Page 46 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 46
Scrimshaw Watertower Leaks Commitment to courage Robert Holt MYSTIC, Conn. Throughout abyss of doubt and resignation to history, there have been moments its predicament. of personal tragedy that became It Is easy to see why Kennedy times of grave consequence for the liked to frequent the New England world as well. The anniversary of seashore. The elements are raw, one such occurance Is this the ocean Is rough and life Saturday, November 22. 17 years threatening. One is constantly ago, a young President was reminded that life is frail and murdered rn e Dallas street. The should not be taken for granted. United States and the world lost a Kennedy recognized that life man capable of strong leadership constantly teeters on the edge of in an era of transition. extinction and should always be John F. Kennedy, being only cherished. human, had his personal and Today, Americans need to be political shortcomings, yet he remainded again of the fraility possessed redeeming cberec. that Kennedy saw in life, and the tertsttc qualities too. The foremost need to reach out and search. of these qualities was courage. Unfortunately, Americans have Kennedy admired men of great become lost in delusion. American bravery, and proved himself a society has taken many things for brave man during a crisis. granted. It lacks the Inner strength However, the true quality of to stand without delusions. The Kennedy's courage was his U.S. sentiment has evolved from willingness to confront the burdens doubt to self-lndulqenoa, perhaps of a nation. He was not satisfied to In an attempt to forget the un. merely accept the known realities certainty that accompanies the of his time, so he sought to reach doubts. out and seek the posslbllltles of As it was 17years ago, America what could become reality. is in a period of transition. Kennedy could find within himself However, It currently lacks a the strength, despite his inner leader who Is willing to search fears, to openly face the nation's today's abstractions for uncertain future. tomorrow's realities. Yet, perhaps It was with this courage that the generation of today can still Kennedy was able to prevent a rekindle the spirit of a man brave nation from sinking in doubt and enough to guide a nation in an complacency during a time of uncertain search of intangibles for disillusionment. Hehad doubts too, an enriched ttte. Maybe Americans Letter to the Editor but he had strength to forge ahead today can find the courage of a well. as for Un man who boldly told the world answers Hearings didn't have the paper I supposedly her the story. The R.A. didn't even fortunately, the young President " ...that the torch has been passed a new generation of to faded away on a sunny November The Honor Board and the bought and recopied but rather see someone actually knock the afternoon, and a nation fell into an Americans ..." Disciplinary Hearing Board are someone thought· I had bought it extinguisher over but stili reported Boxer Short Briefs two organizations that need to be and reported me. With noevidence us for it. I went before this board and was found Innocent of abusing examined. During May of last year at all against me and since I did fire equipment and conduct A toast for the "(" I was summoned at 10:00e.m. to have all of my notes, I was found threatening the safety of others. I appear at an Honor Board hearing Innocent. One can see that this lost some_time studying for my Jay Holtzman alwaysreadytositandtalk. for plagiarism of a research paper. very respectable board had broken tests this week because of this We are in your sorority. We are Professors like us, it seems. My hearing be at 5:00 that school regulations and interrupted hearing.' in your fraternity. We live in Whentheyseeournameonthelist evening, which means I was given my studies because of someone's It appears to me that these two Blanche and 'in Rouzer. We are at the beginning of the semester a seven hour notice of my hearing. false accusations. Maybe the boards should re-examlne their your teammates, your friends, they say "Oh, he get's a "c." No On page 74 of the Student Hend- accuser should receive some sort purpose and stop hearing cases your roommates. We are "C" matter what we do, we always book It states, "The accused must of reprimand for his actions. But that are ridiculous In nature. I students. manage to leave out a key phrase, benotified at least 24 hours prior to this is not the end of this type of have wasted some precious time We don't always get "C's." We