Page 12 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 12
Page 8 Scrimshaw Friday, September 23, 1977 WMC Fall -Rappelling was McNab McVie Stay On Really Worth It The washington Capitols hav~ peesonnel-'o effect a starumg more 'han doubling its win announced that Max McNab and metamorphosis. production over the previous year. harness is called, being very Tom McVie have received new -... In just a few days, McNab and It's early, about ten o'clock, on a careful to line the ropes up just contracts that insure that they'll Today, the results of their efforts McVie will be reporting to Training Saturday morning. You feel lousy, right to prevent a quick and painful both with the organization for are very much in evidence. Last Camp at Hershey, Pennsylvania, in fact you are still hungover from vasectomy. Climbing up the tower many seasons to come. season, Washington was easily the where they'll begin their efforts to Friday night. While in a half daze, is the easy part. Then the Major The President of the Capitols, most improved team in the NHL, make the 1977-78 edition of the you find yourself walking towards hooks you up to the rope. To go Peter O'Malley is reportedly boosting its point total by 30 while Washington Capitals the best ever. the rappelling tower, you down you step to the edge, back pleased with the contract; which remember the ROTC clowns are first and lean back to start your sponsoring an open rappell. desent. 9f!~_rs raises to both men. Stickers_ Start Strong When McNab and McVie first A little girl, about ten years old, You look down remembering the came to Washington, they Phillis Menschner is going off the 20 toot part of the Army is not responsible, you're inherited a team that was winning Western Maryland College girls The scrimmage was divided into tower. Just about the time you doing this on your own, of your own games on a monthly basis. Since, field hockey team opened up their three half hour periods with WMC figure-if a little kid can do it- free will, you're CRAZY1Tl_then, McVie's coaching in- season on Tuesday, September 20, scoring a goal in each. In the final anybody can, an ROTC student However, you do it anyway, and novations and emphasis on con- by winning a scrimmage against minutes of the first period Linda comes up to you to attempt to talk you realize once really isn't ditioning have combined with Mount Saint Mary College with a Sorentino started the scoring. you into giving it a try. Well, what enough. McNab's talent for locating qll3:~ity score of 3-1. Karen Sickler scored in the second the hell, if a little squirt can do it, it and Jane Reading finished up the can't be that hard. a regulation Team Needs Runners game with-her shot in the third. The student wearing A combination of good skills and Army uniform, including combat stick work prevented Mount S1. boots directs you to a table to perience necessary. Coach Dave first of -ftve women, but the Mary from scoring until the third ~eive some basic instructions. At This year's cross country squad Shoop, a ROTC major is willing to Women's team lost as she was the period. Despite the win and the is small, but strong. The five plan a program for even the most only WMC participant. The men good playing, the team still needs are Bruce Langford (Jr.) , ~~~gie lo~~r~t!~~~d ~a~ig~o~ runners Holcombe (Scp.) , Doug casual runner. After a close loss to lost also. The score was 15 to 50 to practice together in order to the Faculty-Staff, Bob The Terrors faced (the low score wins). the team won't hold the Army responsible. (Fr.}, know the abilities of each other and Keebler, as follows: While you are reading this, form, Renner (Sop.), John Kebler Messiah and Gettysburg in Get- finished Renner, Bob John Holcombe, to form a system of com- tysburg. The team has.5 Doug Karen Griest (Fr.). there is an ROTC representative munication for a smoother game. runners, but depth telling you how safe it is and experienced Anyone interested .IS Freshman Karen Griest came in .Bruce Langford, and Roger Bair. is The girls next game is on the dissapointed. though The coach needed. I.n nobody ever gets hurt. 2Jrd against Susquehana and then York. You put on the Swiss seat, as the ~e~~~~~n~n~a~~~~~eN~une~~Pirotes were Goy ~~f~;:~a\h~::~tp~O~~i~~~~~ again on the 27th against at 3: 30 will be played Both games Cheerleaders Look AnaU'h"ity1;nOOIOnialhiS';'Y Hooters Lose Opener field. on the home athletic to 'he team. ditions swashbuckling Good to Sports T~ams says that :~: 'he ~~~b~~~r;~I;~ Hal Schmulowitz development of skills are two :~:!~zeO~ were virtually all gay. Arizona WMC booters started their things the coaches are working on. approximation of the school colors. State l!.niversity Professor, Dr. season slowly last Saturday with a Tomorrow, the team will host Yon Makino A constitution has been drawn up B '. R. Berg, states that the 4-2 loss at Moravian. Both goals Gettysburg. With Gettysburg The cheerleaders are looking this year for all the cheerleaders to ~JlS.terous bucc:aneers we~e more were scored by Johnny Patrick beating Bucknell 2-1; this game good this year. Following the fgllow. It is a very detailed set of to polish. off their plun- with assists by halfback Doug should prove to be interesting. tryouts, in which the girls were rules and regulations, and covers dering, n.ot by raping w0l!!..en, but Barnes. After a slow first half. the judged by the captains of the sports ~~~ B::! Terror s Stom p teams on their appearance, pep, ~~~h a~~p~~n~~n~:lc~~~:ni:~:~s~ ~~y~a~tgt~!~eYo:~:e ~~~~~:':oea~ack strongly to score smile, skill, and timing, a roster dates of practice demerits, and women m the West Indies and Assistant Coach Earll explained Due to an error in com- was formulated for two squads: A enforcement of th~e rules because pirates were often at sea, that the team has a tight left wing. munication:(, the Scrimshaw was and B. The A Squad consists of - This year much more so than they developed a self-contained - The midfield, consisting of John unable to cover the Football game Sandy Evans (Sr.I, who is the head last year, the cheerleaders are homosexual community. T~e Patrick, Dou~ Barnes, Ron Rhodes last Saturday. The final score was cheerleader, Kathie Hill (Soph.), starting with a fresh attitude, and profeali,or says he based hIS and Andy Friedwald, a freshman, 41-16 in favor of the Terrors. The co-captain, Pam Price (Sr.) , Susie will try to gear their cheers to the research on "~ituational analysis" plays a fast game. All the positions Scrimshaw apologizes for the error Scott (Sr.), Myra Tyrrell (Sr.) , crowd to gain their participation; and concluded: "They had to do are hotly contested as there is a 44 and wishes to congratulate the Dottie Cannon (Sr.), Fran Sevier so give them your support. something." man squad. Good teamwork and team for an excellent game. (Soph.j , Missy Bain {JrJ, and Donna Regner (Fresh.). The A squad will cover football, basketball and possibly lacrosse. The girls -In the B squad are Joycelyn Renolds (Soph.), Carol Mountaineering_Boots .. Canoes ... Antonelli (Soph.), Carol James x-c Skis ... Jewelry (Jr.), Ann Lauser (SOpb.) Helene Riser (Fresh.) , Marni Marni Gradsfeld (SophJ, and Mary Ann Toscano (Fresh.), The games that en they will cover are as yet un- I certain, but soccer, cross country, and some of the girls games are en possibilities. The cheerleaders have a tough schedule to follow. In addition to i: returning to school early this fall for five hour practices daily from " Wednesday to Sunday the 11th. and their regular twice weekly prac- tices, they also must spend time making signs for the cafeteria and decoration the locker room before a game. New uniforms financed by Coach g Hindman will be worn this year. It Welcome Back to You, will be a green and white .::om- 876-2966 ;;; bination, which is a close Fro~ Us. - WESTMINSTER, MD.' Heagy's Sport Shop Freeze-Dried Foods .. Sleeping Bags., Accessories .. Rentals FULL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS _ 76 W. Main Stree< 048-5575 ",J In Town .....................................
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