Page 105 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 105
February 4, 1982 Page 3 Watertower leaks Future cuts expected Which IS 'Enlightened ?' to be devastating from page 1 a proof of God's existence?" one can arque with you, and you're to Congress, but the rumors are Chn·s Beyers Or. Spangler turned red with rage always right!" billion Dept. of Education budget, enough to inspire forecasts of doom l (I would like to thank Usa Trudeau "Because, you heathen," he said "Yeah, I guess I've got a lot 01 compared to the $8.4 billion Educa- among college lobbyists The budget, even after the reported for the reasoning which is the basis evenly. "God wrote it. Also, the Old mileage out ot the Bible," he chuc- tion Secretary Terrel Bell wanted White House compromises, would Under Congress' continuing budget kled. for this column.) Testament predicts New testenent." ''W!Jwl That certainly simplifies resolution, the Education Dept. 1982 "clearly be a disaster for American Recently, I experienced a religious "But Dr. Spangler, I read a murder crisis. Seeking guidance, Isought out mystery one where the flrs~ part things!" I marveled budget is $12.9 billion. higher education," The American re- Well, it does cut down on a lot 01 after Stockman Irnmediately evangelist Dr. Billy Ray Jim Bob predicted the second part, but.. " thinking," he admitted. "vou.eee. my leased his proposals, Bell asked Council on Education asserted in a recent letter requesting lobbying help Spangler (AB, STB, M.D. Div., PhD, "You insufferable twit!" Or. Spangler theology has its founding in unques- education lobbyists to help hIm per- from college presidents and all that BS), who was in Washing- sputtered, "God does not write mur- tioned belief. Since I personally know suade the president to request more Eveo without the next round of aid ton to obtain an audience with Or. der rnysteries!" God's will, it's only natural that people money in the administration's final cuts, colleges are still trying to cope Spangler for a substantial donation to There seemed somthing wrong should follow me without wasting lime 1983 budget proposal to Congress, with the cuts Congress has already his TV program, which 1 paid in cash here, but I didn't anger Dr. Spangler 'thinking on their own." directly to Dr. Spangler. I began by any more, so I changed the subject. "Isn't there some sort of precedent which is due February Blh. approved. Dallas Martin of the Na- - tional Association of Student Financial Reagan reportedly agreed to in- asking the Rev. Dr., "How do we "Dr. Spangler," I questioned, "With so for that from World War II?" crease funding in some areas. Aid Administrators is most concerned know God exists?" many religions about, hOw can you "Yes," Or. Spangler said irritably, 'We know God exists in two ways, be sure that yours is the right one?" Sources estimate the White House about the end of student Social my son," Dr. Spangler smiles coooe- Dr. Spangler relaxed. "Because the "But he didn't know God's will " will agree to a 20-30 percent Slash in Security benefits. After this enlightening discussion, scendingly. "First because he told us Bible says so," he replied the true path of my religious energy Pell Grant funding, versus the 56 Ending the program ''witt only serve directly. Second, he sent his son "Ott ...uh, well, hOw can you justify, was clear. I now see the true way. percent in the Stockman proposal. to enlarge the pool of students eligi- down to tell us." as a minister, taking conservative The Atman is the Brahman. The truth won't be known until the ble for the other programs, a pot "Told us directly?" I queried, political stances?" administration delivers the proposals that's being reduced as well." Suddenly, 1saw the light. "I get it!" Stress levels increases ''When?'' "Because the Bible tells me to, of ' 'Why, in the Bible." course." "Oh ...well, hOw do we know thai Jesus was God's son?" I exclaimed, "Whenever some sort of religious dilemma arises, or you need Because the Bible says so." to expound your personal political among college students This caused me much ccoeteme- tion. "But sir, how do we know the beliefs, all you need to do is invoke dropped out of various classes. UF Bible is a valid source of information, the Bible! Wham, instant placebo! No frightening." counselors attribute the drop-out rate, CPS Counselors blame a depressed "Things were tough enough when I economy, increasing tuition rates, more than twtce the level of the Education is healthy was in college. I certainly wouldn't dwindling financial aid funds, and a previous year. to student inability to tight Pb market for pushing student take the added stress of a few extra want to be a student"today," remarks Dr. Edwin Sneidrnan, a professor in stress levels up this year. Many fear a weeks of classes UCLA's psych department. coming epidemic of campus mental Rorida counselors have also noted "The higher-education group Indeed, student stress levels appar- health problems if those financial a dramatic flare-up of violence tended to eat healthier diets than the ently have risen markedly since Sep- pressures aren't eased soon. among students, with "more disputes CPS lower-educated qrrxrp," says Dr. Suz- tember, counselors on vartous ''We've sensed an increased anxi- being handled through fisticuffs," ac- CHAPEL Hill, NC--Higher educa- anne Haynes, an