or do our addition wrong. Whenwe the hearing." I realized that this buffoonery. on hearings that are meaningless. got an "A" in IDS, an "A" in get our tests back we get little hearing was technically against On October 30th, some friends In the latter case, Dean Laidlaw American Lit, maybe. "B's" In comments like "Keep trying," or my rights, but I decided not to and I were walking through Rouzer shouldn't have even ordered a Gym classes and Intra to Soc. But "Still needs Improvement, but mention this becauseIt was during on the way to a movie in the hearing becausethere was nothing for the most part we get "C'a." better than last time." Just once finals week and I wanted to get It Forum. As we walked through, the board could do to solve this We don't pick up a book on I'd like to seethe comment "Tough over with. I had a final a16:30p.m. someone who I dId not know crime. As far asthe Honor Board is weekends, except during finals luck, buddy" written above the that evening after the hearing. In knocked over a fire extinguisher concerned, It should hear cases week. We're more likely In the pub number 71. other words, the hearing cost me and ran. At that point, the Head that are legitImate. Just because than the library, eating popcorn Well, we "C" students that have an entire day of studying becauseI Resident of Rouzer approached us someonehasa large mouth doesn't rather than studying, and reading stuck things out are to be had to search for notes, the rough and asked us to identify ourselves. mean they know what they're a magazine rather than a textbook. conqratutated . honored, even. We draff and witnesses to support my After that, he requestedwe pick up talking about. Investigation seems But we are not dumb. Often didn't take a year off, and never case. The boards accusation was the extinguisher and we did. The to be lacking in these procedures. we've read everything by Hesse,If come back, or transfer to Towson that I had bought a paper. They following week I was called Into In closing, I'd just like to say that 1 not Dickens. It is us that y~u turn State. Just remember this, if we Dean Laidlaw's office where I told hopesomeonewho has somesay in to if you want to know if a certain weren't here to get "C'e." do you Scrimshaw this area will read this. Until movieisgood,whafwinegoeswith know who would? Yes, the "9" changes occur, I cannot respect what cheese, or who the Colts are students would. So "B" student. Neil Epstein make very goodfriends, as we are you seeone. He's saving your ass EditorinChief. . Bill Byrne thesetwo vital parts of this school. playing next Sunday. Most of us buy a "C" student a beer next tIme Managing Editor ... . SueFrost BusinessManager ...............•..... Russell Johnson Feminism: freedom to choose Photography Editor Adam Wright ~~i:~u;:tz:. . . Keith L. Arnold Bill BYrne on American society. eeerre. recent achievements News Editor. . . . Outlining Stating that her goal was to ~obertDHOIt equal and civil rights Advisor. . . :::::: D~~eg;~elaon~ the Jane Galvin-lewis, a veteran of defIne "what we are talking about in the area of economic rights, Ms. when we speak of feminism," Ms. Gatvtn.Lew!s described her lm- movements and a former Deputy Ad Manager. . Sher-r!Linkoff Galvin Lewis emphasized the pression that attitudes towards the Ad Layout Janet Trainor Director of the Woman's ActIon difference between providing working woman were beginning to ~;~~s~~... Pete Roof..Cris Soto,Mimi Griffin, Karen Street Alliance, urged that the country women with choices and change. Employers are asking begin to address the "philosophy "programming" them into non- "can this person do the job," In. Distribution Manager. . Mlml.~~i.f~i.~,.~:~ M~i~ thet women should become free traditional roles. Arguing that if stead of "does this woman really and have the choice to develop was not necessary for women to need a job?" The falsehood that their potential in, and participation strive to be airline pilots or women don't needto work because on, all levels ofsociety." plumbers, the founder and former they can always count on their Speaking in Western Maryland coordinator of the National Black husbands for support is finally College's Alumni Hall last Tuesday Feminist Organization reasoned fading away, according to Ms. evening, Ms. Getvtn-Lewrs that the real issue was whether or Getvrn-Lewls. discussed the widespread impact not women have the choice to Charging that many lob op- of the women's rights movement pursue such options it they so contlncedjiage 3
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