Page 64 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 64
~~~~ Letters to the Editor Afghanistan: proof of weakness The prospect of registration for por+unttles for study, discussion, Advice available and education on issues relating to or created illusion? the draft has implications for all of the draft. following non-campus The us, students. This especially agencies and persons are valuable specific issue, as well as the larger resources. 1) Clergy and Laity The Ayatollah Khomeini has oftenbeen charged Defense spending will take funding from other one of our government's current ccneerned-contact The Rev. with painting the United States as an imperialistic federal programs. Registering for the draft puts response to the Soviet Union, Hope-Herte.Hcma in Uniontown threat to the people of Iran in an effort to all of us one step closer to fighting in the next war. deserves debate and discussion. (756·2687 or Baltimore office 242- strengthen his wanning power. Political leaders And when people start talking about giving the The Doomsday clock Is pushed 9029.) 2) The American Friends have often been known to "create" the illusion of CIA more power, clearly there is cause for con- ahead again. servtce-ccntect Fran Donelan, 317 an international crisis to divert attention from cern. Here are some suggestions 'tor E. 25th Street, Baltimore (366· growing domestic problems. President Carter's Are the Soviet's defending their national in- dialogue and action. . 7200.) 3) The Washington, D.C, reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan terests or masterminding a plan of world 1. Let us continue to keep as based Coalition Against clearly shows his intention to present himself as a domination? No one can answer this question for informed as possible about the Registration and the Draft may be forceful national leader. Is Carter responding sure.. But their willingness to pour some 82,000 International situation. reached through the Friends office effectively to a Soviet test of American will? Or is men into a neighboring country in an effort to prop 2. Let us express our feelings on In Baltimore. Charles Wallace he trying to capitalize politically on the nation's up an otherwise crumbling government is cause foreign policy, the pOSSibility of DouglasOstrom IraZepp emotions, brought to the breaking point by the for concern. Their relentless growth in military registration, -and the draft to our Ralph Levering Military Science situation in Iran, by playing it tough with the power does little to quiet this concern. And when Senators and Representatives In Russians when a better solution to the problem nations like France, West Germany and Japan Congress. _ Rally openminded might be a more moderate approach? (who stand to lose the most if the Soviets are 3. Think through what and who Ms. Scott was very selective in One conclusion is clear: Carter is ready to adopt planning to expand) wane in their support of the next draft will include, e.g. what she heard at the Pro. a hard line position in future dealings with the strong sanctions against the Russians because men andlor women, ages 18-?, American Rally (if she was there), Soviet Union. In his State of the Union Address, they fear reprisals, the wisdom of bargaining absolutely no deferments?, etc. because other views were ex- the President said that: "The Soviet Union must from a strong position becomes evident. 4. Know your options within the pressed other than the ones she realize that its decision to use military force in forthcoming legislation on the mentioned concerning violence. Afghanistan will be costly to every political and draft. Most people were at the rally economic relationship it values." This turnaround Studying made easy, 5. Do we want national service because they had reached a can. should come as no surprise. Carter's past foreign for everyone for a period ot time clusion; that is, the students had poljcy decisions have been branded naive, con- which will include Peace Corps, gone through the thought process fused and ineffective. This air of indecisiveness thank the Phi Delts VIsta, military service, etc.? she described as educaiion and cannot be discounted as a contributing factor to 6. If you are in conscience op- wanted to voice their opinions. A the Soviet decision to invade Afghanistan. The following sign was originally posted in the Phi posed to war, and desire such large percentage of the people who What are some of the political and economic Delt section. Scrimshaw is printing it for the benefit exemption, you should be fer- had anything to say at the rally relationships Carter plans to end? The exportation of any Phi DeIt who may have missed it. We feel mulatlng your position now. also attended the discussion later of American grain and other products to the Soviet sure that Magoo won't mind if anyone else cares to These are serious issues which that evening. This proves to me Union (including much needed computer contribute. deserve the consideration of each that the students were able to technology) has come to a virtual standstill. The Any Bro's having Old Tests or Papers from last member of the college community. listen, with relatively open minds, State Department has been gaining international semester please gather them together. I will be We, the undersigned, volunteer to to what other people had to say. support for Carter's call for a boycott of the colecting them this week and putting them in the talk with individual students about Therefore, I feel the entire Moscow Olympics. Clearly these sanctions should file. thler foncems and to lend support situation was a learning ex. be imposed. They will have their costs, and some Y.I.T.B. to campus activities on these pertence. I am sorry Ms. Scott was Americans will suffer them more than others, but l\-1ag;o issues. not broeo.mtncec enough to ap- they will send an immediate message to the Soviet Perhaps the Phi Delts would like to open up their In making this offer, we are not crectetetne educational aspect of Union that the United States and the World files for the benefit of the rest of the