Page 61 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 61
Powers of Imagination Illustrated by Mapes was asking the audience to \ Meg Hoyle imagine one geometric form inside another. Quite a few saw the same" __ A voyage on the Starship Psi image in their minds as Mapes Correctly predicting numbers and drew on a blackboard. words randomly chosen? It's all in One student was asked to choose a night's work for hypnotist James a number randomly. Mapes had Mapes. Mapes brought his special earlier sealed a number in all world to Western Maryland last envelope. Through hypnosis and Saturday night to share with a imagination. Mapes was able to packed Alumni Hall. persuade the student to choose the Mapes first came to campus two same number. years ago and was a hit when he Another student was asked tu do performed in the cafeteria. He was something similar. Mapes held up equally successful Saturday night a newspaper clipping and asked Oneof the first things Mapes told her to tell him where 10 cut it. She the audience was that a person, was then given the bottom half of once hypnotized, would do nothing the clipping and told to choose one that he would not do ordinarily. word from the first line. Again. However, added- the hypnotist, Mapes' prediction was sealed most people don't realize before the show. And again. he was everything that they would do. correct. Through the use of hyp- Mapes began the evening with a nosis, he was able to encourage her number of exercises for the to choose the right word. audience. Amon? the first of these co.ntinued on page 4 College Center Repairs: "Disappointme~t" Ron Jones close to the window which froze it Basically, he continued, the However the deadline was which is located across from the and which allowed it to go off. This the first of two articles problem stems from the con- pOstponed' due to- a shortage-of book~tore. Construction for the The mechanical contractors who concerning the Decker College tractor's (Charles J. Frank In- plexiglass. Also, only two com- Pub .IS under a sub-contractor (a installed the sprinklers claimed Center, its repairs. and corporated, Baltimore) "failure to panies on the east "coast specialized company contracte.d bankruptcy this year; therefore. remaining construction. meet the deadline schedule manufacture this type of product; by the.generalcontractor) who IS they cannot be expected to repair stipulated in the (general) con- therefore the contractors needed designing equipment to special the broken sprinkler. "IC it was not so serious," said Dr. Ralph C. John, President of tract. It (construction) should toreorde; it. specifications. Center guaranteed for a year Western Maryland College, .. the have been completed by July 1, During the summer, remarked Unfortunately, according to , (Student Center construction) 1978." John, some plexiglass did arrive, John, this equipment is "way back Nevertheless, WMC will not be delays would almost be comical. "We've (WMC Administration but it failed to fit properly. So it ordered." Though the Pub is required to pay for such repairs However, ... it all has been disap- and Board of Trustees) been was returned to the company and planned to open March ist, the because the Student Center is pointing and embarrassing." pulling pressure on the contractor the process of ordering it had to be contractors are still waiting for guarantee for a year, noted John. since this .Iast spring. We were repeated ovens. food display counters, a Failure to meet deadlines assured that by August 15th con- "The material 10 cover the number of beverage dispensers, The general contractor is struction would be completed ... but (Student Center) steps are in the responsible for any needed While few construction projects it just didn't happen" same situation-the material sent warming units, and other items repairs. actually make the completion dale According to John, the dining didn't adhere; ... therefore, it had to Too close to window John, however, expressed little due to uncontrollable situations porch should have been completed be reordered." excitement over-the quality of the (such as natio~lstrikes or_ by September of 1977, for it was Furthermore, one of the contractor's work in t.he center. weather condtuonsi, "but this merely an extension on the old Pub under a sub-contractor sprinklers in the Forum went off "The building is leaking .. .so I don't, situation has