Page 45 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 45
Western Maryland College • . Thursday, November 20, 1980 . Volume XII, Number 9 ~~~~~~~ . - -~ -~..- . - - . MAC's Wolfe seeks changes Bill Byrne through involvement The unique feature about this year's Middle Atlantic Conference Volleyball Tournament was that, ~m Oppenheim for once, Western Maryland Every college In the United Degree and Doctorate for ccun- College was not supposed to win. States Is required by law to have a selling In Psychology. She has After losing 5 out of 8 starting TItle IX coordinator. ~elen Wolfe, worked as a counselor at every varsity players to graduation last the new WMC Title IX coordinator level of education and also worked spring, 1980was thought to be a who replaced Joan Coley, In the area of administration, seasonfor "rebuilding." describes her position as a "wide. Including research and evaluation. The Green Terrors have built ranging job" In which she Is "However," she said, "rewards fast, and they have built well, as required to "monitor the equality from counselll~? do not exist In their 27·3-1 record proves. They of opportunity Including fairness of administration. built a team which shut out Gettys- budget, sports, and financial ald." On a voluntary basis, Ms. Wolfe burg College three games to zip In Ms. Wolfe Is the Executive worked with the concerns of .the finals of the MAC's. WMC Director of the American women and educational issues at Association of University Women the New York State Education returned from the November 7th (AAUW) In Washington, D.C. She Department and the Governor's and 8th competition with Its fifth consecutive, and In the words of replaces Dr. Mary Gall Belbel as office. coachCarol Fritz "most satisfying Counselor Education Director and In. 1975,Ms. Wolfe became the "MAC Championship." through these positions and ethers ExecutIve Director of the AAUW, According to Coach Fritz, the In the field of counselling, works whlc: h studies the changes af Associate Athletic Director for for women's needsand concerns. fectlng women students and Western Maryland and currently As Title IX coordinator, Ms. faculty. "Now I'm able to do In her 13th year of coaching Wolfe works with the Department something to see that those volleyball, "we had really come to Headsand faculty members of the changes are Implemented here," play Juniata." The Terrors had college to Insure the protection of she said. Mrs. Wolfe also helped to bowed to Juniata, of Huntington, women's rights. Shealso assists In extend the time II mit for Pennsylvania, during the regular recruiting female members to the ratification of the Equal Rights seasonby a 2·1game margin. But WMC faculty. Presently, only 14 of Amendment. when Juniata lost unexpectedly to the college's 90 professors are After working at. Cornell Gettysburg In tournament pool female according toMs. Wolfe. She University, ~s. Wolfe said that she play, WMC had to change Its maintains personal contacts with entcvs working at WMC, but that strategy and prepare to meet the women where they tend to be she had some trouble adjusting to the size. "I like the size a lot," she under represented. tournamenfs top seeded team in Along with her many respon- said, "and the fact that Western tha sarnt.flnets. slbll1tles at WMC, Ms. Wolfe has Maryland wor~s hard to keep ~heir In describing the Intense rivalry WMC has shared with this con- linkage to several types of external mission as a liberal arts Institute sistantly talented and tough to beat groups such as the AAUW, the clearly defined." . team, senior spiker Jane Garrity Affirmative Action Committee Through her experience, Ms. and the Carroll County Board of Wolfe has seen how politics af· continued WomenCenter fects higher education and the Ms. Wolfe' said that "em- major issuesof legislation dealing with education. She says that her ployment opportunities for women job Is "an ongoing relationship were a problem years ago, but with the purpose of helping Robert Holt The music Nina plays is mostly said Nina. Is the most important through the results of legislation people." A significant proportion Music and Joan Coley's good work, most If was a friendship started with a folk rock from the 1960'sand 70's. tt)lng in the world for Nina. "I hear students are pretty aware and of female students at WMC is helping to raise the consciousness guitar I borrowed Now Nina In the eighth Her selections are basically a mix music in everything. Without supportive." At this point, she towards the women's drive for and of Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell, Dan grade. Blecher musk seem destined to be friends Fogelberg, and some music music I would be unhappy, and said, there have been no definite equality, according to Ms. Wolfe. problems at WMC concerning Title l for t1fe. For Nina, a sophomore composed by herself. Nina said would have twice as many In her opinion, "Changes must Music Education major, a dream that sheadds a coupleof new songs emotions bottled up inside me," IX. Ms. Wolfe received h Masters come through changedattitudes." has come