Page 42 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 42
Conservatively speaking A people's victory party The true nature of WMC's relationship with the local com- munity is often distorted by sensationalized controversies which Keith L Arnold ballroom, easily over 100yards in victory of Christian intolerence, exagerate popular stereo-types. The inquiring reporter can They parked our car for us. length, and almost as wide. Their establishment manhandling the always find Mr. A. Typical Townsperson charging that "those There was significance In that. The must of been over twenty bars, public's opinion. II was not. kids up at the college are nothing but a bunch of spoiled, free- place was going to be something with ~o bartenders at each. It was Reagan won because the people loading, intellectual snobs." But, not to fear, this appraisal will posh - fhals what it would be, posh. spectacular, the band was roaring wanted him. be feverishly countered by the average student: "Well, what do All of Washington's fat-cats would and the huge room was filled to The tur-n-cut was high, you expect a 'townie' to say'!" The cliches are exchanged in a be there, talking and drinking capacity. One more small person something that Is supposedto hurt never ending cycle. Perhaps it might be a valuable exercise to aloofly in their tuxedos. might have beenable to fil, maybe. Republicans, but Reagan won. review the status of this relationship without the distractions of These were the thoughts going It was soon clear that it would Carter was the incumbent but a debate concerning an emotional issue. Forget the sen- • Ihrough my head as three friends indeed be a victory party, as the Ronald Reagan won. Anderson sationalism of "animal mutilation" or the emphasized frien- of mine and I walked through the east coast results alone buried ran, but Reagan took a majority of dliness of the Homecoming phenomenon. What are the (fay to underground parking garage of the Carter. And sothe Robber-Barons, the vote. Reagan is a conservative day interactions of WMe and Westminster'! How might they be Washington Hilton. Four young the corporate heads . the infamous extemlst. he was not middle of the changed for the benefit of beth" people - we would be totally out of "powers that be" . had triumped, road enough to win, but he did win The college directs many efforts towards improving "town- place at the Reagan Victory and they savoured the spoils to 489f049, in the electoral college. gown" relations. "Working to make people feel welcome at Watch. come. He won in the North, he won in WMC,' is how one administrator described this goal. In many This was the celebration. The TV With the decision no longer in the South. He won in the Easf, he ways, the college has a lot to offer local residents. Instructors networks would all be present, and doubt, I began to look at these won in the Wesf. He won among and professors often provide lecture services to local everyone there, with the exception villians. They were black and men, he won among women organizations. Lectures, concerts, and other college sponsored of us, would beworthy of coverage. white, male and female, young and Reaganwon among Americans. events, although not overwhelmingly attended, do draw local For this was a gathering of old, married and single. It was not At the same time men like interest. Republicans, that m oney- a room full of fat, cigar smoking McGovern and Church and Bayh A few years ago, the college sponsored a series of courses grubbing, racist, elitist, sexist, and WASP males, but a room full of lost. It is something that the media designed for' non-students. Lack of responseplayed a role in the generally crooked breed of "Hispanics for Reagan" signs and and those of us that are still living disccntination of this program, but it is an example of the mankind that is trying to subvert "Lithuanians for Reagan" buttons in the sixties, are going to have to college's willingness to experiment with new ideas this country for their own private There were no tuxedos, there learn. These are the eighties. Student run campus organization possessa great potential for gain. were few vests. I felt overdressed, Afganistan, Iran as well as in. improving college-town relations. There are many community I remember telling John' that I as I desperately tried to scuff up ttatton and unemployment have projects which are in great need of volunteers. Students can fill this void. Activities of this type have already been undertaken ;;;~~~d:~:b~~~ pbo~iS~:do~i::~:i~hO~~~i~~~~~~e;~f:~t j:Cek:~e ~:na::;us~::S~~~m!~:pa~;:~;~~~: by many campus groups, including the sororities and frater- shoes. I was only joking, but deep- Everything was informal. No present. Re-evaluation has taken nities. The success of these efforts shows how effective over- down I half believed it. pretentiousness, no aloofness. Just place. And the country voted for tures of this nature can be, but there is room for expansion. They actually let us in. I mean a bunch of people joking that the Reagan. Simple economic reasons are the basis of many college- we had tickets, but I figured we drinks were too expensive because Rosalyn says she's bitter, Amy is community ties. The-college is an important source of job op- would have to take a blood test, of four years of Democratic ad- no longer in power, and Jimmy portunities for Westminster residents. Many local businesses and when it wasn't blue enough,we ministration. says "he will abide by the decision actively seek the patronage of the college population. Having a would be out in the cold. But they Thats what this election was all of the people." Thats rather co. private college in the area is also an asset that can help attract didn't even check the tickets about. Liberals tell us that it was a vlous isn't it as obvious as 489to newbusinessesto Westminster This economic relationship works both ways. Last year, the We made our way to the huge reactionairypower_politicsandthe 