Page 119 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 119
I~ Friday, April 14 Scrimshaw Page:" Personal Viewpoint Solieiters Calling Much Propaganda Bill Weeks the advent of spring With and the numerous engagements dubious intent of some salesmen whichalways occur at this time or : The administration has received Dave Develand ~:r:i~~el~o~J;~ o~f~ ~:~:a~~ ~~c~~in~~~~l ~~l~::~a~ ~~at is year there has been a notable complaints from parents for I believe the people of America extremist, Neo-Nazi, communistic I believe the American public increase in the number of campus allowing solicitation at all on are starting to wonder now barbarians and murders-and began to look closer at.Israel when solicitations taking place. Goods campus, but the Dean responded to whether we really are supporting twisted events in the Middle East Sadat offered peace and Begin such as linens, Silverware, and this by reiterating that rather than the side which is right in the Middle to fit this conception. America's refused. The Palestinian attack on insurance policies are the most totally denying access to the East. Until nine months ago I was public figures have unwittingly the tourist bus in which nearly 90 popular items to students, and student body by salesmen, which is sure that Israel was right in become purveyors of Israeli civ.ilia~ killed was hailed as often involve contracts worth probably beyond the power of the everything it did. But I met a propaganda. a justification for Begin's rejec- hundreds of dollars. The sales, administration anyway, that a set Palestinian student studying here, Here are examples of the results lion. But Begin gave us a closer primarily by telephone and par- of guidelines would be im- and for the first time I heard a true of the results of this nationwide look athis personality when he told ticularly in the women's residence plemented regarding campus account of the Arab view. slant: Many people are convinced the Knesset "we are going to end halls have led in some instances to solicitations which would ensure Troubled, I began to take a that Israel has been "attacked four this murder of innocent lives" and, students entering into contracts that students have a full knowledge deeper interest in the Middle times in the last thirty years" by instead of making peace, he or- with less than a full understanding of the implications of sales co""n. East's problems and how the press its Arab neighbors. Israel was dered the attack which was to of the implications of them. Ad- tracts, par-ticular-ly ones with and the government reacted. to attacked in 1948 and in 1973, but result in the murder by Israel of ditionally, some companies have clauses allowing for items such as them. ~ have become convinced Israel made the first move in 1956 1200 innocent lives, and leave been reluctant to break a signed all expense paid trips to Florida that somehow, perhaps becaause and·in 1967. Israel does not even hundreds of thousands more contract and in one instance it was which do not stipulate that tran- of the strong emotional attachment accept that a Palestinian people homeless. Perhaps Begin thinks as necessary for the family lawyer of sportation to and from is an of AMerican Jews for Israel and exist (despite the 3114 million did the Nazis and the Israeli soldier one student to extricate that "extra." These guidelines would the people there, the American people who, even after 30 years of on the West Bank who said, as he student from a contract that was include that any representative of publican.... exile, still claim to be was tear-gassing a school, "you not the "good deal" it seemed to a company would have to be Troubled, I began to take a Palestinians) yet a claim widely !Arabs) are not human beings." be. sponsored by a campus deeper interest in the Middle cited by Israeli supporters, prior to When one studies the events in organization or a student who East's problems and how the press Sadat's space initiative, was the the Middle East rather than the In launching a campaign of would serve as an intermediary and the government reacted to unreasonableness of the Arab propaganda releases, one realizes posting notices by residence hall between the salesman and the them. I have become convinced belief that Israel had no right to that Israel is very, very wrong. telephones warning students of student body. In this way it is that somehow, perhaps because of exist. There is no mention of the The Palestinians do many things fast talking salesmen, Dean hoped that an intelligent, un- the strong emotional attachment of contradiction lnthe Israeli position wrong, but they are a scattered Laidlaw emphasised that it is not pressured decision can be made by American Jews for Israel and the that no Palestinian state should and oppressed people fighting her intent to prevent students from any potential purchasers. Ad- people there, the American public, exist, because it would attempt to desperately for their freedom anrt exercising their right to contract, ditionally sales shows will be and public figures too, had adopted destr cy.Jsr aet=by taking this to regain their lands. only to inform of the sometimes permitted only in the lounges of ~ Fau.fl Fo--- ._L. S Follies residence halls and in areas such lone prevent as 100 to Baker Na;::-e:~ ~ ~~ salesmen from roaming the dorms. The Junior Class has assembled l~~:,~:~~dg=n~e~~;: :f~: Stev~ Moritz. Dale is WMC:s own leading newspaper. sc~:r A~% c~:~~~~ ~!e~~ it's range of talent, beaten it into WMC was coed. Some girls from vernon Of.the Fonz, and his per- Th~ show ~nds III the futu:e at a companies who have sent some dramatic form and once Hood are imported to liven up the for~ance 1Sflawless. Steve Montz reunion With such. delightful salesmen here previously in- again presented us with that WMC ocassion, but the chaperones make ~glns ~s Herman Beasly, an,d char~cters as ~e Little Bros. forming them of the guidelines and tradition,JuniorFollies. for a different kind of fun. The With a.little help fro~ above-50s (~hr1S ~arr, Keith Parson). The that most have been receptive to The setting is the future, when in vocals are good, especially the style- IS transform~ into the .star fng~terung f~ture for many of ~e them and indicated a willingness to -.j=~:~I:S~~F~ll:u then~aed~~ voices of Don Trusdel .and Chris ~~e ~~o~~~~~s~~~o::~~e: ~:~oi~ ~fCS:i! ::~~ ~~~:~~:~~~ cooperate. However, she em- feeling ....I~'fudeh't"i<'(~~~:.-- ..Gi~rkri'·:·WhO ~..~=~;::~:r=~~!stea~oa~~ Spring Co~cert--Bo~y Lee lives! and Sue Nee
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