Page 51 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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common Jeff Trice to appLylor college admission" Western Maryland has recently The CommonApplication group was Joined the Common Application formed four years ago WIH"l that group, which is a membership thai purpose in mind, but It also serves benefits college-bound students as another purpose exposing Western well as high school counselors and Maryland's name in front of a large college admissions directors. The group of students that the college Common Application is a standard- wants to attract. Presently there .ue ized application which is accepted by over 270,000 common applications over one hundred private, select floating around In over 22,000 high colleges and universities. such as schools, These ligures translate into Dickinson.. Franklin and Marshall, more exposure for the college and Hood, Gettysburg and Muhlenberg, hopefully this will mean more enroll as well as Western Maryland, The use mente at Western Maryland All small of the application can cut down on colleges must face Ihe prospect of the paperwork done by college- declining enrollments in Ihe 1980's bound seniors and is also a help to because of a 'leveling off of the administrators in the college admis- number of eligible college age stu- sion sprocedure. Bays Les Bennett. dents director of admissions for Western Western Maryland is also continumg Maryland, "This is a helpful new to put emphasis on other areas of The Maddon women wait far their men to return in "ladyhouse Blues", presented in Alumni innovation in higher education and productive recruiting Representatives Hall November 21-23. provides an easier way for students from the admissions office will visit over five hundred high schools Ihis Writing requirement rejected " year, some as far north as Massa- and New York. The college ctwssets seeks out students in the spring of their junior year and participates in lee Maxwell. ' the costs it imposed. ment. a member of me UAPCC, the problem, was approved unani- The WMC faculty, m-an extension to Severat. faculty. members debated pointed out that neither this nor any mously by tre faculty. high school days and college fairs their regular monthly meeting. voted the ments of this proposal. Most of other solution would automatically FACULTYBRIEFS held in Baltimore and New York City down the proposed requirement for mose who spoke up were against the banish the problem, and that the --The faculty approved another The staff will also conduct at least every course numbered 200. C': proposal, Dr, Law of the Economics proposal under discussion was only UAPCC proposal to begin using nine hundred on-campus interviews above to include a w-itten paper In ItS Department attacked the proposal one of many other possible solutions "plusses'' and "minuses" when send- and will make over ten thousand general mailings. courseload because in many courses a major Ken Gargaro, head of the Dramatic ing out semester grades in order to The close vote of 31 against th~ paper would not directly aid: an Arts Department, in a comment to give students a better idea of how Last year Western Maryland proposal, to 24 in favor of the pro- instructor in covering the material to Scrimshawsummed up the feeling of well they did processed the second largest num- posal illustrated the cooflicting con- be taught in a course but would the faculty in saying thatu-e proposal --The faculty also approved a third ber of applications in their nistory In cerns they had over student illiteracy actually hinder the instructor and was voted down because it was not UAPCC proposal to rewritethe policy light of this figure, declining enroll- and whether the solution pro- students by piling on unnecessary applicable to all courses. and that concerning academic majors, The ment does not seem to be a trend at posed by tne Undergraduate Aca- work. Dr. Seidel of the same depart- other methods were available most important change concerning Western Maryland at tte present demic Policy and Curriculum ment agreed with law, and charac- Mrs. Elwell'smotion to express official students will be to require that stu- time, but the Common Application is Committee exceeded i~ its benefits terized the proposal as "misguided, concern over Ihe problem and en- dents have a grade of "C" or better another way 10 insure and guard Alumni b~~.~~~~~~~t;~~:d~~ucation Depart- ~~u~i~::~~~rtop:~~~:d~~I~~O~~~~ in at least 30 hours in merr major against potential dropping enrollment figures fund drive A successful season underway Drama brings classics to WMC Chris Soto Mimi Eby, Chris Scotten Louise Burchett, Director of Annual The first half of the 1980-81 Film the Western Maryland College com- for fear of German invasion In their value, they are exciting depictions 01 Funds at WMC, staled that she hopes Series sponsored by the Dramatic Art munity To most students at WMC, rush 10 evacuate, the townspeople the classic war hero to raise $440,000 for the operating Department has come to a close war is but a childhood memory, a neglect to release the inmates of the The last film and probably the one budget of the college buy June of Films viewed this semester were lesson in history or a late night movie local insane asylum. The inmates thaI hits