Page 121 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 121
Friday. April 14 Scrimshaw ..... s Spring Fever Runs Rampant Grantland Rice First, yOU have your "Dodging Music All Over the Campus Florida. Ah yes: spring is in the air. Yes, I . the Potholes Relays." This event Tournament." This tournament Another contest which becomes to look out for above alJ else ... the can tell. The whizzing of lacrosse seems to be very popular this traditionally starts in late spring, very popular as the weather. gets . dreadedKILLERFRISBEE!l! balls, baseballs, and other spring. Basically, it entails but was pre-empted this year. warmer is the "I Think I'll Skip And, finally, there are two assorted objects through the air weaving your car around the Another event that comes with Class Today to Lay Out in the Nice contests which are related and run tell me so. And always the potholes in a slalom-type manner. spring is the "I've Been to Florida Sun with one another. traditional sporting events receive The winners get to be able to steer and Have a Better Tan than You Warm contest Tournament." What a in conjunction Tom & Jerry for I must thank this is finding entails the coverage. their cars for a little longer. (This Do Invitational." Competition can group of people, like yourself, who showing me this contest, maybe But the "Rites of Spring" also relay can also be run on foot, when be noticed all over campus in this don't feel like going to class and they'll even explain to their fans give us some sports that aren't your car can't take any more.j co-ed event. Extra points are are willing to cut with you. After' (??) the rules of the contest. It is usually covered. As a good Also happening very early this awarded to students who have this tournament gets started, I the "It's Warm Today so I'll Wear reporter should, Iwent out to cover spring is the "Put the Speakers Out arranged to get out of class a another tournament also develops a Dress" and the "The Girls are the otber tvres olt'soorts.' the Window so I can Hear My couple of days early to go to It is the "Whiteford-McDaniel Wearing a Dress so I'll just Kinda Beach and Girl - Watching Gawk- Watch" contests. These are the 2 'Up.With.People' Comes to WMC a-then." This contest shrinks develops as most popular 100 per on campus, sports the sun- cent almost the warm weather par- with bathing outfits-the girls wear. ticipation by the student bosy. And Another phenomenon of spring is if it's a warm spring day with the the Frisbee. Spring must be the usual breeze, so much the better. continu.ed from p. 1 The focus of "Up With People" families and participates in about annual birth time of millions of So we on the Scrimshaw, in an "Their impact is electric, in- is, as the name suggests, people. 230 performances. For every paid baby frisbees. They come out of effort to bring you total sports performance, each cast gives the walls, out of dorm windows, out reporting, have recently resear- 1 ~~~rta~~~;~::%e d~~~t :a~ee~~~ ~~~~~ii~t~~~o,:~a~~~~~v~~ ~~ about six free performances in of bathrooms, off the roofs, ched, some of the sports which warm-up; they ignite it in a burst establish a format for com- schools, hospitals, inner-city everywhere! But there is one thing generally get nute ccveraee. of musical combustion." That's munication and interaction bet- areas, prisons, elderly people's how one reviewer has described ween people of different cultures, homes, reformatories, parks, and the musical, "Up With People," nationalities, ages and points of a number of the Indian reser- Special Student hich is coming to Gill Gym- view. It aims to help the young vations in the Southwest of sium at 8:00 p.m. on April 19, by people .who participate in the America. the Lecture Concert Committee at program discover their potential Up With People is on the road 11 Mimi Griffin estern Maryland College, as a so that they can make their most months out of the year and have ommunity involvement project. constructive contribution to been seen in live performances in On March 22, 1978. Ira c-hosen to be the area's The "Up With People" show is society. all 50 states and in 42 countries on Zepp's Social Liberation class was representative to the state n entertaining two hours of music This group is an independent, six continents as well as on visited by a very special speaker. meetings of the White House nd dancing which includes a nonprofit, educatjonal corporation, national television across the This person was David B. Luby, a Conference on the Ha.!!.dicapped the state at the orad- range of original, con- headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, world. In the past two years alone, quadriplegic from Westminster He also represented in May of 19n. meetings national around through I mporary and traditional an vocal in- known i~ternational. the world musi~al Up With People has been seen by who has applied for admission Mr to The major problem Mr. Luby Western College. Maryland backed from five million people in concert aterial by its trumental section of guitars, productions and mobile learning Mexico City to Belfast, Northern Luby has been attending Caton- anticipates is one of accessibility. rcussion, piano and brass. programs. Varied cultural ex- Ireland. Recent appearances tn- sville Community College, where The new student center Will, of The songs attempt to reflect the periences through travel, par- c1ude the Kentucky Derby, the his GPA is 3.8, and wishes to course, be accessable to wheel- pirit of people and are written ticipation in all phases of the show Indianapolis 500 and 'as the transfer to WMC. in September of chairs, but structural ac- I gainst the setting of what ls production, plus the responsibility featured half-time entertainment 1978-:-Hismajor is Political Science comodeuons would be required for other buildings. The Rehabilitation 1 appening in the world. The of handhng day-to-day cast atSuperBowlX. or History Act of 1973, Section 504, enacted in roduction has been acclaimed for operations, provide the youth with Approximately 350 youn~ men Mr. Luby already has ex- June of 1977, gives colleges and unique combination of high a creative educational framework. and women {ron:' 18 c?untrles ~re perience in. the political field. universities three years to make I nergy and the natural appeal of While on tour, each student lives ~:~~~ ;::r r~:~:i~~n ~~f~~~~ their facilities accessabJe to the tsyoung_~ormers~t;·' ...