in the optional. The other victories to no losses for the season. 5 record thus lar this season. Double three were Denise Frech, who set a The men's team, which is troubled by winner Mike Price touched in. at pool record of 2:33.45 in the 200-yard a tack of swimmers, lost their two 2:16.70 in the 200-yard tndividual breastroke, Linda Rennie, and Mary meets to the same colleges, totalling Med!ey and at 51.36 in the l00-yard Theresa Lurz fIVE! losses to date for the men this freestyle, while freshman Greg McAI- Earlier in the season, the men's season. lister finished second with a time of team lost 10 visiting Loyola College, The men's team was represented _ -12:40.56 in the grueling 1000-yard 60-31, and again were outnumbered by a mere five Terrors in their 88-19 freestyle event but not necessarily less talented. loss to Franklin and Marshall. this The women won both the 400-yard Moreover, Mike Price won the 100- prevented them from entering more medley and the 2()().yard freestyle yard freestyle event in 51.28 and was than 10 of the 13 events in the meel.......relays and both diving events enroute followed by Kurt Hubach's victorious Fred Hubach, captain 01 the men's to their 69-44 victory over Franklin 5:39.49 in the 500-yard freestyle team, has been kept from competitioo and Marshall. Lisa Steel scored Despite the fact that the men's due to a heel injury, but he is 145.25 points in the required diving team did not compete, Johns Hop- optimistic about swimming in competition to clinch first place, and kins swam and lost to Western Mary- WedneSday's away meet against six events later won the optional land's women, 74-65, in a battle 01 York. diving with 155.80 points record breaking and national qualify- Franklin and Marshall captured all Another, who assured their victory, ing times. The Terrors registered ten but one firs! place against Western was Lisa Kleven who won the SO-yard national qualifying times, seven Maryland at the meet in Lancaster, freestyle in 27.23 and who also school records, and six pool records. Pa. Mike Price sprinted to the sole finished second in the 200-yard Again the women added one lTlOI"e first place in the 5O-yardfreestyle and breastroke in 2:54.10. In addition mark to their win column, as they a second place in the l00-yard Denise Frech complemented her fel- beat Loyola. 81-58. Sue Lapidus was freestyle, missing a double victory by low captain welJ by finiShing first in the only winner of the meet with wins a slight two one hundreths of a the 2()().yard breastroke and second in the 2()().yard medley relay, SO-yard "e .• ';.' .". - ~> ~""H__ ,_ ---second. in the 5O-yard freestyle backslroke, and the l00-yard back- .. ···, ~.. ,...~....~<->I.c_ Kurt Hubacli placed second in the The win that topped off the eight- 500-yard freestyle event with a meet victory streak for the Western continued to page 7 /
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