Page 109 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 109
April 9, 1981 April 9, 1981 Scrimshaw page 5 page 4 Scrimshaw . ...... iI:iI:iI:iI:iI:~clc ......·*iI: .~iI:***************************** l ~**** ~~ ~ ******* ******** ~ ********* SGA Offices ~ 00000oo Judicial Board 000000000000 vole lor 3 00000oo ooooooooooooo 14. (See WMC today in a law office. I will do my best to be Glen Pruitt Chapel Committee, Freshman Advis- President 00000oo ice-President Julie Olmsted fair and responsible if l'rn elected to My name is Glen Pruitt and I am ory Council. and Christian life Coun- My name is Julie Olmsted and I am this position a sophomore English major running Thank you for your time. running for a position on the Judicial cil Holding a position in any organiza for a position on the Judicial Board. I Very truly yours, Board. I am a sophomore psychology tion requires one to be responsible; The SGA must be respected on Scott Lohmann would like to become more involved Julia E. Olmsted major and I would like to become Teresa Baker campus for it to achieve any of its in college activities and I am very more involved in student government being elected by the student body demands one to be even more goals. This respect must start with the My name is Scott Lohmann, I am a interested in this particular aspect. I Darryl Grant here at Western Maryland College. I dedicated to the job. If elected. I will My name is Teresa Baker, and I am attitudes of the SGA officers toward sophomore in good academic stand- feel that I am able to handle the Kurt Lentz have had some experience in govern- try my best to fulfin the trust placed in running lor the office 01 President 01 the SGA. If the officers believe that ing and I am running for Vice- responsibility of this position, having ment _. most ,notably being elected me by you the voters. the Student Government Association Student Government is important at President of the SGA. I have had had experience in dealing with peo- Julie Morris Junior Class President at my high Thank you very much Because of my SGA involvement in Western Maryland, they are unlikely experience in various student activi- ple through sorority. Yearbook Com- school. Here I have been involved in Yours truly. the past. particularly this year, 1have to hold meetings iuaticaly and to ties and organizations such as Vice- mittee. and working for several years Lynn Sanders several organizations, including Glen C. Pruitt an appreciation for the amount of leave the students uninformed as to President of my Ireshman class last 000 work involved and an understanding what the SGA is dOing year, member of the College Activi- of how the SGA should run I recognize the importance of the ties Program Board and an SGA hall Keeping honest and open commu- SGA and have this kind of respect for representative. My experience in '82 Vice-President: '84 President: nication between the student body it. I can not say that I will be the these positions has enabled me to for the first time. Last Through my participation I have be- and the administration is an essential perfect SGA President. However. I do see first hand the problems concern- Jay Edinger come very familiar with the obliga- Chad Woodburn responsibility of the SGA. Next year, if promise to try to keep an open mind ing student social life on this campus odd people participated My name is Jay Edinger and I'm tions of class government. In addition This year over 120.people elected. I will try to keep in close and 10 look for more student input I am quite angry about the current stage. Without a doubt WE running for Senior Class Vice Presi- to this experience I offer my eemosr- Robert Michlowitz Special Events Subcommittee of the contact with the student representa- than we have had in the past. I shall administrative decision that have ad- BEST! Your support, coop- dent. This year. as in previous years, asm and imagination to the admrus. People vote for non-conformity This College Activities Program Board, tives to student-faculty committees so also be willing to accept criticism of versely affected our social activities enthusiasm made all my I have devoted much effort and time tration of the Senior Class. Thank you is your chance to put a non-conform- work lor Scrimshaw and am Corte that the students wil] be better in- my administration As it currently stands there are no 01rehearsals in the forum into our class functions like May Fair, for your support. ist into office. Why conform to present sponding Secretary of the formed about coney matters that I hope thai you will consider me for section parties. no cafeteria parties endless hours of planning Homecoming, and Junior Follies Jay Edinger standards, change things. Vote for Student Union directly affect us SGA President and in fact there is