Page 122 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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Pa.. _ Scrimshaw Friday. April 1 ("- R__E_C__O__R__D__S J .::.~~;~ ~~ e'sB~~~~~~~ ••~ Elvis-His Aim Is Still True EveryJ"uMiteheUfoliowe,ha,::':e~uer.I~I::~~~~~'he;';~~~ ELVIS COSTELLO: This Year's his or her own critical approach to anyone can get something out Model I Trying 10 anesthetize the way ~~~~~.strikesdangerOUSIYCloseto ~~el~:~~.onru~i~~'S be~,:i~~~e, ~e~~Y~~i~~Yf:~:!~1. ;~Ta A year ago, the mention of Elvis extreme fan, I find myself in- amaz~ng fast paced stream Costello's name would evoke only This song isn't on the English Thinking all about those sunset creasingly able to exactly consciousness, where a ~_~ laughter or puzzlement. Today,. the import, making it all too clear who superimpose my notion of superb needs self assurance thrcu ~ress .throws a~ound superlatives lUlls song is aimed at. Take heed Sequences musical artistry on her expressive someone coming down to h like. rice at a weddmg, alw~ys program directors. Worrying about the consequences talent To fully understand her desperate level. The final son ~akmg s~re to ~e the .word kmg It's nearly impossible to say too Maybe until I come tomy senses latest offering, Don Juan's "J~ri~ho" is a favorite one liber.a~y Ill: their revI~ws. The many good things about Costello's Better put it all in present tenses. kl ht th"d optimism where she pleads for pubh~ IS a bit slower to pick up b.ut, music. Each song presents one There's not a bad song on this ~~~ati~~siS ~:t~;m:l~' hel~;ul ~f~~t"rich exchange" of time, thouihl amazmgly, th~ general reaction moment, one feeling-he doesn't album--quite an accomplishment essential. As with any of her other etc.. . .. seems to be quite postuve: I know. pretend or pose. When he sings these days. Whether or not Elvis albums, it will take many ~Ide two IS a claSSIC slx.te ~o people on my hall who bought about desperation as in Livi!l.g in Costello is the "future of rock" is listenings and moments reading ~mu~'"?, ~pus entitl ~1S first album and o~e ?ther ~ho Paradise ("When they pull the unimportant; what is important is the lyrics critically, to grasp any Papr-ika Pl~ns. MI~hell resor ~s constantly hea~ smgmg Alison shutters down and throw up in the that he is recording and per- idea of Mitchell's intentions. to mostly plano, WI~ sporad m the sho~er. ~t ~ certainly not dark, they'll find that all the dogs forming incredibly enjoyable Because this album is of landmark orchestral accompaniment. S Beatlemania but.ltlsa start. outside much worse than they music right now. What more can status each song should be floats back and forth in time a .Deve~opment IS the key ;,or.d bark.") you can bet that he's you ask from a poor, bespectacled touched on to some degree awareness of her need to end With this record. Where My Aim. IS writing from personal experience, computer analyist from London? . lifestyle that blocks out what True was f!larked by sparse 10- notthe"RockandRollSongbook." Tim Windsor Unlike Hejira there is no important. str~~entatJon. and . somewhat Likewise, when he sings about the ~:~i:~n~bS~e:~' ~~~ep~!~~sa se~~~~~~~,ndo~~en:",s~~ f~7r~ ~~erit~~f~:~ivel~~i~J~~;~~ painful restraints 0: love, the •• tempted "third-world" music. T ~:ial~;~ia~~:tpo~i~elodi~~~~ SpIIntere d Ge nes 1.5 Ca rrres 0n ~~:t;;%~nt':~i~~~~y ~~g!:::~'w addition, Elvis admittedly go to Miami to indulge in unctuo mediocre guitar playing is buried retains its imaginative com- will, Well, there's little Nemo who oorerO!m, which only the rich ca in Nick Lowe's crisp production, Genesis has given us two brand plexity. With Seconds Out, Genesis has dreams of "mushrooms tall as afford. A seven-minute i leaving very little room for crticaJ new albums of their own special proves that adding a little live houses" and. da~cing with prin- strumental follows, full of conga complaint. innovative rock music. One, recording dimension never hurt cesses. Or Big JIm Cooley whose coffee cans, cowbells, surto The eleven songs written for this Sei:onds Out is a live double record anybody. cattle drive ambush led him to a bongos, and Chaka Khan's voic album match and often exceed featuring a balanced blend of old ... And Then There Were Three ... , proper cowboy death, with his "Dreamland" is a qulmination their predecessors from last year. and new Genesis. ...And Then the new album, is a preciOUS boots still on. Or.snowmen whose Mitchell's recent tren?-s where s Every melody seems designed to There Were Three ... provides a handful of songs that transport you prese~ces dance 10 and out of ~e res~rls. to dreams 10 ~opes. get· your feet tapping on first dazzling glimpse into Genesis as it away, leaving you to find your own con.sclOusness. Or. drea,?-hke achlevemg .any true sahsf~cti? listening; it all sounds like such has developed, changed, and way back. The three remaining maidens and heros, mIXed With .the The dream IS one wher~ all Will h. perfect material for AM radio but reduced members. original members _ Phil Collins, mystery and overwhelmmg in peace and happmess, WI no stations will pick him up. Elvis Seconds Out is a collection of Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks _ powers of !'Iagic. Bey?ndall that is and. nature. comments on this situation in special favorites grOIlped together have created an album of exquisite the grandiose sweepmg rushes of The fmal Side exposes. t R~:~:~;;::~~~du~~:~~~ion~~;[~~~::f,I~~!h~.'