~"..... ,: with approxmiately 80 host ~:;;I~~y T~~ve~~npg~~~~t_ ~p c~: l handicapped. Joan Muir, Assistant .Job Openings • • • section ?f ~o~omlc backgrounds CCC. In October of 1976 he was Director that she expects has few in- of Admissions, and ehtnic Origins. dicated The New York imes put it this way: "Up With People's message Joan (;oley problems in implementing the is simple. People are what matter. necessary changes. For Sep- The Maryland Hall of Records Candidates for the internship And that's an idea worth Elected to tember of 1978, the college would 'ommission has announced program must be graduates or celebrating." For additional in- probably install ramps to Memorial Hall and the library, J ~r::=;:fl~ten;~:h:~~~o~r~~ i~ ~~~:~~~iv~~~~~r~~a:~~t~~ ;!~ formation, call Gail McClain or Who's Who schedule David's classes on either and ---1 e state archives In Annapolis. education at Maryland institutions Denise Carter ext. 386 or 385. Publicity first floor Memorial or in- the an d M 0 R E ! library classrooms. Other changes I ~~e n~;~~~~e~n~nt:~:~rs 29beag~~ ~~te~!~g a;~ ~~7.!~":!:o~~!~:n~ Dr. Joan Coley. associate would come later. Mr. Luby in- arry_a stipend of $1,250. university. Ftnaltsts will be in- professor of education at Western dicated that he received a positive The purpose of the internship terviewed on April 26 by the state Maryland College, has been feeling from the college and felt ogram is to introduce persons archivist and a panel of elected into Who's Who of that they were willing to make the terested in archival work to basic distinguished scholars and com- A Review of summer job op- American Women. Inclusion in the necessary adjustments. Ms. Muir roblems and procedures of munity leaders. portunities for college students at biographical reference publication and Mr. Luby will meet again on stablishing archival control over Information concerning ap- Guest Ranches, National Parks is based on outstanding April 18, at which time final rmanently valuable historical plication procedures are available and recreation areas for this professional contributions. arrangements will be made. ecords. Interns work with the at most college history depart- coming summer looks good. Mr. Luby would certainly be a rofessional staff in the public ments and vocational councenors. Job opportunity analysts Dr. Coley's professional con- valuable asset to the campus earch room, inventory historical or by writing directly to the Hall of researching opportunities for this tributions are in the areas of community. He is a determined, ecords, and RCrform a variety of Records, P. O. Box 828, Annapo.liS, coming summer indicate that writing, consulting and _program capable and delightful person and ther tasks associated with the Maryland 21404 or by catling 269- excellent opportunities exists participation on national, state, should be accepted here. Ms. Muir and local levels. and research. has in9icated that the probability 1 :~~v~ration of a modern state . =l.~~~r~~eadline for applications ~~j~~~U!i~~ ~:~o~~::etrt~~:~ Among other achievemen~ is her of this is very good. service as one of five national ~ii~~Ir~~~r~~ifji~ifi~i~~~!~!~i~i~i~i1ii~~@H@Kiri~li~i~i~i~ili~iifIffi~fi~f!rrI!iif}@iff.::~:~~~~~~~~.Iying early will consultants for the Right to Read B5 U / Bete s D.6..NeE program; her work on the Board of Natural Foods ~.,~,f.,i,~,! :i~)po~~~~na:n:U~~~ an~ur~:m~~ Directors of the College Reading , ::::;:i:i:: them will probably be the best Association; her national Cooking Class .:.:;: i::: :;;: potential again this year. Many workshops on developing literacy juvenile c::'7:~n:';,~;.~:~iC DISCO Pr:~~:m ~ ii@iJ ~~~tedre~~ti;'a~t f~~l~ti~~ a~~~ in American Bar offenders for and the Learn to prepare delicious, Association; ~.l.~.l.i.~ "Phoenix" AICernathle Beverage; ::::;::close to National Parks. her work with and lectures for ·health ful meals without the i:;:;:; Private summer camps and various state and local ·useofchem·icaladditives, ;:;::;: youth retreats which operate organizations. meat, or sugar. s 0 mWili ....... through the summer will be_hiring In addition Dr. Coley, who Given at the Spring House at Albright her degrees and o :.:.:.:.::. ~~~:~:l ~~~~~~e:.counselors be ad- received and the University of 'Kitchen Restaurant. College students College should :.:.:.:::.. vised that many good jobs go Maryland, has served as 126 East Main St. o --EB ~ researcher, author. editorial consultant her and Some of iIl! ~~~ia::~I:C:~~te~r~~e~~ I~ .0 CO .i!!i!ii~!i; ::!;t~-~~~~d~~~i~o~~= packets of materials a series of 10 12th -May 17th. April Every Wednesday, publications include by published a textbook + T ~ :t!i!i!!!st~~ege~~o~~~ ~~~~~::~~~ are Media Materials and for Teachers, _7to10pm supplement Programmed l::~~d~~~§ published by A.T.E writing How is to a Call for registration Reading Vocabulary published $6.00 per class E. Merrill. by Charles most recent Her Diagnostic- titled monograph Teaching: Prescriptive 239·3241 First Few SUrvive the Years,
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