only one place on someone who is active. dynamic and Now when you vote lor Class forum worth it. I agree article from Scrimshaw that Day. This. for a change. was due to a non-conformist. And now for some- president consider what you Treasurer OOOOOClOOOOO000000000000 few (make that more than a Jay Wingate greater class involvement. It was no thing completely different. Cool Bob the non-conformist OOOOOQOOOOOOOOO i on exams during follies is longer just 5 to 10 of us working on Hi Mouseketteers! My name is Rob- formity. Along with conformity the friendships and pride I I am vice presidential candidate the float but as many as 20 to 30. ert Michlowitz aka Cool Bob. That's no imagination. Fellow students, directing follies Jay Wingate. Most who know me Finally, nearly half of our class was right. the one and only Cool Bob is repeat the non-conformist oath I am aware that the office of Caryl Connor tenlly fulfill the outce of treasurer the student government members are Treasurer is a large responsibility to see our class continue to know that I am a qualified candidate involved in the successful Junior running for president of the sccro- I promise to be different. to represent the majOrity of students. Follies who has been involved in the class, more Class. I thought of slandering I promise to be unique, Most importantly. I have had three experiences through our Dear Students, years 01 experience working with the leadership should be able to From my active involvement in the in parties. picnics, floats, in the athletic program, and in the In the athletic program. I have been my opponent. but I decided to run on I promise not to repeat As a candidate for the treasurers budgets as crass president in high understand the student government SGA during the past two years, I I have prepared and fraternity system a statistician for the basketball team my own record. two arrests, no things other people say. office, I am asking for your vote in the school tn addition I have had book' organization. as well as understand- have become intimately familiar with for Junior Senior Banquet My class involvement started my for the past two years and also a convictions. But senously. I am in- When you go to polls just upcoming S.G.A elections. After a keepi. xoenence working with the mq. listening to, and reflecting the the responsibilities of the SGA. Freshman year and would freshman year when I accepted the statistician for the football team this volved with many campus activities. cer a vote for CooLBob is a vote year of serving as chairperson of the campus Sun Paper and Washington needs of those they represent. I feel work on the Executive Council Ii to see it through. We stili unopposed office of historian. The year. I have also been involved in all I'm on the SGA Fitm Committee. the non-conformity. housing committee. and as a member Post accounts that I am qualified to both fulfill the year has broadened this earn some money lor this lack of student involvement that year intramural teams of the S.G.A executive council. I Beyond fulfilling the budgetary duties of treasurer and act as a Furthermore, my work on d4ring this year's May Fair. made me want to change things. I Freshman year I also accepted the have a strong deane to continue duties of the treasurer, I want to responsible voice on the executive shaw, has given me a larger scope 01 I have also set up. As you soon learned that getting the class responsibilities 01 fraternity life. Con- Ken Schaefer the project of putting ·next year's working in the Western Maryland continue 10 be a voice in the execu- council. Once again I ask for your information concerning the needs and my office ends previous to involved and together was a growing trary to popular belief there are Student Register together Student Government tive council and student senate. As in support in the upcoming election. problems of the students on this events. I have shown you my process, finally climaxing with Junior responsibilities to uphold. It's four- Freshmen, Not only have I done my part in the My past service in student govern- the past, I am an open person who Caryl Connor campus. I understand the responsibil- I hard wor'K. and entbust- Follies. As sophomore class presi- year "contract" in which you must get My name is Ken Schaefer and I am past for the class of '84. I have made has given me the listens to all points of view before ity involved in the position 01 Trea- class. I ask you now to dent, it was great leading a group involved by holding offices and do- running for Sophomore Class Presi- plans for future events The freshman p;:.,;,i__ iiii_i;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9" Liescheidt surer, having worked with the present me. for your Senior Class who helped make that year very nating some of your