Page 124 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 124
Friday. April 14 Women's Tennis Judy Ford After playing two matches, the peeted to win the MAC this year, record of the Women's Tennis and can solidify those hopes today Team stands at 1-1. 'At their'In a tri-meet against Towson, opening match, the girls decisively FranJ:tlin and Marshall, and Joh~ defeated Elizabethtown 6-1. Hopkins afHopkins. Returning as No. 1 player, co- captain Sue Cunningham lead the More Golf way with a 7-5, 6-4 victory over her opponent. Linda Piccirelli, Julie Vaughan and co-captain Frec:1i Results =-JI'--''''''''=~U!!lL llll'l!l_~~c..-lIllIl.., ~~~=~~~~;~n~~~b:p~~;~~~ from page 7 Sue Garmen, Debby Taylor who worked their On April Bth, the girls played and two freshmen match away Preakness Program Planned way into their doubles opponent up, in their second and were defeated at 4- the varsity line Susquehanna defeated straight sets as did their team- 3. A protest agauist was lodged by Coach for Susquehanna Weyers mates Jean Alexander and Katy allowing their top players to play Another action-packed day is lacrosse players in action, the two weeks after the l04th running Dowd. both a singles and a doubles being planned by Pimlico Race Chesapeake Club against the of the Kentucky Derby, the Iirst leg Charlie Palmer, Jay Buckely, match. Course on Saturday, May 20 Baltimore Lacrosse Club, who will of the TipleCrown. Andy Friedwald, and two fresh- Singles victories were turned in around Maryland's biggest crowd- square oIf at 10:30 a.m. on the Outstanding-among the a-year- men, Craig Rae and Bob Kaplan. by Linda Piccirelli and Fredi drawing sports event, the tuard north end of the infield. Both were olds this season are Affirmed, the Though some of the players have Eckhardt, while the doubles team running of the world-famous finalists in the last two years of 1977 a-year-old champion who been struggling in the early going, of Jean Alexander and Katy Dowd PreaknessStakes. the U.S. Club Lacrosse Association recently -added the Santa Anita the team is pulling things together. also won. With such keen rivals as AI- Tournament. Berby to his triumphs; Alydar, his Greene has played consistently Luckily, Susquehanna was a non- firmed and Alydar preparing to go Ralph Elsmo, director of infield closets. rival who scored in the good golf, and the team has plenty conference match so the team's at it again in a battle for activities, has put together a Florida Derby to continue his of potential. The golf team is ex- conference record will stand at 1-0. supremacy among the g-year-cld musical program which includes unbroken string this year; Esops thoroughbreds, the Preakness is Kerby Scott as master of Foibles, winner of the Arkansas expected to draw upward to 80,000 ceremonies, the Polka Belles of and Louisana derbies; and Sen- :~;:g~~f :a_fy ~:o~e~::iiel~ ~~~:etht~~~ria~:~sBa~::~:;: ~~;~t:~:~.unbeaten in four Need to Change, or Lose- where eight different groups of Zim Zemarel and his Big Band, the musicians, dancers and marchers Cub Hill Cloggers mountain Fiplic Scafiead people delight in when presented will try to entertain them. dancers, the Chicken Spankers old- W 0 R K A B R 0 A D Tonight I listened to Dr. Kubler- ~i~ll ~:~~~e~~n:U~~\:ftt~ ~: Many in the infield crowd will time string ba.nd, the Baltim~re Ross tell about the inhumane way assa e into unwelcorning ~:ga~~o':!v~r~;~:~t~~fnl~~ Col.ts Marching Band, With Hundreds of US students Will we treat death She told a little girl ~oma~ood past, will find room to play volley ~:~=r:~ ~~~I~~~~~Il~ b~~a~~~t~nm ~~n~~=a~~~~ :~:ea~~~,:::~~y \~!ln~;~W~ She hated her mother - Just for ball, badminton, toss frisbies or Fe~ry, voted one of the 10 best the Work m Europe program could not help remembering a leaving Without saying good-bye, just relax on blankets placed on the national bands.. ,sponsored by the Council on In- story of the living I was told when I leaving her among sterile grass while the horses run around Spectators also Will see the tternanonet Educational Exchange' was seventeen strangers - Just for leaving To them on the dirt oval which-en- famous Budweiser. Clydesdales (CIEE). For the past nine years, . hav~ had her mother's hand circles the infield. perform on the main track bet- this popular program has provided Walking my dog, I crossed paths holding hers when ~he recovered da~:n:,~~~~~h~u~e:i:m~: wee? rac~. and W~Ch It_he students with the direct experience with a woman who I would say was from tthe an~:theslabwould h~ Preakness, which since it :!