Page 62 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 62
SCRIMSHAW Letter to the Editor Students Can Only be Soul Food Not Cafeteria's Idea in One Place at a Time D~'~h~!t;';"pons'iSjUSh(;;"in The cafeteria staff takes the tends to appreciate the importance for granted. once taken criticism __ regard 10' the letter In the Thur- brunf of much harsh The remark of things having experienced true from WMC students. Maybe sday, February 22, 1979 edition of "What do these students pay board hunger would have had a positive, Scrimshaw regarding the serving of the soul food meal. Before the for?" is fair enough; yes, board is maturing effect on some students The College Activities Office and lecture and Concert wrath of irate students is vented, paid as a guarantee that all here are food. probably Committee have planned a number of interesting events they should be better informed of students board, served edible does not serve The cafeteria comparable does not to what meals Paying however, for second semester. Already they've given us -, the the facts. In response to one entitle the students to be so abusive students are used to at home; but Maryland Ballet and hypnotist James Mapes. Tonight, Dr. question raised in the letter, "Why to the cafeteria staff then, good old Mom doesn't have to was this meal served?" the answer Rene Dubas win speak on "Humanizing Technology." is simple; the cafeteria was Statistically, the average WMC prepare for 800-900 people either. Unfortunately, unless these events are scheduled for requested to do so by the Black student comes from a secure In the future, some students would That's be better off if they did some ob- weekends, a good number of students often can't attend for Student Union in observance of the middle class background. he or she jective soul searching before way of saying another a variety of reasons. Black History Week held on has never had to do without most of making such scathing remarks campus. The Kitchen staff went the luxuries of life, much less the Professors encourage students to attend these events, out of its way to prepare a meal necessities, such as food. Once about campus food. A little saying that more interest should be shown. they claim, that was representative of soul someone has had to do without he maturing never hurt anyone. Gary Harner food for this occasion. and it is true, that we're offered many opportunities and should take advantage of them. Unfortunately, many of - k D 1 these same professors think nothing of planning a test for Robers' on''s Wor on 1°sp ay . the day after one of these wonderful opportunities. Very rarely.will a professor postpone a test for that reason. And' although they may say that we should plan far enough ahead to get our work done before the event, it can be difficult to fit everything in. Paintings of citysca~, land- ~~~~~to:~;r J ~~1e~J~lis ~~Ch~~~sh ~~:~~gh~~~~ M~~~I:~~ Int~r~Ttra~~ I' .. scapes and figures b¥ Baltll~lOrean of Randallstown; and sophomores ~n network, to which the WMC An i~f~rmal reception. hjls~ q~en plan.ned for this af~::~~=~e'd~:-in ~~d~~~~~~ti~':r Carl C. Neely III,' son of Lt. Col. Library has access, or you m.ay tern~~n '". ho.nor of .Dr. Dubos. Seniors ~~ve be~n - western Ma'ryland C'6ilege an'd Mrs: Carl ,C. Neely.Alr-a of elect ~.o go to the library wh.lch - speclflcallv Invited to thls because of Dr. Dubas Interest In beginning March 14 and continuing Travis Air Force Base, California, o.wns It (f would!;t calling sure It IS there and and John W. Blum, son of Mr. and first .to. make meeting and talking with them. The idea is a good one. through March 23. Mrs. Robert W. Blum of Ann Ar- tha.t It IS o~ t~e s?elves>. Network Most students would welcome the chance to speak with the Robe~son's paintings, done bor Michigan Also successfully delivery s~rvlce IS, unfortunately, 1 co~pleting the program was suu relatively slow (3 weeks, 17 cturers at the College. ~nfortunateIY,.3 ?'cloek is a bad ~~~r0 ; i~i~!~:;o~o~~~:p:::e~~ t~me for a number o! sen..ors. Because It I~ an un~opular his work over the last four years. William H. Smith, son of Mr. and pius). time slot, most seminar course; and special studies are Many were painted in Belgium ~~~~t::'i.lIia;m~h,S~i~~offe:~~ _ WMC gets held at this time. Classes are specncenv scheduled then to where he spent a year studying as Western Maryland's ROTC avoid conflicts with other classes and events. When a a Fulbright scholar. program, is an undergraduate specific group of students has been asked to attend, their Roberson considers himeslf a student at Towson State Univer- Grants sity. schedules should be considere~ in planning these events. ~~~~fn~t!~ :.~a::::~'t ~~~~e s: ~~ Grants' totaling more than Dr. Dubas will speak in Alumni Hall tonight, and again the world around me. While I take Library Offers $14,500 were distributed to- privately supported colleges and ~~~~~~~m:~~~~t~~~ s~~~e~t:e-;~~~~d~~e~b;:r t~heat::~~ ~~ ~~~~sd~~n;!t~:~~~~ universities in Maryland this week by the Sears-Roebuck , night. This will take away a lot of listeners. ,subject." MICROCAT a spokesman said today Foundation, The annual April clash will soon be upon us. Everyone's Director of Art for the Friends In the Westminster area, favorite, Junior Follies, will be up against two formals. School rgrades s.izr, Roberson is a Western Maryland College There are two formals planned almosf every weekend in ~~~~~:te H~~{r~e;;~~n DO~f~~! MICROCAT is now available in received grants totaling $1 ,700. The April. Easter falls two weeks after Spring Break, which University and the Hoffberger the College Library. "what's universities Maryland colleges and over 1,000 are among means that no one wants to plan anything for that School of Painting of the Maryland that?" you might ask. Well some private accredited two and four weekend. And the Junior-Senior Banquet, which is at- Institute of Art where he received have called it a number of things, year institutions across' the but basically it is a catalog, on country which are sharing in :~r::::~h~~e ~~~hoes~~:~:e ~~ ~I~~f ~~:~'~v~~~~. sandwiched hi~~~i~~~'one, located in the Fine microfilm, which lists many books $1,500,000 in Sears Foundation Arts Building of Western Maryland acquired in recenl years by the College, is open weekdays from 10 following libraries: Anne Arundel funds for the 1978-79 academic No one particularly wants to miss a,ny of these events. a.m. t04p.m. The exhibit is open to County Public Library, Baltimore year. Funds amy be used as the colleges T_hey're all high paints of the semester to a good number of the public free of charge. County Public Library, Enoch unrestrictedly deem necessary. and universities people. If groups could work together on schedules, Follies hatt Free_ Library
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