Page 47 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw page 3 Computers: circuits at your service that the college computer center field of computer work offers much program needed to be expanded. in the way of variety, mobility, and the When Mrs. Johnston came to experience. WMC, the only computer serving According to Mrs. Johnston, the college was a single I.B.M. those people trained In computer machine. science, even If It Is only minimal Twoyears ago,a new machine, a exposure, have a very salable PDP 11, was purchased and commodity. In fact, onesenior who placed In the basement of recently graduated from WMC Memorial Hall where the corn- with only nine computer science puter center Is located. The ex- credits Is currently employed by a panslon continued with nine new large computer firm for $17,000a terminals being Installed In the year. This demand In the job basement of Lewis Hall. Another market for trained computer nine terminals were placed In workers has led to the expansionof various academic offices on the course offerings in the WMC campus to allow the staff easy Computer Scienceprogram, which accessto the computer. Inturn hasled toa search for a full- than ever before, As Mrs. Johnston sees It, the time prctessor for the Computer are playing a major demand for persons trained In ScienceProgram. At the present, I almost every phase of life. computer. work will increase one has not been found, but the . Johnstonrecognizedthis vital tremendously In the next ten years searchgoeson. I of the computer and decided and then gradually drop off. The One of Mrs. Johnston's dlsep- ° preparing \ polntments Isthe fact that somany - • J A • • people are unaware of the resourcesavailable to them at the for success :~~~~tl~o~a~~: :~~~hf;~u~~da~~ computer center. The computer Is that our students really do an study body and stili have room left exceptional job." He pointed out over. Acquiring a log account Is that he does not have to push his simple, and It Is free. Anyone can students. He said, "There is a go to the computer center and spirit of competition, but there is receive an account and ffien have alsoa feeling of responsibility." He accessto any of the programs and print shop. It does such things as Dr. Charles Neal. of the Political credited the apparent success of services offered through the print mailing labels. course science Department. is also using the program by saying, "It has to computer center. schedules, and grade reee+s.rbe the computers for his ownpersonal :~ ~h~r~~~I:~et:t~~:~:s~~~ygood job us~;u~II~e:p:~~~~ghi~~e~~ if~~~:~~~r:;ai~o~I~! f!~~~C~hfr:u~~~~: ~~::~I~~~:e olfss;~~~~~eiU~~~~! en~:r~~t~v~~e :~is~::~eor~:I~~! ~~:~~t:;/ri:~~sIS :~I~~ht:~ ~:~!~~e~=;::~: :'I~~:I~I~~I.~~~~ ~~~!~~on~~~~~~s~o,us~~st~~a~~:: f;~~~~~~:i~:r~~I~~ s~u~~;~~i~~~ ~~:aa~em~en~t~f tfhue n ,~~~~~nee; computer. The new PDP·ll ~~~~~s:tl~~~~i~~rS;~d:~~uc~l~e~~ way. Each group of approximately can also be a learning experience. ~~~:~~ ~~d~~:~Ydot~~tb;rf~CV~~ in many of their political science twenty persons set out with the They can be used to teach the and students. surveys, the computers become ~a~~ta~~~~ o~le~~:,~;g ~~~~~;r~~ ~:!~~~es~bO~~m:OWstu~e~~mph~~: Some of those using the com. ~~~~~\~~:h~:;~lrr~~SsO~:I~~~:d~~~ choosinga product to manufacture come and played the existing ~~;e:~:~~:~s::;I~h ;o~d ~i~~ ':x~ students just what can and what ora service to offer; keepingbooks games and having become bored pect. In fact, the economics, cannotbedoneonacomputerbya :~~i~9ap~~~i:~~ ~:~~e!i~J ~~:~~, ~~:h t~~md::~II~:d t:~~ th~r~:UI~ ~~~~:~~nt:n~r:OI~~~~ ~~ie~~: f~~i~~~p~~~ern~:!~~e;aa~~o;t~~t and producing,' promofing and program for their owngame. Some biggestusersof the computers. Dr. for longhandstatistical work. selling their company's product or of the existing games include ster- TheodoreEvergates. for example, The best way to become j objectives of the se~~~~~course'send, three things :;:~~st~~~~~~~ut:~~~eha{~e;I~~)~ ~~~:sn~y~~ti:~Chl~~::p~~;r:er;: ~~~~e~i~:e~og~~t~nv:~:edc;:~~;~; 1) benefit from the of observation and 2) to ~~:: I~Ui~~~~~~~\~h:~~~~n~h~j angn~~~bt~~e~ainfunctions of the ~~~:~~~r:~!r ~:rs~~~' ~:::ar:~~ !!~~t,bYpl:~es~e~:er~fofheenga:m:~: community because it they must publish an annual report computer center Is that of a ser- At present he is using the com. become part of one of the biggest, of private cern. and 3) they must return dividends vice organization. In a way, the puters for analysis of twelfth and fastest. developing trends of our having to invest time to stock holders. computer center is like a giant thirteenth century censusrecords. society ... computers!*/?"*/i. into the program. re;=~t1~~:~11;~~I:dc~~~:n;~~"'"'-------..;..;~~iiP.;.;;~,;,;,;;;;;;....;;.;;....;~;;,;,;..;;...;..;- is well received by If has proven the Month against 85 competitors in that the WMC Two companiesof seven in Carroll County finished in fir:;t and third Dick Myers positions last year as well. The program, as a result of this record Rebecca Orenstein of achievement, continues to grow each year as students are struc- tured for the businessworld. 848-3040 sharing, Ms. cetvrn-t.ewrs stated i i have beenclosed off to "We are simply talking about the i the name of "protec. fact that there are somethings that from necessary risks, we (husband and wife) can do Lewis indicated her together to make this a better PHOTOGRAPHY the Equal Rights place." Stating that ERA A brief question and answer anything to do with period following the lecture or the Army," she allowed the small, mostly student that it would simply crowd fo query Ms. Galvln·Lewis opportunity for on a variety of topics. Noting that the recent "conservative land· 1805 Old Westminster Rd. also men· slide" in Washington will probably lead to a reductions in many social programs, Ms. Galvin·Lewis Westminster, Md. 21157 observed that "1 think we are in real deep trouble." Shedescribed her expectation that, in regard to the area of equal rights, the next four years may seem like a plunge Wedd ings. Portraits· Dance Photography down the steepest hill of a rolfercoaster. "When we get off, we may say that was fun, but we won't wanttodo it again."
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