true. Currently she gets +o her routine each week to give it said Nina. "It makes me feel good paid to do something she would do some variety. About her own to besurrounded by music." for nothing __sing and play the music, Nina said that she likes to guitar. compose. She hopes to eventually SGA debates security A regular Tuesday night at- perform using mostly her own traction at Maggie's in West· compositions. minster, Nina said that she never "I try to experiment with my Cases when Security had been appear, Fasano stated that it was seriously entertained thoughts of music. Someof It is good, some of Keith L Arnold called and had failed to respond not his department to handle being a professional singer. Now it is bad. I like to write songsthat Reactions were mixed con- were then brought up. Fasano disputes between students, his job the Idea of a career as a musical allow people to see something cerning last weeks SGA Executive blamed problems with the com- was to handle outsiders. Fasano performer seems more plausible aboutthemselves,"saidNlna. Council meeting with Bob Fasano, munications service the off- stated that disturbances Involving and realistic. Nina comes from a musically Security Coordinator, and three campus answering service students were the Dean's "I love to perform, and to be a oriented family, but has not other campus security personnel. operator failing asleep or responsibility. ham," said Nina. "I like to act." received formal instruction with Dean Mowbray was supposed to problems with giving the correct When asked about this remark, After playing at a Delt "Pixie the guitar. attend aswell, but was not present. call numbers for the beeper Dean Mowbray stated that he Pub" last year, Nina received a lot Despite her increas.e in Fasanorespondedto a variety of system used. "would disagree with that of encouragement from her friends popularity over the last couple of questions concerning campus Fasano seemed uninterested, statement." The Dean feels it Is to audition for a job advertised at months, Nina does not think It has security. In reference to the easeIn according to SGA Vice-President not his job to act as, essentially, a Maggie's. affected her personality too much. which Intruders can get into the Teresa Baker, in getting a new security guard. The Dean's point of "I got a lot of support from my "1 don't think of myself as a dorms, especially the women's, system. John Hines, SGA view was supported by Dean friends. I probably wouldn't have 'star: nor do my friends treat me Fasano cited the combination of Treasurer, suggested a system Laidlaw. tried out for the job If it wasn't for any different than before. Iam just open visitation hours and student using C.B. units. Fasano con- Dean Mowbray stated that this them urging me on," said Nina. a performer, nothing special," apathy as two major problems. sidered this proposal Impractical, disagreement would be resolved so that there is no misunderstanding SGA considers revision reports of their half·hourly checks but suggestedthat Hinescould look concerning responsibilities. staff produced The security into it. It. has since been learned onthe doors of Whiteford, Blanche, that the system suggestedby Hines Executive Council members had Beth Piscora and McDaniel. Entries pointed to is being used at Gettysburg mixed feelings about the meeting. The Ad Hoc Committee of the SGA is currently In the process College. T. Lee Maxwell, Elections Corn- of revising the Constitution of the SGA. Chairman of the Com the fact that the doors had beenleft When asked If there was a need mtttee Chairman, felt that the rntttee, John Hines, says that it neededrevising tremendously open at all hours of the night. for a larger security force, the meeting "wasn't as productive as as it isan old edition and very hard towork with. Doorswere propped openby sticks guards present felt that yes, there it should have .neen." Maxwell SGA President Chris Hartwyk hopes that the new, revised in many cases, and the locking Is a need to expand the force, but blamed both sides for what he edition wi II be ready to be presented to the Senate before mechanism was actually partially Fasano disagreed, feeling that the termed a failure. Carol Conner Christmas break. After the Senatediscussesand approves of the dismantled in one case. Fasano present number of guards Is suf- felt, on the other hand, that "It was amendments, the new Constitution will be presentedto the study maintained that security can not ficient. a constructive meeting." Connor body so that they may vote on it. The Executive Committee of prevent people from entering the In responseto a specific question felt that some questions had been the SGA hopes that by revising the current Constitution, they dorms (short of hiring a guard for concerning a situation In which answered by the security staff, so will beable to avoid technical and procedure roadblocks solving every door) without student security was called and did not something had beenaccomplished. fhe problems brought before them. cooperation.
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