assistant epidemiol- campuses observe. ety and stress among students here," cording to Jim Archer, director of tion is generally good for your health, ogy professor at UNC and co-author They point no signs of increasing says Paul Ginsberg, dean of students UPs counseling center. though if you're a wornan it may also of a research report on the study stress like more student withdrawals at the University of Wisconsin-Madi- Graver yet is the alarming increase turn you into a heavy drinker, accord- "It indicates that persons at higher from classes, packed schedules at son. "Our counselors are seeing in suicide and suicide attempts that ing to a national study of health and education levels are perhaps chang- campus cccnsenna centers, more more students with increasingly more have plaguf1Clsome campuses this ~ lifestyles by the University 01 North ing their diets more quickly in re- inter-student violence and, mast tragi- serious and intense problems." academic year Student appointments at Michigan Suicides among the college-age Carolina cally, more student suicides sponse to recommendations than is and I ter-educated people tend to be the lower education group" suicide gestures. State's counseling center have dou- population neve been increasing The ongoing study" lound that bet- bled this year. Wisconsin, Arizona steadily for the last few years, ac- Colleges responding to a recent "Cigarette smoking begarn mainly healthier, eat better and ingest lower among higher-educated men," she National Counseling Services Data State and Washington, among others, cording to the National Center for levels of harmful cholesterol. For says, Ihen "spread to lower-educated Bank survey reported that 60 percent report.smaller, though still significant, Health Statistics women, however, alcohol consump- men, then to higher-educated of their counseling appointmenls now increaSes in the number of appoint- In 1978, the suicide rate for te-te- tion seems to rise with education women. It looks as if alcohol may be involve complaints of student inability ments 24 year-olds was 12.4 per 100,000. level. following the same pattern" to cope with stress. "Students are under tremendous By 1980 it had climbed to 12.8, and Nearly 10,000 people in the U.S. The study also found that well- "Stress-related illnesses such as stress," says Joanne Hanachek, as- experts believe the rate will easily and Soviet Union participated in the educated women had lower levels of anorexia nervosa are up," summa- sociate counseling director at Michi- surpass 13 per 100,000 for 1981 study, which the National Heart, cholesterol. Education played an in- rizes Dr. Marvalene styles, director of gan State. "There's a general sense Experts estimate there are nine Lung, and Blood Institute began in significant role in cholesterol levels San Diego's State's counseling serv- of powerlessness that students seem continued to page 7 Ihe early t970's. among men, Haynes says. ices. ''There's a sharp Increase in the to be feeling in coping wit_hlife." ·--------------1 severity of problems. Students ere Counselors say their students are I I A new teste. in the pub WOfried. They have a general sense consequently touchier and easily pro- I I I I ,""ed and of instability lack of being grouncled. It's clear that counseling When the University of Floriday ~ from page 2 sudden (ever notice how every reve- centers are going to have to shift and switched from a .quarter to a semes- Latf'NiBhlS~d.1! I lOwer prices-have a distinctly un- lation is sudden). The idea was not change to address these new issues. ter system this faUto try to conserve 8 p.m.-" p.m. I American never to them in the first bad at all. It was kind of the old If we don't the result could be _~nergy. ~~_ record 1200 studen_~~ I place, so 1 did not allow this to color American success-Horatio Alger I my judgement story. You know the little guy ousts Free! I The Stroh's was alright. I had a few the big guy and goes on to live I cups, it wasn't Bud, but it was...well, happily ever after. I figured that the alright. I did not try the Stroh light. I Pub was merely helping free enter- CheesebarsJet' : don't ceaeve in light beers. I guess prise (and what could be' more its all part. of that health craze. It \s conservative than thai) Whenyon bay. ~ my opinion that people are spending Reflecting on that late night conclu- too much time staying healthy to sion, my mind sways back and forth, Quarter Poaader I I enjoy life anyway. to and fro, pro and con. I supposed, I Up to this point, Iwas unimpressed, since it is change, I should be and the fat guy wIlo kept running against it. but on ee other hand, I I I around calling out numbers did not can not help but think that Genesee CarroU PIau Shopping Cente~ .. (with this coap~n) :' help matters. Then I tried the Cream Cream Ale is conservative. It certainly Ale After the second pitcher I had a agrees with me IYOUDese,._lIeA: Monday & Wednesday: Today I $1 Off a pitcherof beer fa,.ea" ~M ., ~, I I f\I\ I I , anas Beauty Shop Tuesday & Thursday: : I-a-.... f $1 Off all large: pizzas : '! : Westminster Eldersburg i 'Blowdry &. Sets !Xrt 'Ertra Reisterstowrr- I Qill Ahead for Takeout Orders expires : Las~_value 1/10 of one cent I 7 Carroll St. l~_:'xP~~ .j 'Westminsttr 'Walli In or !Xppf. 876-3550 "lat92..
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