Page 48 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 48
page 4 Scrimshaw November 20, 1980 Terrors edge Hopkins Pat tuce yards. Last Saturday's football game The Terror defensehad its hands between Western Maryland ful! with the presence ot Hopkin's College and Johns Hopkins split end Bill Stromberg. During University was the most exciting the day, Stromberg had 10catches game of the season with the for 200 yards and 3touchdowns. 'terrors coming from behind in the With just over 2 minutes left in last two minutes to win 35·30. the game Selfridge marched the The once dormant offense of Terror offense 89 yards to a 35·30 Western Maryland erupted for five victory. Mixing the expected pass touchdownsand a school record of with some key .running plays, S56 yards In total offense. Leading WMC crept closer and closer to the offensive onslaught was within tield goal range. But with 59 quarterback Jim Selfridge who secondsleft, Selfridge rolled out to weaved his way for 123yards and 3 the lett, did a tightrope act down touchdowns. When Selfridge the sideline and scored the go wasn't carrying the bail, he was aheadtouchdown. handing off to fullback Brian Bain Hopkin's took over and who butled his way for 119yards desperately tried to throw the I and one touchdown. The man but the defense held on tor the catching Selfridge's aerial strikes victory. The Terrors closedout the for the day was tailback Danny seasonat 5-4white Hopkins fell to Fielder who had 4 receptions for 80 1·8. Terrors win scrimmage George Probeyahn (85), ~ick Feurer (33) and Harry Peoples (56) prevent Hopkins' quart~_ack from completeing a pass. Jay Holtzman Wrestlers surprise tourney the The Terrors are back! ·Nowthat thus for has proved himself to be a offensive player, exciting over, truly season football is Western Maryland's championship also seems to be coming into his Jeff Trice 134 pound weight class and Garry stopovers are planned In England, hopes lie with Lester Wallace, own as a real team leader in his Dawson may Colbert won in the 150 pound Holland, Denmark, and Sweden. Scott Peters, and. the rest of the senior year. Jim The Wrestling Team is now bus} weight class. Last year, Garry was This wilt bethe third time Dr. Case WMC Basketball team. last simply be the best point-guard in at work In preparing for their also fifth in the conference for his has taken a team to Europe'and he Thursday night In their scrimmage the MAC. Enoughsaid. home opener to be held against weight class. anticipates a good trip. Says Dr. against Cathoilc University. the Coming off of the bench wlil be Loyola on December S. The team Other members on the wrestling Case."Those guys are a lot of fun Gree.n Team +ccked very guards Dave Engel and Jeff started practicing in early 0<:- team are Wayne Haddick (118 to work with." promising. Rhodes, both of whom wlil play tober. According to the team's pound weight class), Craig After the opener against loyola, Against Catholic, a team that crucial roles as the season wears coach, Dr. Sam Case, they have Freeman and Kevin Clawson (126 the team plays Towsonand James regularly plays nationally-ranked on, spelling Les Wallace and Jim made more progress than any pound weight class), Keith Madison here on December 6. schools I1k~ Ge~get.own, the Dawson respectively. Big men previous team at Western Clawson (l34 pound weight class). Following the team's trip to Terrors dominated In vlf!ually all coming off the bench, Pete Randail Maryland, He also commented Mike Creamer and Glenn Yurison Europe In December and January, facets of the game. The Singularly and Scott "Killer" Kohr, both that although the team Is small In (142 pound weight class), Vince they play Moravian and Gettys- most encouraging aspect was the looked much improved against number, they should be very Bohn (158poundweight class). Pat burg away on February 4. The much improved play of 6'7" Catholic. Big Pete, who may bethe competitive if they stay clear of Griffin (167 pound weight class). team then has four straight home soph~more Doug Pinto. Doug, most laid-beck person in America, a split starting at center, showed muscle even looked mean for injuries, The team plays in the Lee Myers (177 pound weight dates against Hopkins, Lebanon tough Mid·Atlantic Conference, class). Bill Offnet and Lance Valley, York and Delaware Valley and. f~arlessness that he had not second,a definite