Page 13 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 13
SGASets Go~ls at First Meeting Mary Cole for those who need them in several Dave Zinck, SGA Parliamen- SGA, defined some of the goals of Councils, and for SGA to act as the The first formal get-together of week~, ~nd acquirin~ enough steel tarian, spoke briefly on the government this year, These coordinating body on campus. In the Student Government to flmsh. the Dining Porch, parliamentary procedures. He also include a student directory, the addition, Paul mentioned the at- Association was held on September hopefully m. t~e general vineinity proposed a new method of role call debut of the freshman register, a tempt to acquire a di.tto machine ~;e!~~~t;OI~~:~: ~:: ina:~~~ea~h~;~;!~g a~~o ~~t~n~ ~~;es~og~~e c::: ~~/~&~~~~:~~a:Pi~i:~:r~~i~s~o~f~~n: ~~:~:;l;~~;~~~~~~?se :S~~d be Holmes Vice President 'of the that the bids for renovating Alumni method will eliminate many expressed, improving election. The meeting concluded with the SGA, distributed Constitutions to Hall are ~ue by October. ~2. Work problems from the voting procedures, the development of a announcement of the d~te of t~e attending representatives. on Alumm has been specified to be procedure. workable budget, defining the first real Senate meeting. It IS Representatives were then completed by June 1978. Paul Fulton. ussesWom M· for October ·t· the Housing and Conduct 3, 9 p.m. scheduled Prp.c:inpnt nf tho> It D· nn'lI"",-of :~~ii~::~. with the standingF aeu Y tse en, tnort tes Following a sign-up period of ~embers for committees, Chris Jeff Robinson Dr. Reuben had expounded on a finished their breakfasts and then Ms. Donofrio begged ignorance of ~~~~~C:~ed De~~ ~~~::: 7!~T~~ B;i~'d ~erm~~eJ~~~fy f~~di~~ ~~~; ~~ra~~~s~~eh:f f~! ;ao~~~ :~~ed at~e3t~o:~es~~~ a~~~~~~~~! ::e~:~~e~ s~~~~~n ~~~~:. pro~ements to the.s~hool. Some of groups of two, three, and five. At problems that hound colleges such minority problems affecting the but also felt that positive steps the Improvements discussed were first they stood and talked, then as Western Maryland. These points WMC campus. One was obvious- needed to be taken for both women already completed and others are later began to make their ways to included: Setting up policies, the massive 'absence of a group and blacks. And Dr. David sum- Still. in .the embryonic stages of the door through which the aromas goals, plans for implementation of invited to the workshop, the Black med it up by saying that "we have reahza.tlOn. A few of the ac- of crisp bacon, warm eggs, and the goals, and a review of the Student Union. They had made it a had to be pushed to make changes compilshments Dean Mowbray fresh orange juice had begun to overall project; changing the stated point that their members because we aren't going to do it on mentioned were: the im- drift. entire instifution, including the would not be attendance as a our own." piementation of full time 24 hour These people were the faculty academic program; and providing protest of the lack of respect that In general, the reasons given for security, the installation of a new and staff of Western Maryland salary incentives ("reallocating they felt they had received over the expanding the role of minorities on basement floor in Little Baker for College, heading into the second resources" as he put it) in order to past several months. campus were explained by a good the Drama· Department, new session of the WMC "Workshop on accomplish this purpose. It was 9 o'clock when the number of people over the last one- lockers and hot water in the Art the Problems of Women and Dr. Sandler and Ms. Gleaves workshop finally came to order. and-one-half hours. They included: Building, a new floor and more Minorities," the first ever held by centered their talks on the The scheduled panel discussion Reducing the likelihood of pressure lockers below the gym, the com- the college. The first session had problems of women, but came to included Ms. Mary Ellen Elwell, from outside groups; AVOiding ~~~~Ch~~~~S H~~S,~:~rby a~~ ~~:ug:~B~c:f~:~~~ a::;f~~ :~u~eJ:~a~~~o~~n~::~ :~~r~,~~~g;.a~ill~~ ~::l!~~~~rS~t~~~nt~,ni~ J~~~:=~h: grace of the Coca-Cola Company, a I Francelia Gleaves, working with were now on an equal footing with The general consensus between will eventually be in social and new scoreboard for basektball the Association of American ,men as being just on tbe surface. these four and those members of economic power. The rest of the games and wrestling matches. Colleges, and Dr. Reuben Mc- Ms. Gleaves went on to explain tJ:1eaudience who took part in the conference was spent specifying Items which are tentative are: the Daniel, Jr., of the University of actions that could be taken. This discussion was that the college had the points of how to carry out af- arrival of cushions for booths in the Texas School of Business, had included more attention to taken steps to remove existing firmative action at Western cafeteria within a few weeks, the addressed the crowd on the con- minority employment newspapers, racism on campus, but it had still Maryland College. All those who k-B l!!! B of left-handed desks ference subject. I" d improving the environment in not gone far enough with its af- spoke basically agreed that more availability needed commitment .. .rea ODor.....,o e order to make it more the supportive finnative action commitments. panel the administration was and faculty from in of minorities, The text of Ms. Elwell's and establish- Dave Zinck ment of black and women courses response is included on page two of trying to fight the forces of sexism On Monday, October 3rd, WMC 1. A student was found guilty of of study. this issue as the guest editorial. and racism present on campus. Dr. students will be receiving im- copying answers from another But that had all occurred the night Ms. Craig explained that she felt John best summed it by saying, plrtant documents concerning the student during a Religion Test. The before. that many of the statements made "There are not only moral reasons Hooor-System. AU students will be penalty was a grade of zero on the 'Ibis morning was different. It the previous day were repetitive of but educational benefits (for at- receiving a copy of "General student's test. was new and refreshed and still things that many bIacks on campus tempting this fight.) This job must Outline of Honor Violations" and a 2. A student was found guilty of _somewhatbalf-awake. People soon had'been saying for a long time. have a community group effort." copy of "Procedures in Honor pagarism on a research paper in a She's Not .Just a Secretary Violations Involving Library Political Science course. The Materials". 'In addition, all Dew penalty was a grade of zero on the students will be receiving a copy of research paper. Anit.Crouse "Statement of Plagarism". 3. Another student was also Some women feel that raising a PLEASE SAVE nlESE IM- found guilty of plagarism on a family is a full-time job. Well, if PORTANT OUTLINES FOR research paper in a Political that is the case, then Linda Clagett REFERENCE PURPOSES! Science course. The penalty was a works two full-time jobs and Secondly, the Honor Board is grade of zero on the research overtime! . required, (by the Constitution paper. Linda is the secretary to the approved by the student body in 4. A student was found guilty of director of College Activities, Joan 1975), to publish in the Scrimshaw, submitting several projects in an Avey. Most people would probably circumstances and penalties of all Art course which were not done by consider her title and wonder why cases when a guilty verdict is the student. (This was the it's so special because they returned. As required, neither the student's second violation of the wouldn't realize what Linda's job name of the accused nor that of the Honor Code) The penalty was entails. plantiff is to appear. suspension from Western The Office of College Activities Listed below are the cir- _ Maryland College for a period of performs duties at Western Md. cumstances and pe!lalties of five one (1) semester. that are taken for granted by (5) cases held late Spring Semester 5. A student was found guilty of many. Some of the their services 1976-77. In addition to these cases, using unauthorized notes on a include scheduling all W.M.C. two (2) other cases were held German final examination. The events, prOviding an information during this period in which a penalty was a grade of zero on the center, distributing materials for verdict of not guilty was returned. final examination. continued on pagP. 4 Photo by Scott Datme
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