Page 50 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 50
page 6 Scrimshaw November 20, 1980 Music Review Talking Heads: live at The Warner Ught" and at Nov. lHh 7 s concert jungle outing uniforms. Gradually Their set was approximately five (Byrne, guitar and vocals; Tina DougOtte at the Warner, they have in- others joined them on stage: three songs tied together seamlessly. Weymouth, bass and keyboards; There is a very positive trend in tegrated the rhythms and song leopard-skln-blklnl-clad female The band's outrageous costumes Jerry Harrison, guitar and popular music to synthesize black structure of African music with vocalists, a manic bald per- and goofy dancing were high keyboards; and Chris Frantz, and white styles. Naturally, white American rock to produce a truly cussionist, a female vocalist camp, but their Incinerating mustc drums) followed. They were to be rock and roll was originally hybrid musical style. dressed like the lady who used to kept my foot slapping. The best gradually enhanced by four derived from black music, but for The opening act was a very advertise Chiquita bananas, and openingact I haveever seen. others: percussionist, female twenty years the two have existed pleasant surprise. A friend told me King Creole, dressed In super David Byrne, leader of Talking vocalist, keybOardist and bassist. on fairly separate paths. Now we about the openingact for the B·52's baggy mint-green suit. Heads, has recently been delving Second bassist Busta Jones once have mixed bands playing music last week at the same venue, and This is a cajun-reck band from Into traditional African music with sesslonedfor Eno. that uses the best qualities from sure enough,they were there again Louisiana, multiracial, and hot as producer Brian Eno. A very in- I was curtcus as to whether both cultures. Talking Headshave for the Heads. King Creole and the the pavement on Mardi Gras. Try teresting method was used for the Talking Headscould reproduce the always had a slight funky tendency Coconuts walk the thin line bet- to Imagine a cross between soul, recording of "Remain In Light." clangy, metallic sound of their to their sound, and most recently, weentackiness and goodtaste. The ska, and rockabilly. All talented The original four band members recordings. They can quite well. on their recording, "Remain In basic band appeared in futuristic musiclans, these people cooked. were enhanced by other musicians Their set was relatively short, but in slngle·chord jams, rhythmically exhilarating. As a friend saIdafter Bombers beat Bachelors complex, which are very similar to the concert, there Is the feeling that this was not just a concert, African Music. Later Byrne and from page 4 smooth transition from linebacker fine all around game tor Bachelors Eno wrote lyrics and added VOices that something big was happening. David Byrne, a very Intelligent many an opposing lineman... to cornerback while replacing the while center Gilliam Jackson and other Instruments. Looking person {secondonly to Eno,who Is, back the previous on Talking Bachelors beat 8etes on fourth Injured Chet "The Jet" Freeman. recovered from a forgettable Heads records, one sees,from the of course, God). Is creating down, 78 yard TD pass from Freeman suffered leg Injury while performance vs. Phi Delts and superter perspective of the new Lathroum to Dawson to Turner wrest1ing, but hopesto be back on returned to excellence Linemen album, a gradual leaning In this something very new here. quite The older songs were Bombers stili shaking heads over the mat soon... Newcomers Fultz Gourley and Duffy scored first direction. Tuesday night'S concert. Improved by using the large band, Walter's acrobatics which nearly and Vince McDonald played key touchdowns of career this season then, included the augmented and the newer material was more ended their three year reign ... roles in Bomber success this with Gourley also picking off a band, also multiracial, and a very exciting live than recorded, if such Returning from his one year season, with McDonald scoring pass from his middle guard defection to Germany, Kevin both TO's vs. Phi Delts... "Milk position to further add to his funky sound. is possible. It can be argued that The first person to hit the stage "Freshman" McLaughlin made Toast" Mllchllng and Boerl played glory ... Special thanks to Sonja was guitarist Adrian Belew. this music Is potentially boring due Narr and Cathy Gourley for the Belew, who appeared on "Remain to its repetitiveness. The complex rhythms, however, create the Band Concert Sunday awesome cake they presented tha In Light," also accompanied Interest and excitement. Byrne's game... Thanks Bombers after also to head referee Tim Bowie on his "Heroes" tour. lyrics, as usual, are Incisive and Connie Thompson composer who Is stili writing Heckerman, who came out of There, Belew's delightful antics enlightening. I had always read today, Is a modal piece based on retirement for the game, aswell as were the perfect complement to that he was restrained on stage, The Western Maryland College creeo-ren Chant. Student con- offklals Steve Sturiale, Scott BowIe'saloofness. but here hewas obvIously enjoying Band will perform on November 23 ductor Valerie Shryock will con- Nichols, Mark Cavanaugh, and Belew's innovative mastery of himself, jerking his body around at 3 p.m. in Baker Memorial duct this piece. The popular and Regan Smith... Dawson played the electronic capabilities of the like a chicken. The whole band, In Chapel. recognizable "Barnum and excellent game after replacing electric gultar~ls second only to fact, appeared Intensely Involved Under the direction of Carl Belley's Favorite March," by Karl Lathroum, completing several Robert Fripp. Fripp, however, in their music. Their genuine Dietrich, the band will present King is the lively work associated clutch passesto Andy Feinberg In relies heavily on foot pedals, while enjoyment of it crackled off the selections Including the popular with the grand entry at the circus. the closing moments... lathroum Belew uses non, tinkering with his stage like electricity. For the first holiday melody "SIeighride," by "Gershwin,' a medley of songs by suffered a pulled leg muscle but time in a long whIle, I was over- Anderson. "Bagatelies For Band," the composer of the same name, stili managed to hobble for key by the living composer Persichetti wili Include those "oldies but catch to ignite Bachelor scoring Is a three movement work written goodies" from Tin Pan Alley such drive ... Until next year... Sn,nr1~.mIlA~lr& AthletiC Shoe.s another':~::;;;':~:~:.:!B:::'"':';:~:;::::::::::::=;::::::;:::ll~ In a modern style. "Chant and as: 'Strike the Band,' 'I Got r Seeking experienced Jublio," by McBeth, FLEET FEET:,:{ barmaids and waitresses. FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER please ca II 721 - 1440 330 ONE FORTY VILLAGE ROAD end WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 •••••• • •••••••••• -r , All Brands of Athletic Shoes ',> At 6:00 Carriage House Liquors • Don't miss out • • 113 W. 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