Page 40 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 40
page4 SCrimshaw November 6, 1980 Intramural football play-off preview Senior A Bomber 14·7, doubleovertime with 1:30 left in regulation play from theplayoffs. field generalJeff Funk will throw Recital win over the Preacherslast Friday knotted the score at 7·7. Stagg's The Bombers, Division A to GeorgeBclnls, Hunter Steadley, Westminster, Md. Deanna concluded the regular season In- first half interception return of a champions,-meet the Division B and Wade Heck. SteveAsroff and Taytor, rnearo.soprano, will tramural football action for 1980. Bob Heathpass,madepossibleby runner-up Foghorn Leghornin the Rick Morai spearhead Gamma present a senior voice recital at Four tp.ams will now enter the a RonHiltz block,put the Bombers openinground of the playoffs. The BetaChi's line play. WesternMaryland Colegeat 3p.m. playoffs with hopes of garnering up 7·0. In the first overtime, other contest pits the B Division The Bombersmustovercomethe on Sunday, Nov. 9 in Levine thetop spot. neither team was able to score champion Bachelors against the loss of defensive ace Chet Recital Hall. She will be ec- Keith "Herbie" Stagg scored from the tenon four downs.On the Betes. second place finishers Freeman, out with a leg injury, if companiedat- the piano by Brent both Bomber touchdownsas the Bombers next possession,Stagg behind the Bombers, with the they are to defeat a Leghornteam Hylton,assistantprofessor. Preacherscame up just short of a hauled In a pass from Joe Della winnersto meetin thefinal. ledby Dave Engeland DougPinto. A student of Julia T. Hitchcock, victory that would haveresultedin Badia in the right flat and dove The Bete-Bechelorgame figures Brad Robertson does double-duty Miss Taylor will sing a group of a three-way tie for the division untouchedIntotheendzonefor the to be a ctesstc.The Bachelorswill for the Bombers at split end and Brahms songs,operatic selections crown between the eetee, Bern- score. The Bomberssubsequently rely heavily on the right arm of cornerback. by Weill, Ponchielli, and Gounod, eere. and Preachers. Brian prevented the Preachers from John Lathroum in their quest for The Bombers, undefeated and a group of British/American Zawacki's TO passto JoeChildrey scoring, thus ellminatihg them the title. Lathroum has several champions the past two years, songs. 1 Miss Taylor, graduate of Mid. ,"Rocky" at WMC fleet receivers to throw to ln. prevailed over the eetes. 14·7,in dletown High School, is the incredible cluding Lou Boeri, Jim Dawson, the four overtime and Mike Turner. Jeff Vinson, Bruce Frick, Pete Randall, and championshipgamelastfall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald As of Scrimshawdeadline,dates Taylor ofMiddletown from page 2 gets sprayedwith water. Thepeak Dave "Milk Toast" Milchling and times for the games had not Therecital is free andopento the suspense,tragedy, comedy, pithy of insanebehavioroccursduring a anchor the Bachelor line. Bete beenset 1e!"~bl;!£,.~ ...J ~~~~~ acnoar;i:t~~i':hO~~;n~n~:; ~~~: t~~~~~a~~:~si~n~~: f~~~i~~ Japanese land'with techno-pop audience off. The only element ~!~n~~~:I~d t~~e:~~:n%~r~;a~~ Japanese gentlemen named. extenton"Freedom of Choice." ~~~i~~aitn~':.sfil:tiSr:m~~~er~~; ding in the aisles and on their Dcug Otte Sakamoto, Hosono, and The Japanese psyche is still audiencethat thewholesituation Is chairs. Throughout the movie the . First the Japanese invade us Takahashi, but they complement mysterious Their ancient contrived. It really does not narrator appears to explain the with their stereosand their autos, their sound with other musicians aesthetic guidelines seem so matter, the peoplewho'go to see transition between scenes. The now it's pop music. What next? anda computerprogrammer. Now strange to us. How can we ever