Page 103 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 103
The Phoenix Thursday, February 4, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 14 Albert Mensah - 'All-American' Homer C. Earl, best remembered as Division Championship is one of his Robert Holt the WMC soccer coach from 196410 more treasured moments, Albert said The first WMC student to receive 1978. Earll was elected to the All that there was a more significant such an honor since 1950, Albert American Division !II 2nd team memory for him. Albert's most memo- Mensah has been elected to the- A native of the capitol of Ghana, rable moment while playing for the NCAA All American Division III 3rd Accra, Albert started playing soccer Terrors occurred _during the MAC team. Albert was nominated and al the age of eight. He likes to play Champiooship game against Haver- voted to the team by the National many sports and-rates soccer as his' lord last November Soccer Coaches 01 America. most favorite sport, In that game, Albert .sccred the "II is one of the biggest honors that Albert hopes to play American goal that tied the game and senl the an athlete can receive," said Albert, professional soccer in the National play i~ overtime. Though the Terrors who has been named to the All Association Soccer League. He is rY:Nt lost the game, which had to be Maryland Rrst Team for the IasIlhree waiting for the league drafting delayed because of darkness, Albert years. process to begin in March of this achieved a personal victory. Albert has played soccer on the year. Albert said that his favorite ''It scored my only goal against the WMC team since his freshman year in soccer player is Edson Arantes du Haverford goalie in that game," He 1978. He scored 81 points, 34 goals Macimento, the man known around said. and 17 assists, in his college soccer the world as "Pels." Eventually, Albert intends to return career. The last WMC soccer player Though the WMC victOl)' over F&M to his home in Ghana within the next to be named All American wes last October for the MAC Southwest three years Students rough-it In JAWS trip Cuts to be devastating higher education when he presents program would also be ended under WASHINGTON, D.C.--It will De his budget proposals the second the Stockman proposals. "devastating." week of February, (Congress last year agreed to can- At least that's what Gerald Rosch- Though no one outside the adminis- cel Social Security benefits to stu- walb, a leading college lobbyist in tration knows exactly what the educa- dents not enrolled in a college by WashingtOfl, D,C .. thinks tile student tion budget will be, the outlines May 1, 1982.) aid section of the .administration's presented in David Stockman's De- The two most popular aid programs still-secret 1983 federal budget pro- cember budget suggestions and then - Guaranteed Student Loans (GSLs) posal will be. in budget "compromises" leaked to and Pell Grants -- would also be The sense of foreboding is wide- the press have most college lobbyists changed, with appropriations cut by spread here as rumors fly of what here busily predicting doom for all more than half. President Reagan will recommend for laderal student aid programs Admlnistration budget chief Stock- In Stockman's proposals, two of the man also wants to end interest subsi- aid Mitchell speaks three campus-based student Educational pro- dies lor GSLs, from raise five to the ten loan origination - per- Supplemental grams fee from crt WMC tonight Opportunity Grants (SEOGs) (NDSLs) Na- - cent. and drop All other students would grad students and the program. Loans Student tional Direct - would be eliminated entirely. repay their loans at current market The third campus-based program - interest rates two years after leaving Congressman- Parren J. Mitchell, a school. College Woo:-StucIy - would suffer a civil rights activist fOl" more than three a $8 $150 million cut from 1982 appropria- In all, Stockman proposed decades, will speak at Western Mary- tions land College's [>Jumni Hall tonight at The continued to page 3 7:00 p.m. State Student Incentive Grants A representative of Maryland 7th Ronald Kyle contest was held, in wnicn een Congressional District, Mitchell has Laidlaw resigns Every January Term the Military Franklin's group emerged as the sponsored bills to assist the poor, the Science Department offers students a superior cooks. Another type of food elderly, and the disadvantaged. He chance to go to Camp Dawson encountered came in foil pouches: has, for example, sponsored legisla- served in that capacity since that through participation in the JAWS LRRP rations (Long Range Recon. tion to compel the awarding of a course. JAWS, an anacronym for Patrol). Most students felt that LRRP percentage of federally funded time. laidlaw January Adventure Winter Skills, of- Rations were superior to the food projects to minority firms. Citing his appreciation for the lin College moved to WMC Indiana, from Frank- where in Franklin, fers students the chance to learn how served here al WMC. Before being elected Maryland's "many significant contributions she she was employed after receiving her to survive under adverse weather The day of the downhill skiing was first black congressman in 1970, he has made to the life of the college," master's degree from Michigan State conditions. Not only do they learn the day the students enjoyed the was executive director of Baltimore's the WMC president. Dr. Ralph C. these skills in a classroom, they are most. Other recreational activities in- anti-poverty program. In 1950, he _J~hn, announed the resignation. of University given the chance to put these skitls cluded snowshoeing, skijouring and filed suit to become the first black Elizabeth J. Laidlaw, the associate into practice during a twelve day partying (one gin partied her way out graduate student at the University of dean of student affairs, last week period which is spent at Camp ot KP the next day!) Maryland. After receiving his master's The resignation becomes effective Dawson, West Virginia. The students considered the exer- degree in sociology, he taught at at the end of the spring '82 semester The first day off campus the stu- cise a worthwhile experience. Capt. Morgan State couece (now Univer- The president's announcement noted dents experienced a wind chill factor Mauldin, one 01 the ROTC officers on sity), his alma mater. that Dean laidlaw "gives personal of -45 degrees. The second day was the trip, called it an "outstanding In Congress, he is Whip-At-Large, reasons as the "basts of her decision " even colder, with a wind cnn factor of success." All of the training objec- Chairman of the House Small Bust- Her resignation will end a fourteen -75 degrees. The students were tives were met, and added that he ness Committee, a member of the year service record at WMC thai taught survival techniques, which in- received compliments on the behav- House Banking, Rnance and Urban began in 1966. cluded instruction on the construction ior of the students. Hopefully the Affairs Committee, and former Chair- laidlaw was the dean of women of traps. Many people commented 0fI expedition next year will be just as man of the Congressional Black Cau- until 1974, when a reorganization of how much fun they had killing rabbits successful as this (but maybe a little cue. the oolege placed her as associate for food. A rabbit stew cooking continued to page 7 dean of student affairs. She has
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