Page 35 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 35
Friday. October 21, 1977 Scrimshaw More Sports Unmet Goal Brings Hindman Here Sergio Zarbin as he points out, "I think the Coach Hindman said that "Buck Mr Jim Hindman head football schedule gives the edge, right now, demonstrated tough mental ability - coach, is from S~uth Dakota; to two other te~s, Franklin- as well as self confidence in Morning Side South City Iowa, to Marshall ~nd Widner College. The himself." As was seen in the last be exact. He played football at the whole thing depen.ds upon the game, Coach Hindman recalled University_of Minn., from whence proces.s of select.iRg and the that Buck had played his best, and he graduated. Mr. Hindman's goal champions of the ~t1e all depend that he had come to respect Buck was to have a career in Medical on the schedule, which d?~~II_lmes as a real man, " ... and that" Coach Administration. It was not until 5 what happens to. the mdi",:du~l Hindman said, "is what its all or 6 years ago that he noticed he teams." Coach Hindman said .It about." Coach Hindman, at work on the sidelines hadn't really found his goal and depends on what W.M.C. does tn went into coaching football As reference to the other teams. He A Reply From The Sports Editors' Desk Coach Hindman put it "I felt that I also points out that W.M.C. may be could serve my fellow man by onlr a one game win~er, bu~ t~at being a teacher and a coach better we re very much m str-iking Now, after 4 issues of Scrim- letter-to-the-editor from Smokey. yet the teams still complain. Well, than I could any other way." Mr. distance to win the title. shaw, we, the editors have had a We do try to cover all the sports we have one comment--stop Hindman feels that by coaching the One o~er team. member, who chance to experiment with the teams (varsity and JV) at WMC. worryingaboutthesportspageand team, he can teach 'the guys more coach Hmdman said wa~ a player sports page and to hear the com- But occasionally things happen. worry about how they play and about character in life. How to that showed outstanding year ments. Unfortunately, we have tests, and they'll get better press. Of course, about complain become unified as one and work as performance was Buck Horsey. First we would like to answer a when a reporter says "I don't have Iliey -also but .it may not be their the 'cause coaches, I had to study for my article one. To him, this is one of the most ' my test," there's nothing we can fault alone. Probably it's some important aspects of life. Halftime Entertainment do. This usually doesn't happen- players', with heads so big they Mr. Hindman came to W.M.C. but occasionally that problem don't play right. No need to say _ because here he could do the thing that he does best, teach his fellow Yon Makino marching, routine, impromtu crops up. Also a problem is getting which team but they'll know when man how to "stick together." The To the avid sports fan, halftime performance, and finally, on the the articlesin. We, the editors (me, they read this. main reason why he likesW.M.C. may serve as a time to merely overall effect. specifically, J.T.) sometimes Another aspect of the sports page are the people. He says that one reposition oneself and relax in The girls have hour-long prac- forget to pick up the article. That's is we're trying to show different couldn't find a nicer population of preparation for watching another ticesthreetimesaweekandbefore what happened to the Volleyball types of sports, and things con- amiable people anywhere, except hour of sports action. Halftime, games. According to the Gaptain of articles. I apologize to the writer nected with sports. That's why at W.M.C. The most important however, should be more than just the pompom girls, they could stand and to the team. there are cheerleading articles and thing was that the college had a time spent in boredom, and is, in improvement in their turns 'and Also, the sports staff is young. rafting articles and (hopefully) good group of athletic players, and fact, a half hour of enjoyable en- uniformity. She also stated that Therefore, they won't wrttejiow intramural articles. that these players showed the signs tertainment provided by pom-pom they hope to learn many new songs bad teams play (if they happen to Well enough sounding off, 'till we of what is meant by "sticking wielding girls, simply called the and dances to keep their audience play bad). They, not sure how have enough for the next article. together.' , pompom girls. Led by Terry Mott. enthused. much to say, don't say everything- THE EDITORS The strategy that coach Hind- (Jr.) , captain, and Cindy Sprinkle man uses reflects his personality, Alumus Recalls Origins Of '~reen Terror" in that he believes in being in the ;;:~~tsc~;c:.";:~n;":i~~.g~~:, attack