Page 126 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 126
page 6 Scrimshaw April 30, 1981 Kim Oppenheim With the anticipation of summer the Potomac River Basin for flatwater, comes the motivation to become beginning whitewater, and intermedi- reacquainted with the out-of-doors. tf ate whitewater paddling you're going to be in this genal'at Other outfitters. such as Blue Ridge area for the summer. you may be Outfitters in West Virginia and Moun- interested to know that Marytand alone contains 31 state parks and tain Streams and Rivers, in Pennsyl- forests. In Marytand and the sur-. vania, offer similar class III whitewater rounding area. a wide variety of rail trips The sport of spelunking. or caving, summer recreation is offered, includ- is a rapidly growing one. and one ing. hiking, rafting,,:.nd spelunking Since the onty equipment needed which recunes alertness and com- for hiking is two functioning feet and mon sense since it can be somewhat a comfortable pair of shoes, it is the dangerous When entering a cave. most popular outdoor activity. Most 01 you face nature in-a very consistent the state parks have marked trails or and uncompromising state. The tem- self-guided nature hikes. In the Appa- ",,=,_,_·c'''''''_~ perature is usually 55, the floor is wet mud. and the walls are cold rock. In tacran region of the state. state most caves, the size changes from forests such as Swallow Falls and spacious rooms to narrow crawlways Savage River State'Fcrests are popu- lar for hiking and overnight camping through which you must squirm through on your stomach Savage River State Forest in Garrett Because of the difference in envl- County is the largest of Maryland's ronment, certain equipment is 're- state forests and comprises about quired, including 2 changes of 53,000 acres of wilderness. Trails wind through forest growth such as clothes, a light source, and a rope wild cherry, sugar and red maple, West Virginia is a popular caving white pine, and hemlock area with the Monogahela National Along the trails at Swallow Falls.also Forest. This area includes Spruce in Garrett County, can be found some Knob/Seneca Rocks National Recrea- of the states last remaining virgin The' great outdoors tion Area and Dolly SOds Wilderness hemlocks and a spectacular 51-loot Area. In addition to spelunking, these waterfall. The Youghiogheny River places offer activities such as back- also passes through the woods and packing, rock-climbing, and rafting Maryland has about 80 caves, al- rock gorges of the park, with its rare ing trails along streams or through forests, several private outfitters offer several riffles and ledges, and a though most of them are inaccessible red pine plantations. Although the the woods raft, canoe. or kayak trips. River and series of rapids in the class III to the oubuc. Most of the available park itself is somewhat small, the Green Ridge State Forest, 20 miles Trail Outtttters. in Knoxville. Maryland, category. (Class X is the most difficult caves are in Washington County, trails are scenic and well-marked east of Cumberland in Allegheny sponsors a Shenandoah River Raft rating of rapids.) A more difficult trip, including Crystal Grottoes, the only The well-known Cunningham Falls County, is another favorite 01 hikers Trip at Harper's Ferry. It passes the North Branch Raft Trip, consists commercialized cave in the state State Park actually has places to vislt and campers because of its abun- through the final stretches of the of class Ill, IV, and V rapids and runs So after finals week, if you feel the other than the Falls. It occupies dance 01 wildlife. including wild tur- Shenandoah where it crosses the for thirteen miles need to release excess energy or nearly 5,000 acres in the Catoctin key, grouse, and deer Potomac River River and Trail Outfitters also offer recover losl energy, try doin~· it Mountains and contains many wind- In addition to state parks and The moderate 6-mile trip consists of canoe trips and canoe camping in cutsloe-u's fun! Foreign film festival Science two..." -"Take Terry Dom Doug DUe pure filmgoers delight There are at fulfillment of his vow is on film Since 1853, acetylsalicylic acid has been on the market, ano The month of May will be pure least two films being screened every Bergman's most recent work, "'From since that time, aspirin has been the home remedy. Aspirin is heaven for Baltimore area film buffs day, sometimes three. An overview of the Life of Marionettes," which I currently undergoing critical investigation. As well as being an An organization called the Baltimore the festival's schedule reveals a good believe hasn't made it to Bawlamer antiinflammatory, an analgesic (relieves pain) and an antipyretic Film Forum has organized the 12th balance between traditional, esteb previously. rates two showings (lowers fever), new medicinal roles are tentatively being assigned to Annual Baltrmore International Film lished directors and on-the-fringe un- "guoe Boy." a British rock film star- the drug. A lot of research is being conducted to support or disprove Festival. which will be held at the knowns ring the Clash. was generally panned these new hypotheses Charles Theater from April 30 to May Some of the selections that caught in New York, but I'm going to give it a After more than a century of familiarity with aspirin. rt has only 14. The program planned is enticing my eye area: a 23-minute documen- chance. Lina wertmcuer's '"Blood recently been proposed that the drug may retard cataract formation indeed, consistinq of a mixture of tary of Werner Herzog eating his shoe Feud" should prove interesting, if she The more astonishing of aspirin's new abilities concerns its mostly recent European. American (no lie) The wecoeren-eeeteonener was successful in uniting star Sophia anticoagulant property and how it may help to prevent heart attacks and Japanese flicks. This doesn't director said be would ingest his loren with her politico-sexual over- In 1975. aspirin underwent a three year, 17 billion dollar clinic appear to be a real "festival" in the hush puppy if American Errol Morris tones (sounds like a bad combina trial to test the tatter supposition. The results were not as positive as sense of includil1g awards and bor- made a film about pet cemeteries. He lion) anticipated. but many doctors and researchers want more studies ing, snotty speakers. It is, instead. did t''eetee of Heaven") so Herzog's performed betcre they will concede Researchers are hesitant to accept the failed test results as Jr. Senior Banquet Every Which adequate proof because their hopes are anchored in a seemingly strong rationale. Aspirin does have the property to impede blood clotting. Blood clots are the cause of many heart attacks. Oeducibly, Friday May 8 Way aspirin may prevent heart attacks The pharmacology of aspirin is such the drug blocks the enzyme cyclooxygenase which is required for synthesis of prostaglandins, But Loose hormone-like Chemicals. Prostaglandins can be secreted by every 'Jr, = $13.00 Sr. = Free cell; common effects of their secretion are fever, pain and inflammation. These psueco-normones also stimulate platelets in the Get tickets today by 1,:30 blood to begin forming clots inside the arteries - hence, linkage to heart attack prevention. Even though the controversy continues, many doctors (Juniors are Free next year) Friday the phrase. "two (aspirin) a day are better than an i medicine. 7, 9:15, 11:30 Summer Counselor Positions Available HOUSE OF LIQUORS {!a'l.'toff Pfaza, 1-... OM A.ppliCfl"t.a"'_HI"C(lItOifh~""'th 1981rnmp_. Special Decker '" /II~1aI1_u..; A11I .. CruIb, "-rlo .. Craib 01_'-, &"",,,,," Dirn:ior, "-I'd~"" PI_ T.,,~.., Trunopoli,.~, G,"'1NUIINl,Plloillflm. "-C<'CIonhok for ut/Dlllu. ',,"~i,._m"",. ek. S_roiR /''',. WJII'. Wriu, C
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