college presenting ourselves as "experts': the situation. ' Clark Nesbilt Community is outraged over the _!Jghanistan community? who have "the answers." Other situation. faculty and staff also have interest A flaming .. A more difficult question faces us in deciding Kudos to officers and experience in this area, and I think that everyone is getting what long term actions should be undertaken in surely would be willing to become too excited about all this talk of an response to the events of the past few months. involved. We only wish to begin a Olympic boycott. There is no Carter has already proposed three important such more formal dialogue than has reason to be upset. We are hosting actions: (1) Increased spending for national Scrimshaw would like to congratulate the WMC taken place up to this time. the Winter Olympics, right? We've com- defense, (2) Resumption of draft registration for students who received regular Army Perhaps the religious got it. The Olympic flame. And we Steve Dahne, young adults, and (3) Increased freedom for the missioners; Jeff Tom Baugher, Randy Scott Halsey Eamonn organizations, the SGA, and other won't give it back until they Evans, Fischbach, CIA in its information gathering activities. These MacGeady, Bill Smith, and Mike Williams. interested students and faculty apologize. No flame, no Olympics proposals have serious implications. Increased would like to form a coalition to It's all very simple. Bill Byrne provide for the campus op Personal Viewpoint Registration provides needed manpower Keith l. Arnold the striking. This is incredibly imagined, and the country at large recruits has fallen. If war came the It is a clear indication that hypocritical, and Is an example of has demanded action. Wheat army would need 100,000 men in the event of a very possible World events In the world at large are modern American "patriotism." embargos and Olympic boycotts the first two months, but with no War, we are going to need en the beginning to touch our little college We sit here in our federally sop. were shrugged off with little more registration, it would take 110 days men we can get. community when- "Get Smart" ported little sheltered en. than a wince from a materialistic for. the first soldiers to be Inducted. Such emphasis on the word fans are cut-voted In the student vlronrnant, with our federal loans, society. But draft registration The national guard is supposed to "men" may be premature. Yes center in favor of Walter Cronkite. screaming for action, but when effects people besides a few far. fill this gap, but it is in poor shape girls you to may be able to take First the Teheran crises, and then that same federal government mers and athletes it effects and 100,000 men under.strength. part in the exciting registration the Afganistan invasion have takes action and calls on us, we everyone especially us, and Better late than never often does process. Isn't equality wonderful! managed to wake up our sleepy begin to wonder, "is the situation suddenly excuses for the soviet not apply in today's world, where Now, now remember "a woman little student body. And now all that desperate?" action are created, while jokes being on time may not be enough. can do a job as well as any man." Carter's (the President) draft Events in the world have not about Air Canada opening an office Critics say that a registration Don't worry, you wilt get equal registration proposal hits home the improved ever- night. In Teheran, on campus are spread. The "me" would automatically lead to a draft pay. Seriously, it would be hardest. Americans have been held hostage generation Is enter)ng the eighties' which would automatically lead to hypocritical for women, while Simultaneously, there is a for over one hundred days. The In classic form. a war. Such cevse-etrecr formulas clamoring to take their rightful change in the mood on campus. Soviet Union has made a flagrant Registration also conjures up do nof apply in foreign politics place in our society, to make an What weeks ago had been "Nuke act of aggression in Afganistan. memories of Vietnam, an episode where anything can happen. The exception when it comes to 'em 'till they glow," has now The health of Yugoslavia'S in the ctt-trmes warped history of norms do not apply. Sadat and defending that society. become "Hell no we won't go." president Tlto is failing, lncreastnq our country that many Americans communist China have proven that Action must be taken to show the Striking out at foreign threats is the chance of conflict in that area. would like to forget. But today's sudden changes in policy and Soviets that we will not sit by while A W· ' ~f!l!'O!!)e.c.!o~,~'o""-~o!:!O!l,:!!,o!:;m~~;f0;e.;;e'~,e;;d:::~,:';."T:;h=:e,:::e~fh~,ei:0i'f,,-;;o;-;,e;-;,:"eo"".....!!o0"lt ~~~ble:~ ar;;::~~:I~i::~nagm. ~~ tradition can come about, they, like the Germans before SCRIMSH I""l tervenlnq '0 0 ctvu wac '0 some seemingly overnight. in case of a war Steps like our dissaproval of the II, do as they please. World War This country can registration must be prepared demonstrate Nancy Menefee . Editor·ln-Ch·ief vague attempt ~~:: to stop the spread of that could come at any time. stop On situation, In the while remaining short of the other we could hand ~:~.s~~~ ~rr:A;ue:sli~~~s;~ analysis, final war. our- Dave Cleveland Managing Editor Kabul. Afganistan is an outright worrying about manpower and elected government will do as it Bill Byrne News Editor foreign aggression. The Russians nuke them when the time comes, sees fit and the population of Chris Hartwyck Sports Editor have proved themselves capable of because way at the present, that is the Canada will rise. Registration for the sfop only we could Vernon Roberts Photography Editor it, they could do It again In RUssians. the draft is supported by 73% of the but when and if the U.S. population Photographers Adam Wright Scott Dahne ~~aors~:v;:; a;e;~~:~~7~~~ ~~ The same critics will then turn brings back the draft we shall see Typists Mimi Griffin Jane Bielefield not reactionary domino theory, but
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