goodsign. where such schoolsas Gettysburg, Hamill (l90 pound weight class), on February 6, 7, 11, and 14 exhibited last season. If he can be Junior transfer student Steve S'hlp pe ns b ur e , George and John Hackney (Heavyweight respectively. They follow those counted on for the kind of tough Reynolds appears to have a very inside defenseand rebounding skill sweet shot and he and freshmen WaShington, Towson, class) dates up with an away match that Coach Ober would like, this Joe Slier and Brad Pinchbeck Elizabethtown and George Mason later on In the year, between against George Washington on compete. December 27 and January 18, the February 17. This conctudes the could be the most successful WMC should provide bench support at On Saturday November 8, the wrestling team Is going 10Europe regular season. with the Mid b-bail team in decades. - forward. Freshman guard Joe team had a pre-season match at to wrestle free-style with various Atlantic Conference Cham The other trent-court starters, Callahan also showed good ball- York. In this match, co-cepteln European dubs. The trip Is pionships to beplayed on February Scott Peters and Steve Farley, handling abilities. played with usual tough their Well, we saw what happened to ~eith Sta~!! placed second In the arranged ahead of time and 21land21. , enthusiasm. Both seemed to have the football team, who just suf- Bombers rally for 3rd title perfected the game of arever-be!t. fered too many bad breaks. So, the ability to stay in the lane for let's not go talking about National exactly 2.9 seconds, while faking and Championships television dozens of times, before hitting a coverage. Yet. For now, come out Later in the first half, Della of speedster Mike Turner, out with bucket. getting fouled. or both. this our Terrors Keith Stagg's SOyard catch and Badia connected with Spaceman a broken hand... Gourley led At guard, starters Lester and support the first Western weekend In run of a deflected pass with two Robertson on a 10 yard scoring Bombers In sacks while Hiltz Wallace and Jimmy Dawson both Maryland Tip-Off Tournament. It secondsleft, enabled the Bombers strike to put the Bombers up by punishing line play was felt by seem primed for a big season. could be the start of something to nip the Bachelors, 16·14,for the nine. Stagg and tight end AI Fultz continued page 6 Lester, who in his three seasons very exciting for thiscampus. Intramural Football cham- had key receptions to keep the pionship. The Bombers captured drive alive, while Bill Jackson, an unprecedented third straight Scott Baker, and Ron Hiltz title while roiling up 23 wins provided excellent passprotection. without a loss during the 1978,'79, The score remained unchanged and '80 campaigns. until Jimmy Dawson, subbing at Stagg's reception came after the QB for the injured John lathroum, Bachelors took a 14.9lead with 27 tosseda 25yard TO passto Walter seconds remaining on Jody to slice the Bomber lead to 9·7:with Walter's circus catch off a pass just under four minutes left in the tipped by Brad Robertson game. The stage was then set for The Bombers took the ensuing Walter's T.D. reception and kickoff and after two incomplete Stagg's heroics. passes, Joe Della Badia roiled The Bombers, who beat the Phi right and threw down the right Dells In the opening round of the Sideline tor Robertson. Robertson playoffs, 14·9,wound up the season and Lou Beer! went up for the ball at 7·0, whl1e the Bachelors, who which bouncedoff their hands and beat the Bates,16-14,woundups-t. into the arms of Stagg, who sped OVERTIME ...Jeff Vinson, the tinal twenty yards fOl" the Bruce Frick, and Dave Milchling wInning score, with the stunned did fine job up front for Bachelors Bachelors looking on in disbelief. while waging war against Bern- The Bachelors appeared on their bers Hiltz, Bruce Gourley, and Tim way to dealing the Bombers their Duffy ... Big Pete Randail picked first defeat in three years after off two passesfor Bachelors ... The overcoming a 9·0 batt.time deficit "Jersey Connection" (Deila Badia with a furious second half to Robertson) accounted for seven comeback. 'the twc.ttme detendlnq TD's on season while the former champions goton the board first as threw for total of 22and snared 16 an errant snap resulted in a two enemy passes on defense ... point safety. Bachelors played without services
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53