closest to home is Go Tell 1981. Burchett said that $240,000 01 Singing in the Rain, West Side Story, on television. Says Ken Gargaro, "We escape and assume their previous the Spartans. According to some the money wilt be raised by the Jesus Christ Superstar, Cabaret and have a whole generation that has no roles in the community. The English critics it is the "best and most Alumni Fund campaign; the Alumni The Wizard of Oz. All followed the concept of the realities of war." "It is send a scout to survey the town and realistic" film on the Vietnam War Fund being a major portion of the general theme of Great American evident", according 10 Gargaro "that when he arrives the "mayor" and the ever made. Although filmed in the Annual Funds.Fundraising activities Film Musicals. we are gearing up for some type of a "townspeople" proclaim him the early 70's, it is just starting to receive will include direct mail, personal so- The film series is sponsored by the major world conflict. I hope the series "King of Hearts" the acclaim it deserves licitation, and phone-a-thons Dept of Dramatic Art and produced will make people aware of the conse- The series continues with the block- In addition to the film series the Burchett stated. "money comes in by a production crew headed by Dr. quences that much action would buster Patton. Patton is more than Productioncrew is organizing a panel from different sources; alumni, par- Ken Gargaro, consisting of venous produce." just a biography of the man. It is a discussion With local experts con- eras. businesses, corporations, toun- students who majors relate 10 Arts In order to achieve this goal, 6 films biography of war in general, its cerning the possibility and coree- oauore. and friends." According to Production. The series enables the have beet) selected which illustrate toumpns and the tradgedies • quences of a future world conflict Burchett, the majority of the volun-. volunteer staff to gain practical expe- the different aspects of the major Another double feature is also in- CommentedGargaro, "If we are to go teers who help with the fund raising rience as well as a chance to hone wars in this century ctuded in the ware series, The DIrty to war in the future, we must have activities are alumni. Some of the each member's specific interests The first film, NIght of Fog, is a Dozen and Kelly's Heroes. Although sufficient reason. Hopefully the war alumni serve as class chairmans: the A result of the production crew's stunningly graphic documentary the two movies offer us little in the series will wake up the community head volunteers for their specific early planning, diversified promotion about the concentration camp at way of redeaming moral or social alter all, history does repeat itself" class souciationeffort For example, a tactics geared both toward the cam- Auschwitz. A majority of the footage 1941 graduate, who serves as a pus and community, and efforts to was filmed immediately after the class chairman, would contact other provide interesting background in the allied occupation of German Stamps for the hungry alumni who graduated in '41', to ask form of scholarly program notes for Presentedalong with Night 01 Fog is them to contact their fellow class- each film have led to a successful a French film about World, War I leff Trice mates. Burchett stated that last year, season. Audiences for the Monday entitled lit Grand illusion by Jean No doubt by now you have ~...,...,;c.neted through the Heifer classes as far back as 1911 had evening films have averaged between Renior noticed the cclortur envelopes Project International. The Com volunteer workers. . two and three hundred. Each auoi- The next movie is the series is emblazoned with the words mittee collects the stamps and One fun.d raising event, which is held ence contained a healtny mix 01 Paths of Glory directed by Stanley STAMPS!! thaf are posted sends them away to an several times a year, ISthe phone-a- students, faculty, and community Kubrik. In it, Kubrik describes the throughout the college campus. organizafion that sor-ts the stamps thon. Burchett staled that ~tudents movie buffs, The production crew plight of a young soldier and the The reason the envelopes are and sells them, with the proceeds were allen helpful volunteers Involved hopes this interest will revitalize to trauma he encounters after deserting everywhere Is for you loplace your going towards fighting hunger. with the phone-a-thons. Some stu~ even stronger proportionsin February his unit old used stamps in them to benefif If you would like to help. just dents also work at other alumni with a second half of its film series _ Paths 01 Glory is followed by King the needy and hungry around the tear off the corner of the letter with events. and by becoming involved in WAR: A REMINDER of Hearts, a hilarious spoof of WlNI world. the stamp and drop it in anyone of The Chapel Committee is the Next semester's theme has been the program, they learn more about chosen to raise the consciousnessof This film is about a town in France sponsor of this project, which is the cctortu! envelopes in your dorm or by the post office. how the Alumni Fund works that is deserted by the townspeople ..J ....................................................
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