gone out of reason," ~~~ti~~tr~:. not part of the new Another delay concerns the Pub during the evening, February 19. think they ge.).an 'A' for effort. commented Dr. John. The sprinkler was apparently too "rwe're dissatisfied to the point Cafeteria Said to be Student Wages of despair and have expressed just it (to contractors). We said we don't want to get into litigation-we Cleanest in Area Explained want 10get the building finished. Ad- Trustees and "The the Instead taking construction Jenifer Ulrey ~~~eli~~~~i,OUS one was too Sue Frost Incentive of a raise, a Bonus This or ministration," (these he concluded, "are was formed. Plan confrontational M~n~ st~d~nt~ ha~e. be~n After each meal, the cafeteria is Wages for WMC student workers plan provides a $25 bonus for Head problems) in a going to get the way ... and we're won enng JUs ow c eau t e thoroughly cleaned said Mrs rose with the increase in the Waiters and a $15 bonus for all job done (upon the Student Center) cafeteria really is. In the past f.ew MacDonald. Stud~nl workers Federal Government's minimum other cafeteria workers who arrive one way or another. Whether with months, ~any reports of seeing confirmed this adding that the wage, All student workers now on time as scheduled during the this contractor or with another " m.lce scooting across th~ floor and floors are scrubbed twice daily and -earn $2.47 per hour, with no tax entire semester paychecks r------------------..., ;!~b~n;d:r~~~a~~~s~:s:ae;s~~~~ :~d~:a~:~hinery is taken apart removed from their M· b· 1 . t Dub Mac~onald, Director of Food But what about the mice? uriless requested. H . Serv!cesfortheCollege.Shes~ted Workers say that an occasional The Federal Government allows S Icro k 10 OgIS OS that the HeaHh Department claims fi ld mouse has been spotted in the colleges to pay less than the pea S on umamsm ;aefet~;~~i;~:ea~~athe cleanest e:ting area,. especially since cold ~~~:~mwo;:~:~s ~~:id~~ghO~~ R~mors were ~i~culating co~- ;~;~:e~~ \: ~:: ~~~~:nh::e~~e~ per week. If a student works over Rene Dubos, renowned scientific demonstrated the feasibility of ~~~~n~1~~e~~~~~~~~ !~~dO~~~~ visit to the kitchen gives the im- ~a~~u~i:~ ~g~:~~ ~~~~~~!~~~e~~ obtaining germ-fighting drugs investigator, author and lecturer, 'Ob·'k.sChOOI.•~S CO,nsid.erin,g hi~ing ~~~!~~Or~a~fac~I::a~'n~eJl-:~na~~~ The average student worker only will speak tonight, Thursday, from microbes over forty years r III as I"" ex ermma or, since bothered by rodents. puts in 10 hours per week, while March 1, at B p.m. in the newly ago. "...~ .... ~~~~~a~~t:~~a workers average 25 renovated Alumni Hall. Dr. Dubos, a professor emeritus Among his other scientific Cafeteria Workers asked of Rockefeller University, will achievements are the development speak about "Humanizing of a rapid method of growing .for raise Technology." The lecture is one of tubercle bacilli, useful in the study Post-Season These cafeteria workers have ~:st:~ia~a~~~!~~~S, y:~t ~~ of tuberculosis; and investigations mechanisms of acquired on the more hours because they work rededication to "The Humanities immunity, as well as of natural Unkind to extra hours when others don't andaHumaneWorld." susceptibility and resistance to infection. show up. The. cafeteria 20 1901 Dr favored be the hardest and least appears to reb Born in Saint Brice, France, on to Dr. Dubos also has been in came Dubas concerned Terrors g~f~~eri~or w::~:~n~Sk~ ~~rk~ ~~~~~it~ !~:c~~ ~~~:ena~~ tensely environmental with the effec forces that raise al the beginning of the year 938. He studied at the College physicochemical, biological an since they work harder than other haptaJ and Institut National socia! exert on human life student employees, stated Ned gronomique in Paris. He was interest in the his See page th ree Aull, Assistant Director of warded the Ph.D. degree by Through of the total environment in fiuence for sports results Financial Aid and Admission. Mr ulgers in 1927. he has become involved in th Work with germ- Aull explained that if raises were sociomedical problems- of un given, all campus jobs would have fjghting drugs derprivileged communities as wei to be classsified, and the school as in those created by economi doesn't have the staff to carry that Dr. Dubas, a microbiologist and affluence in inaustrialized coun extra work. experimental pathologist, first tries.
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