Page 104 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 104
• oenlx A 'tax break' for students l QUiZ···· Answer ····MATH last week's puzzle: to A legislative act for review and consideration in the'Senate of O!(x-x) = 0) cost Maryland is a bill titled "An Act concerning Income Taxes - Deduction _ they have to lose is state the legislature, of sending that a the postcard to their Congratulations to Keith Arnold, who representatives asking representatives in the Educational Expenses ... " Introduced to the Leaislature bv State Senator support this bill. submitted the only answer. and won Robert E. Stroble in January 1982, the bill proposes that Maryland II has been speculated by close watchers of the Maryland Senate a free hot dog and soda at Harry's residents be allowed "an income deduction from the Slate Income Tax Lunch on Main Street that many Maryland college students will lose their right to consume for tuition and fees paid at higher education institutions." 'alcoholic because 01 the political apathy that seems to be the trend This week's puzzle is: Without chang- There are six requirements for the tuition and lees paid lor among the State's college students under the age of 21. It would seem ing the order of these digits, place postsecondary education to be allowed as tax deductions under Senator a pity and a shame if a bill with lar more tremendous ramifications as the fewest possible mathematical Stroble's plan symbols between them in order to Bill Number 187 wasto die in the daily dr.Jdgery of the Maryland Senate the eccanon The insliMion attended by the student must be approved by the and solely because of the lack of interest by those who will benefit the make true: 123456789 = 100. State Board For Higher Education, or the institution is not required to be most from such legislation. approved by tile board; and is' a university; four year college; Maryland residents attending WMC may write to their Senator by Prize for this week: SURPRISEl Box 577 community college; technical school; or vocational school. listing hislher name, Senate Office Building, AnnapoliS, Maryland 21401. Please submit ail entries to In a lime when the Reagan administration's budget proposals letters to members of the Senate Budget Taxation Committee listed before 9 a.m., Monday, February 7, deem aid for higher education as a very low ranking priority, the action belcJoN may be addressed to their respective offices 1982. The drawing for the winner will by Senator Stroble should be applauded and endorsed by Mary1and Senate Budget & Taxation take place in the Math Office at noon on 217/82 college students, and by Maryland college faculty and staff es-wen. James Senate Office Bldg. Senate Bill Number 187 is an attempt to aid the students from Annapolis, Maryland 21401 "Sponsored by Kappa Mu Epsilon" families of the overburdened middle Income wage earners, those wage Room 100 Senator Laurence levitan, Senator Clarence W Blount, earners who bear the brunt of most tax increases and most program cut Senator Cha~es H. Smelser backs. Though the results would not be immediate, certainly such a Room 216 - Senator Rosalie Abrams Ask OMAR measure would have an eaSing effect on the financial constrictions that Room '206 - Senator Walter M. Baker ominously loom over the careers of many Mure college students. Room 215 - Senator Tommie Broactwater, Jr. Senator Stroble has noted that similar legislation to Senate Bill Room 405 - Senator John A. Cade Beginning in The Phoenix next Number 187 has been introduced in the past and has not been Room 207 - Senator Victor l. Crawford week ... enacted, the SOle reason being that ''therE! has not been sufficient Room 308 - Senator Francis X. Kelly Need advice? Having problems interest displayed by the people who would benefit from the passage of Room 313 - Senator Frank J. Komenda with certain professors? Classmates? this legislation." Room 407 - Senator Edward J. Mason Sex? Too shy to tel! that certain The bill will be reviewed by members of the Senate Budget Room 205 • Senator H. Erie Schafer someone just how you feel? Taxation CoIiimrttee. Maryland college-stUdents have the opportunity to ASK OMARI PW Senate Office Bldg. lessen the impact of federal educational spending_ cuts upon them. All Room 116 - Senator Julian l. Lapides All questions confidential. Send all serious inquiries to Ask omar. CtO The Phoenix, WMC P.O. Box I Conservatively speciking New brew In town 1((zjtt!_L. Arnold Now that seems to make sense As 1 sit before the typewriter, I must But, as a good conservative, it is my admit that I, Keith "Kill the Commies" job, as well as the job of all the good Arnold, am actually undecided about conservatives out there (and a dam something. Those who have read my good bunch they are 1001), to scruti- columns in the past will readily agree nize all such change Arnold without an opinion is like an After all, Budweiser is the Number Arab without oil. One beer in the world. And its Still, I am finding it very difficult, as American. Just look at the can. What a ccosevanve. to deal with the do you see. That's right, red, white recent change in Pub offerings. For and blue, three of the prettiest colors those of you who missed Jan Term. in this commie filled world. That is the usual staples 01 Budweiser and ~rful pretty symbolism to throw Mich(elob) Ught have been replaced away on some upstart. And who ever by Stroh's, Stroh Light and Genesee heard of Genesee Cream Ale any- Cream Ale. wo, The official explanation is that Pub This was my point 01 view when I attendance had been ck:Mtn, and that went into the Pub the night of the our Pub was having difficulties with transfer of power. I was very skeptical its distributor. It was hoped that the wten I tried the new selections. new selection, at a lower price, might Admittedly, the cosl was nice, but generate more business. continued to page 3 The Phoenix Editor .. .. Robert HOlt Managing Editor .. . LesMartin News Editor. . Greg Elbo Sports Editor . ................ Rob McQuay Photo Editor . . .. Andy Chang Paste-up . Jeff Frazer Judy Mitnick Proofreading Chris scro. Melanie Clippinger, Deb Ratzburg Business Manager " Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager . Jeannine Railey Ad Artist... ' Cindy Wilcox Typist... . Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157.
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