time to in order dent. I am presently Freshman Class class already has their bids in for fruitful. Everything we did was a in the Treasurer during the past year to get the most out of it and become social events President and feel the knowledge I next year's I not only understand these respon- Stick with success 1"11get success. I felt that I couldn't hold an a respected member. I feel that I have obtained this year as president Forum. is planning a Bruce Springs- Hi! My name is Kelly liescheidt and sibilities. but I also feel I am capable done. office this past year because of a have achieved this. at W.M.C. is something neither of my teen concert ticket raffle for early 30 YEARS AGO,WE I am running for the office of SGA of handling them. Thank you LAURIE MATHER for Senior heavy schedule hut it turned out that ment Award opponents have May. plans 10 run the beer stand This past year I also received the treasurer. For those 01you who oon'r Keith l. Arnold As president this year, I have I couldn't stay away from it and 1980 International Youth in Achieve- during the Bull Roast IQuad Party Thank you, know me, I am currently a junior tion maj.or. I am presently the junior Rd.' PIONEERED LOW FARES and have made plans for our May accepted the office of co-historian organized and presided over twelve m~UIT·'89 ~~r~Sinh;~:r~~iC:~~ f~lfi~a~~to~~;~ ecor In . I was co-director of Jr. Follies '83 President: good turnout to the polls. Let's keep it add neither of my opponents have illust~ates how much effort I put into Laurie Mather economics and business administra- freshman class meetings. (I might Overall I guess I can say it was a Carnival booth In the past. our class has had a successful year even though it had its My past record as president clearly TO EUROPE. TODAY WE'RE shaky spots. We won first place in the shown interest enough to attend any "P many other jobs that just "needed 10 Secreta r a responsible member of the re-elected. I lIoat competition of these meetings.) J have distributed helping our class on Homecoming Thank you If responsibilities as historian, but also six freshman class newsletters to intend to continue working hard for class. I have been involved in class and social activities at keep the class informed of freshman to increase our the crass of '84 Stuart suts be oone'' by someone. I have been events As president of the Ireshman already rarqe savings account. and to directly involved with my class for the use the strength of our class to make class, the crass has organized a this time I became more past three years and also indirectly it better. Vote for me. and 1"11guaran. involved with the SGA t am working Dance, percentage 01 Juniors in- concession the lacrosse for Maryland National Bank this sum- sophomore year stands. the Spring Phonathon, sold We are ersnusrasuc and Rixey Lebherz Junior Class IS not dead mer and I am very interested in Kathy King of the interest in our class by '83 Vice-President: liquor raffle. two flower sales. a D.J tee you an even more productive oriented career. If you, the students Cor re - II I will be able to '83 Secretary: No Candidates letters to parents concerning de Ken Schaefer refreshments at the movlet'Ten". sent Signed i a business and finance pursuing ONEWAY. STANDBY of WMC. will elect me as your student '83 Treasurer: '84 Vice-Presi dent: government treasurer, you have my NY TO LUXEMBOURG word that I will "qive my al!" to thfa Steve Goon Beth Gray government member In high school position, and I sincerely believe that Luxembourg to New York return ticket, with confirmed anyone who has worked with me in spondlna Ed Johnson Here. i~ WMC. I have been involved reservation: $249.50 (Y2 norma! round trip fare) when the past years will agree Please Jim Riner in activities such as the Freshman purchased with standby fare. Free wine with dinner, cognac don't forget to vote '83 Historian: No Candidates 1I0at. the Go Club. and I am alter.PriceseffectivethroughMay14,1981,subjecttochange Thank you Secretar My name is Jim Riner and I am member of the soccer team t feel and government approval. Purchase tickets in the U.S.A running for the office of Vice Presi- have a lot to offer the class of ·84 I elected. Your vote is a big dent for the ciees crue. I am running Seeyouruevera~ent orcautcetancanIn New YorkCity757·8585: for this office because I believe I can elsewhere(aI1800·555·t2t2forthetollfreenumberinyourarea Keith L. Arnold '84 Secretary :Amy Barnes do a good job. My previous experi· Bob Michlowitz . Chele Greco Jeff Kiley ence comes from being a student My name is Keith L. Arnold. and I am a junior running for the office 01 NOW MORE THAN SGA Treasurer '82 '84 Treasurer: Renee Wi '84 Historian: BEST VALUE Tn, ~II","'D' Susie Manning
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