49 college raised over $45,000from local groups and individuals. Future fund raising programs will continue to count on the Letter to the Editor community for financial supporL It is important to guard against expecting too much from this relationship. The\e are limits to the types of activities that are A reassuring celebration to announce his defeat, made his defeat speech at 10:00 of common interest to such divere groups as a college campus I and a few thousand other people This was his nice way of telling us and a small town community. It just isn't realistic to envision concession Here at a Reagan'vicfory'party in that we could go home, that the students and-local residents sitting around in the pub sharing the I had been curious how the Nashington. By 9:00 that night the election of 1980wasover. local news. But what are those limits? They can't be clearly president would go about the mty source of excitement was the In conceading at that hour, designated. They must be explored and experimented with. In bus+ness of conceadin-g the rtete races in the west. It was clear Carter was doing three things that many cases, the trial and error process must be adopted presidency to Ronald Reagan is that Reagan had. his victory, and he has become accustom to: Some programs will be successful, others will not. But if the such a thing was in the cards. As it that source of excitement had ignoring his aids, ignoring his college and the community take the time and effort to learn how turned out, the President's con- faded. By 10:00west!1I had no idea supporters; and Carter's greatest they can work together effectively, both will benefit. cession was a rather reasuring bit who was to be victorious in most of downfall, ignoring the obvious. of history. When Jimmy Carter the western states. Soit came as a It was 7:00 in the west, the time picked up the mike at his 'victory' rather nice surprise that Jimmy that there are usually lines outside every voting boofh. In many areas, The holocaust: A Jan Term perspective the" lines ace heavlly Democrat. When they heard that Carter had epitomIze the "heartbeat of the half-hoor sessions to get to know ccnceeceo. most of just turned and Debbie Wooden Jewish/Christian consciousness" course.' each other and develop mutual went home. I am flvt trying to say Author and theologian Harry J. in a January Term course entitled Other assignments Include the trust. By having students oriented that they might have given Carter Cargas has stated that "the "After Auschwitz: Reflections on reading of Night. a novel by the to open discussions, they can a victory had they s.tayed and massacre of Jews in nominally the Holocaust." well-known Jewish author Ell vicariously experience the sur. voted (nothing could have saved Christian the greatest Holocaust survivors will be WIesel, and the viewing of several vivors' Individual accounts and him at that pOint), but his early tragedy tobefal! us...," Christians Invited into the classroom to documentary films. The students learn to identify with the personal concession probably changed the and Jews alike. present their personal accounts of will p a r tlclp a t e In a aspectsof the Holocaust. outcome of many other elections Students at Western Maryland the mass slaughter of Jews In Jewish/ChrIstian dialogue to January Term at Western and ballot questions in the west. A College, who are predominantly Germany. Dr. Ira Zepp, associate further broaden their un- Maryland offers a curriculum' Reagan fearin", Democrat no Christians, will examine the professor of religious studies, "moral and religious significance believes these personal stories of de~~I~I~::~t other January Term ;e~ii~:ntati~::\~ hl::~~i~~ beY~~d ~~;~t~h:a~ra~~~ :~j~a~~a~~n t~~ of the Holocaust for the this tragic historical event courses, "After Auschwitz: the regular liberal arts program. lines to vote. The election was Reflections on the Holocausf' Is During this period students pursue over, Jimmy said so. intense and highly emotional. one course or topic in depth in a In his speech, Carter did not say Scrimshaw Students are required to spend concentrated manner. :~I;n~e~~~~::v~~~ :::t\ae~~:~~~J stated that people had not voted Editor in Chief. ............ Bill Byrne A Study of Rugs not contrtbote tohis failure. Carter Managing Editor .. ..... SueFrost weaving and dyes used in each," against him, that he as an in- Business Manager . ... Russell Johnson Debbie Wooden said Dr. MacDonald dividuaL as a leader was not the Photography Editor .. .. Adam Wright A courseonthe art of the oriental Dr. MacDonald is renown for his object of any 'anti' voting. He left News Editor .. ....... Keith L. Arnold rug will be offered during the expertise in the art of oriental rug· that night with the impression that Feature Editor .. ............. ," RoberlHolt January Term at Western making and has taught courses on he was a good president and that Science Editor.. . Terry Dom Maryland College beginning the subject at George Washington hehad donenowrong. I think back on the times that I Advisor. . . Dave Cleveland January 5 and the Smithsonian Institute. This considered that Jimmy Carter Ad Manager. . Sherri Linkoff Dr. Wm. Allan MacDonald, local the second time the course is ct. might have learned something Ad layout. . Janet Trainor resident and professor of art and fered in the area. while in the White House.The Idea Layout .. Pete Roof,. Cris Solo, Mimi Griffin, Karen Street archaelogy emeritus at George Field trips will include visits to that maybe a second term Carter Typist. . . Mimi Griffin, Pam Owen Washington University and former the textile museum in Washington, would be better than a first term DistributionManager. ······LesMartin art professor at WMC, will teach D.C., and to commercial oriental the course focusing on the rug dealers and private collectors. Cader. I even considered that a Sujmsh~w is a stu
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