configuration not just on the football field, but anywhere. He fr:!:'~n~~S:J fo~ft~::t~ ;~~ Wendy Gross how it began. One idea on how we One thing about the Green directs the football team into an range fro~ senior to fres~an. Miss Madeleine W. ~an is became Green Terr~rs is t_hat Terror that everybody knew was attack configuration, and expects In addition to executing for- both an alumnus and a fnend to when. we were playmg against the secret as to who was actually in physical intimidation in the game. mations, the group performs a this college. Her family has always Washington and Lee, one of the the costume. As Coach Hindman said, "We're series of dances accompanied by lived in Westminster and much of many reporters on the sidelines, This has been a small article to becoming known as a physical hand motions. They are, of course, the land on the golf course, (except whether from a major Virginia clear up some notions on Green team. It involves fundamental accompanied by the pep band Hoffa Held) and the flat stones at paper or a local one, exclaimed as Terrors. As said before, it's a togetherness for every guy on the which, through the earlier Harvey Stone Park belong to the our football team came out on the mystery and has still many team," coach Hindman concluded collaboration of the band director Geiman farm They owned land field, "Well look at those men in unexplained versions As for the players. W.M.C.'s C. Dietrich and Captain Terry past Baugher's which extended Green! They look like Green quarterback, Joe Damiano, Mott, has coordinated its music to down to Uniontown Road. Terrors!" So that is one idea. Late night speciaf!! showed the team's belief in this the dance movements of the girls She taught my mother in junior Every school must have some 8:00 pm-11 :00 pm theory. He said, "We're like Undaunted by their rained-out high and while visiting her, Iasked type of mascot and we have our everyone else, we go after the performances last year (they were questions about the Mystery of the Green Terror - a ferocious furry weak point in the other team" able to give only two or three shows Green Terror. I also spoke to Mr. creature. Like the "Green Terror FREE!! -; Title Chances! that were not called due to the Philip E. Uhrig, Associate Director shrase'' this creature has a varied Well, if you still have doubts inclement weather), the pompom of Development and Director of genealogy as well. From the ln- Regular Fries I about the Title Division, don't give girls face this new year with en- Alumni Affairs. different versions terview with Miss Geiman, years it was of He told me that pointed there are many to infuse and eagerness Iliusiasm found that in the earlier Coach Hindman up hope! out that W.M.C. has a very good pep into basketball and football of the Green Terror history. WMC, the student body used Ms. with this coupon chance of getting the title because, games. Our school colors, prior to 1890, Ann J. Reifsnider's goat, whose when you purchase a Tryouts for the pompom girls were red, black, and white. They name was Billy. It was reported sandwich , Be agy 's Sport ~e:~!~c:rl~ha: :~~~n~a~~~~ :rer;a~~~t~en a~ a sjt~~!n~~~~t!: ::!~~~2:~~~2t~~h!~ththae~il:~~ ~ Shop and Co-Captain, the head colors were later forgotten or face like a lion-tiger running on the ilimit one coupon per purchase) the school PAn FULL LINE OF SPORTING cheerleader, all two-year mem- dropped and there is a version on sidelines, clapping whenever a We do It aU Ioryou._ GOODS bers of the squad, and two how Olive green and Old gold were goal had been scored. It was also 16 W. Main Street 848-5515 Fo~~~te~;;mOfgi;rO~hew~~rl~ ~~~~berM~~ d~~;A~, ~~t~t ~~~ ~~!i~~;2r~~rM~. !~d:~!a~ In Town were judged on such aspects as something to do with President that she remembered ~========::::_2:pe~p;_. ~ap~p~ea~,~an~,.::e.~'~OO~'!_di~n~a'~io~n,Lewis. The colors were chosen had some type of creature at the Westminster I from our geen rolling hills and football games. Another But there may be other Reisterstown only version Technical dandelions. to this story. Terror," too, Terror was It 'danced a of the Green the Valid 8:00 pm-11,OO pm Sunday Homecoming at versions Parade. The phrase through Thursday expir!l!o. "Green through has many varied versions. It's one street and became very popular 10/27/77 Climbing of the many mysteries Oh our with students, AIUVlni, Faculty and of the College. campus knows and no one really Friends Seminar College ~ight!!! ~Oct.rr Every WEDNESDAY NIGHT Westminster t at730P.m. -from 5 to 9 p.m. ...... at Outfitters Ltd. 15" Thin - One Topping - '3.00 ~OC~a ~ut - '3.25 Topping 15" Thin - Multiple % Bond Sf., - . Pizza Hut - 140 Village Shopping Center "Our People Make It Better" Call 876-2966 for information
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