=~~re tty Mmm Po Ice ~~!~;ng and working in another in her early fifties, but ve_ry thin. ~~~s ;:~:n.aSnh~a~d eli~:-:ore inaugural in 1873 has drawn the Eismo calls it the biggest en- ~ . S~e was carrying a plastic shop- than thirty yeats since her mother best 3-year-olds in the land. The tertainment bargain of the year, . The JO~ are usually unskilled - pmg ba.g I~e m~ny women seen left, had completed her training as Preakness, the Middle Jewel of the particularly when the infield ac- m factories, de~rtment stores, wande.rmg I.n a city. She stopped, a health aide, and had paid her Triple Crown, which also includes, tivities are coupled with the hotels, etc. Salaries are low, but c?mrhm~ntmg m~ on ~y do~. I debts long ago. She could be said to the Kentucky Derby and Belmont running of the historic Preakness, students g~nerally earn enough .to dl.dn t mmd spendm~ a litt.le time have been very successful with Stakes, is scheduled for 5:40 p.m. one of America's most important payfor their roo,,? an~ board whde With her. and seel':lg thiS, she her life despite amazing obstacles, The first race on the card will go thoroughbred races. they work. A typlc~1 J?b would J:>e turned the conversation somehow yet to her the biggest thing in her off at 12:30p.m. A record crowd of n,348 at- that of ;hambermald m a hotel 10 and told me her story.. entire life was that her mother left. The gates onPreakness day open tended the Preakness last ear the London s West End. But last When her fath~r died, ~er In her own self-image she will at 9 a.m., but spectators will be largest gathering ever fo/a sPorts summer one enterprising stud~nt mother had a hard bmesupportmg always be an unlovable burden to waiting outside before dawn to be event in Maryland. They witnessed !ound work as an a~prent.lce both herself and her dau.ghter. the person she loved most when ready to take the best positions the triumph of Seattle Slew who Jockey for one of Ireland s raCJDg When her daughter became 111and she was seventeen. along the infield fence to watch the three weeks later in New'York stables. was hospitalized, the mother left races after they pass through the became the lOth Triple Crown To qualify for CIEE's program, town. T~s woman ha?n't seen .her DELIVERANCE turnstiles. winner in the 103-year history of students must be between the ages mo~er smce her admIttance to the In addition to the music and the championship series. of 18 and. 30 and must be able to hospital at seventeen. Saturday Night in Decker marching bands, early arrivals The race will be nationally lnro;:a~:e~ ~~~e~t:s~a~~ ~ :~~~ rec~ve~neg f~~~rysu~:~ a~nalo~~~ ********************:::d:n:':*Jo:::y:e*~:::**1ii~~~:~~~'t:~t:~:i~~:~:~h~:££:~~~:~~:'. will watch Maryian.d's best club televised by ABC and is conducted lo speak and understand French. of finding a job without having 7:o!~~:Ot~~~ $1.00 Plaza, New York, New York 10017; and Paying her medical bills, with or 236 NOrth Santa Cruz, No. 314, all the rambling details lonely California Los Gatos, 95030. thIS man In 2 words or less 1 IdentIfy :::.:::: ....1 ..::..: ~~! 'r--------.. Subs Pizza 1.. I I HOUSE OF LIQUORS DailV Specials 848.1314 I Carroll Plaza Shopping _Center I Chicken Day-Monday Dinners Dinners Pizza Day-Tuesday I Special of the Week! Day-Wednesday Spa!#letti I Bring this ad with you for: WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE $1.99 I National Premium I 6 pack Bottles or Cans NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDED SEATING SUndays 7 a.m. Open 6 a.m. daily except Expires Thursday I I._ .. _ .. I Route 140 Westminster . WMC students only 848-9110
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