RockyHorror dose for onereason, manis jeeredby theaudience,who I've always been fascinated with to descr ibe th ei r hear a piece of music as they do? to raise hell. veue "BORING" at the man each Japaneseculture, old and new. In sound...remember Astro Boy, the Still. they've been Westernizedto From the beginningto the endof time he appears on the screen. the past year I'd readthings about futuristic Japanese cartoon with some extent. The harmonies and the movie, the audience plays a Theseare only a few examplesof a Japanese gr.oup called the funky sleek electronic sounds? melodies on "X Infinity game of anything goes. In a theweird activities that take place Yellow Mag IC Orchestra Keepthat in mind. Snappydrums Multiplies" are very Westernpop, wedding scene of the movie, the in theaudienceduring themovie. assaulting our shores. Abou. a -propel electronic popmelodiesand but there's a strange tinge about church people throw rice at a Long after the crowd had emp- year agothe UnicornTimes called synthesizerfarts under occasional them. It's like looking through wedding couple and the audience tied the Forum, I decided it was the Yellow Magic Orchestra Jor electronicized vocals. Listen to, Japan's eyes at us. Maybe not throws rice at the screen.A little safe to leave the projection booth. YMO to save ink) a Japanese these fa b song tit Ies : quite asstrangeas the surreal yip- later at a dinner at Frank N. You could notwalk acrossthefloor version of Kraftwerk. More "Technopolis," "Citizens of yapping of the Plastics (who must P F,"oprt~~'ed',".n'tdl~heaa~~:~~et:~~~~ :~~~~'t::~~~\~~le~~ b~~~e~n~:;!: recently, Rolling Stonesaid they Science." and "Solid State Sur. be heard to be believed). but u" half eaten hotdogs, and other are the biggest ba~d in Japan. So vtvor." Yes. something like strange. On "X Infinity ~~~t~~, ::~ad~ n~~::~t t~c~~e~~ unidentifiable things. I got the whena copy of their latest LP, "X Krattwerk, but not Germanat all, Multiplies" there's a very the front row at this movie. Later impression that evening that the Infinity Multiplies," popped i~ about half imitation Yankee and distorted version of the Beattes. in the movie, there are three rain WMC concept of participating in front of my orbs In the store. half pure Jappo. The lean, clean "Day Tripper" which would scenes, and it does not matter Rocky Horror is not quite the way couldnotresist thetemptation soundof the technologicalage.To probably send a Beatles fan where you sit because everyone it was intendedto be. YMO are' basically three me, the perfect pop music: very screaming into the laws of a p;.~",", ;..;;.;;,; ~~;..;------------., ~::~e:~I~, :~ito~nt!lil;~~:: ~~~fi~:';;;i~~~;::{~ ~vheant\~ap~;eersee·~e~1:; bored.) DEVO probably tried to to listen to on our Japanese imitate their sound to a small stereosin our Japanese cars? "Lady house blues" ., I Art is in preparation for its second Theatre Center and has had two The Department of Dramatic New York productions. "Ladyhouse Blues" is a study of major production of the season. Director Tim Weinfeld has womenwithout men in World War selected Eileen Riley, Robyn I, St. Louis.It Isa story ofcourage, Quick, Lori McCoy, Laura Dick strengthand pride during a period and Stacey Pfieffer as the cast of social and economic which wtll represent those who deprivation. "Ladyhouse Blues" sing "Lady houseBlues." Theplay, will be performed onMainstageof by Kevin O'Morrison, was Alumni Hall at 8:15 P.M. on developedin 1976 as a part of the November21, 22 and 23. It is free National Playwrights' Co..oference for members of the college cern- at the Eugene O'Neill Memorial ~- HOUSE OF LIQUOR Budweiser 12-oz. cans With coupononly $2.38 a six-pack expires11/13/80 848-1314 WITH A HA1RCUT ...WITH THIS AD WHILE SUPPLY LAS1! 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