~:;!::Ef~~t:~!~~~~~!ii,1ff:~n~~~~t~~~!~I1:~~;f,=~ ~~~:~:!~~~;,~l~i~;:'~:: They say you better listen to the Ready," originally recorded with plunked down on the turntable for lifting up, spinning around the ~orali~y,. and theserpen~ '?f deslr voice of reason mutant leprechaun singer Peter background sound. And, strangely cra.shi."g_40"Y~la~~n_~~j~91!y.:..}1fl~riC~L~~". t~l:5f~.;\th But they don" give you any Gabriel, appears as well as later enough, the closer you listen. the GenesiS has lost none Oflili vltahty (nu.hiY~e\re .. ore. T.~·tn~c choice recorded material. Since Gabriel's better it sounds. as its number has decreased. The clearly remlmsc~nt of Hejira Cause they think that it's treason depature in 1974, leaving drummer Oh but I was forgetting .... An last three have produced an album "Coyote." "Off Night Backstree. So you had better do what you Phil Collins to shoulder the vocal albu~ review is supposed to be equal to, if not superior to, is.a. disturbing song that WI are told burdenthe live early music has lost more than a "hey-wow-this-is- anything the five, or four, man defm/tely put you on edge. He Better listen tothe radio... one none of its impact or beauty. great-so-buy-it". I'm supposed to Genesis created love seems to be unreal, for lo~e ~:t:tf'!::;: in the hands of such a ~': T~:~ra~~~~!r:: ~u~!~~n:~ ~~!Iyou abou: the ~~um a:: wh~ Mary Cole ~;s~f~;t~~I~~fe~:~O~~~~'aT~~~~ I s grea . , the effort needed to make a Barry Manilow Continues In Same Vein relationship work. Only in drea is this not the case. Don Juan's Reckless Daught BARRY MANILOW: Even N~w heavenly choir backing him all the carry you through another month says whether or not to buy the will not be appreCiated One of the cardinal rules for way, allowing him to shift into of dull radio with his latest bright album. This time, it's not very everyone. But anyone who tak anyone who hopes to review high gear at any point. On this <:.not. Even the latest single the easy either way. Chances are the the album seriously cannot he "good" rock music is that you album he has refined that method uLSco-styled (In all fairness, Imust best songs here will be released as but be impressed. Mitchell's i must hate Barry Manilow and to an art. You can almost see the say right here and now that I hate 45'S, so assuming three Singles at a sight is revealing as well everything he stands for. At the lines of chorus girls and cheering disco with a raging passion. I max of one dollar each that's on1y disturbing. Above all, the listen first mention of his name, the audiences as he busts loose in . imagine that as Rome was bur- three bucks as opposed to six or :~stj~~:' ~i~el~o~ithw~: ~ smart music critic will always turn Can't Smile Without You or the ning, the song Nero fiddled was seven dollars for a lot of wasted his nose in the air and mutter album's finest track Somewhere in Boogie Shoes.) Copacabana rises vinyl-you make the choice. Of masterful Blue or For The Rose the poi something about "blatent com- the Night. The man is a genius of above its foot-stomping com- course there's the greatest hits for .example. Otherwise mercia}ity," which just goes to the-nOOk, the phrase that has you petition to become a memorable album somewhere inthe future ... will be missed, little will be right show you why very few people singing along in the car or on the song in its own right. Tim Windsor valued, and no lessons learned. The bottom line on most reviews,- respect those rockcrits-they don't way to class; when all else fails, \+1 .Jim Green _ know good music from a hole in the you can count on Barry Manilow to, 1 ground. . . ------ Which is not to say that Barry \! I c CIVIC CENTER Manilow is the savior of rock and Little Feat, and John Hall 4/16 roll (can you even call him rock 4. 1.._-+-:__ and roll?)-he's just a kid from lYJlA llUll \ . ~ o WARNER THEATER New York who grew up into one of c-~£W:" I!. ':'<.: ':;. .....• :.• ~ ~ .. '. ,.\! Stanly Oarke 4/14 the finest performers of catchy, ~ .,. ~ .- Meatioaf 4/15 ~~::::IY,:~~~~o~:~ w~~ free pregnancy test- . ~ .\ N David Bromberg, and Maria Muldaur 4/22 ~ "hits," Barry can never quite pull mg. Birth carllTol i i \ in Sandwiched services blockbw;te"the,e',alway,"lotof . confidenlial help !((ockrn's tlrabrrm I C JOHNS HOPKINS U. Prompl. off an entire album. the between Manilow Robert Klein 4/J 4 typical ~~I~~~~:=:;::O:~~;~~::~~ £: ~ 1:. ~ E WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE dose of filler but the bulk of it is on c&! i Steak Lobster .~ . Grateful Dead 4/15 ~t:Jf' ~~~~~~:n~:r~: ~~~~~~f ~:::~ TOWSON STATE the second side, making it much . - -. \ 216 E. Main St, ! ~ R Robert Palmer 4/23 ea~~~r~~::~'effortshaveaIWayS \! Westminster, Md. 21151 ~ T PAINTERS !\ULL been somewhat melodramatic and phone for information 848.4202 ~ Stanly Oarke 4/25 overblown both in lyrics and B~~;~~lr~~I~:~land \ ~ ~~~~alf:~~~Cl~~~~U~::a~o~~~ 11ll1) 788-4400 \ Your host: \ 5 CAPITAL CENTRE never seems to work in a quiet \JU'.I \ Lee Cambas j David Bowie 4/27 ~~~~~~d hepie"c~or~~es~~e a~~ L ~ .J '7--~_,__-----_,_=-_:_:_:=.,-~"'_-.,::-_...,.,...,..,:- .'."
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