Page 44 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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page 4 Scrimshaw November 13, 1980 impresses campus singing altigator, a love ballad complished brothers that con. The stage exploded in a blare of rock music, hinting of what was to between Popeye and Olive Oyl, a stantly out did him.) come....a figure kicking his legs salespitch by Mickey Mouse,and a McCollum went on to cescrtbe his and sporatically beating at a host of others from Tweety Bird comedy as an "expression of his guitar emerged from the curtain. and Kermit the frog to John wildest fantasies." He explained Stopping at the microphone center Denver and a look at the top forty that "creating a character is stage, Mark McCollum, declared with CaseyCasum stimulating," and drew parallels this his revenge on the years he His guitar playing was an in. to himself by saying. "I am a was forced to listen to Lawrence credible simulation to those he wanting child waiting to be stroked Well< and continued a radical mocked..the Beetles, the Cars, the by my audience." reprise of "Born to beWild " Eagles, Blondie, Billy Joel, Elvis, McCollum was besl expressed The solo performance by Queen and Kenny Rodgers. In through one particular character comedian McCollum on November tertwined with the impersonations he portrayed throughout the were skillfully planted seeds of evening. The character of Yoda 3rd in Alumni Hall, was a cher. humor and wit which were from the much accletrned Empire ming and del ightfu! display comedy at its best. McCollum, an willingly accepted by his audience. Strikes Back who said "Try not interesting character in his own Found in his humor was a satirical Do! Do! Or do not! There is no right, has been seen performing autobiographical look at his own try!" This message from the national television on the Mike life- Many of these reminiscences sagely Jedi Master seemsto be the Douglas Show and has played appeared too cliche' to believe r.e.: motivation of McCollum's life ..the various entertainment spots the nagging father and (two ac- rising comedy Master across the country. Concentrating Biologically bound mainly on the college co-curt at the present time, Mark is fast A life doing time becoming a wei v known comedian. Mc~ol!um introduced an array last Saturday "Water, of characters including an opera Terry Dom formed in Alumni's Understage. Have you ever felt out-ot-svnchwith the day and its actjvtttes? Cross earns Masters chess rank Well, it is possible and highly probable. since time is one arena in which ccttere and nature conflict. Most of our bodily Andi Yob p'rocessesfollow a rhythmic repetition occurring about the same time each day; this process is termed a circadian rhythm. WMC is a melting pot of students leading to an accomplished record education. Majoring in Circadian translates "around a day." (This is not to beconfused pursuing many different hobbies of 2200rating points..enough to be mathematics, David has shown with bio.rhythm, which is compuferized quasi·astrology). and interests. David Cross, a classified asa chessMaster. David himself to bequite competent. last Becausethesecircadian rhythms approximate the day's length, senior at WMC, has recently realizes he "can't make a living at year he was the recipient of the they are also more generally termed biological clocks. achieved a unique level of playing chess," and pointed out nationally acclaimed Putman All aspects of our metabolism tcuow daily cycles. hormone achievement in his favorite pass- that, "chess is not a spectators Award for excellence in levels, urine p~oduction, blood chemistry, etc. Even non time. An enthusiastic strategist of sport or else I would be making a Mathematics and strives to chemical, nen.phvalcloqlcat processes such as the keenessof maintain his excellence this year. gooddeal of money." • that ancient game of war played on David who has been home David realizes that his hobby senses, mental alertness, moodsetc. flutcuate too. The human board with carved figures, chess, body, therefore, keepstime to a variety of biological clocks. David recently earned the Masters tutored much of his tife due to will bring little if anything in t,erms An example of a biological clock which probably everyone has rank of the United States Chess reoccuring illness, has had a ver,), of monetary gain or public witnessed concerns legumes, the family of plants which include Federation extensive education. He wishes to recognition. However. he con. peas and ~eans.These.plants have leaveswhich fold in at night David began playing chesswhen pursue a career in computer tinues to exercise his proficiency in and open m the .mornmg. Day after day, the phenomenon cc- he was six years old. He has since science and is looking toward chess, enjoying the rewards of curs; after "X" amount of hours, the leaves reposition. Even pi'aYed In many tournaments, graduate school to further his personal satisfaction instead. when the plants are placed somewhere out of the sun, the process occurs regularly. Scientists have even "reset" the rhythms of the legumes by exposing them to darkness during the day and light during the evening. After a few days, the plants raise and fold accordingly. Similarly, people possessa behavioral timer which dictates the time to be asleep and the time to be awake. (This circadian rhythm is the constituent responsible for [et-Iaq): The area of the brain which controls this clock has beenfound in rodents,' a cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus seemsto be responsible. When this area is destroyed, the rest-actlvlty cycle is disrupted, and yet all other rhythms remain unaffected. " seems. that the relationship of biological processesto time can be considered a fundamental characteristic of life. A per- son's physiology is a reflection of their endogenous (internal) clocks. In order to retain optimum health, we should become aware of our rhythms and try to harmonize them. Some physicians feel that people who are victims of differences be tween their biological rhythms and cultural timetable are those most likely to suffer from emotional and semenr Illness. Some psychiatrists are even searching for evidence to conclude that depression may be mere desynchronization of basic biological rhythms. 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