Page 123 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 123
"'..7 Susan Fairchild and Kate Shirey Western Maryland Women's In the first half passing was Lacrosse started the season with a slightly inaccurate, but the second very physical game against half, there was no evidence of any UMBC. An obvious improvement lack in skills as the 'rerrorettes was made over last year, as this finished strong with a 5-3 win. year the team lost by only 3 goals Goals were scored by Sue But what they lacked in the Windsor, Lynne Glaeser, Ruth UMBC game came through as the Seamen and Brenda Donovan. Varsity and J.V. trampled Oet- A secondgame with a J.V. team tysburg, made .up of Varisty and J.V In the Varsity game, the WMC players was played. Neither team offense controlled the pace of the dominated but because of Western game throughout both halves; Marylands skill ir, shooting the while the defense did an excellent game ended in a 3-2 victory for job of holding down the amount of Western Md's J.V. Goals were successful shots made by G-Burg scored by Ellen Scroggs, Brenda offense. This was accomplished by Donovon and Beth Gibbons. the defense hustling. .' . photo by Scott Dahne Lady Western Maryland Men's Lacrosse Playing Tough Mark Rosenberg the way they began began the first, to hold.on toa ~lIm 11 to 10,:,ictory. The Lady Western Maryland, a There will be prizes awarded for The Terrors' Lacrosse team scoring only Zl seconds after the JUnior goalie Wayne Bitely had 6.2 mile or 10,000 meter run for the first three finishers. Ms played two games last week, one face-off that started the period. a great day in the goal as.he came women, will be held on Friday, Weyers stresses that this is a "self- on Wed., the 5th against Loyola Jay Cooke again tied the game, 6 up with 23 saves aga.mst the April 14 at 2:30 p.m. The race will testing" run with emphasis on and one against Haverford on Sat., minutes and 26 seconds into the strong Loyola offense. Birely had start in front of Blanche Ward "can you finish" rather than on the 8th. The Loyola Grayhounds second period. Only 2 minutes s~veral great saves in key Gym on the Western Maryland how fast can you run. came to Hoffa Field expecting to later, the Greyhounds again sLtu~tions, stopping some College Campus. The race is open to all women in see a weak WMC team comprised grabbed the lead, but the Terrors seemingly sure goals in a few one- The run is sponsored by the the community. Persons interested mostly of freshmen; sophomores, came right back to tie the score on-one situations to keep the WMC personal fitness class at Western in entering should contact the and juniors; what they found in- again as Seidel scored his second squad in the game. Maryland College under the College Activities office. stead was a tough game against a gial with only 51 seconds The second game of the week guidance of Joan Weyers, assistar Registration fee is $.50 in advance surprisingly good defense that held remaining in the half. was played on Sat. before a good 'I'he third period proved to be the professor of physical education. or $1.00 at the post. ' the highly rated Grayhounds to Terrors downfall as they were size group of fans, once again on played a Hoffa Field. The Terrors Softball Club Started only 4 goals in the first half. The outscored 7 to 1. The only WMC scrappy team from Haverford, and the game off Loyola team started fast scoring their first goal in less goal was scored by John Little with although they controlled ~he entire Beck Cassilly 5: Zl gone in the period. Down by game, they came away with only a than 50 seconds gone in the game. Due to an increased interest in Other colleges in the Penn-Mar Western Maryland came right the score of 11 to 5, entering the narr~w vic.tory by the sc~re of 14 to softball, a women's softball club Conference have softball clubs this back only one minute and one final 15 minutes of play, the 8. SkLP Seidel on~e agam led the has ~n formed. Af~ meeting. year and next year will start second later as Skip.' Seidel scored Terrors' defense shut the Terror attack with 3 goals and his' fifth goal o~ the 'young season. Greyhounds' offense down and K~rt Glaser, John Patrick, 80 :~~~~~erthe~~~~~~:~i'~';~~i~!h:~~~i~~!d~ca~~; Both teams' defenses stiffened allowed the attack to begin a Hickey, and Jay Cooke each added responsibilities to the girls. It was sport help the chances of a varsity after that and the next goal did not comeback. In the final period, two goals. The rest of the .Terror decided the team would be started team being formed. come until eight minutes and one sophomore Jim DOYInes liael" twO offense was ro~ded out With one on an intramural level with the Over thirty girls have expressed second into the game as Loyola goals and Glaser, Seidel, and goal each by MLke Hurley, Jac.k hope that in the next few years a interest in the team. They practice again jumped. off to a one point Jamie Mosberg each added one ~endall, a.nd Doug Forem~n. ThIS varsity team can be started. The daily on whatever fields are lead. But less than 5 minutes later goal as the Terrors closed to within victory raised the Terrors record girls will participate in the school's available. Hppefully their devotion senior Kurt Glaser tied the game one goal with only 8 seconds to. 2 and 1. The next home game intramural program and therefore will not be overlooked in the next up to end the scoring in the first remaining to be played. However, . WLlIbe on .Sat. the 15th against a do not have a faculty leader. few years. qua rter. the Greyhounds controlled the trugh Lehigh team. The game Loyola started the 2nd quarter final face-off and ran the clock out starts at 2:00 .W.lV.C. Baseball Team Getting In The Groove Jeff Dyer Golf Bobbie Sus The WMC golf team, coached by As of Monday afternoon the Major Moler, opened its season Terror baseball team was 2 away against Ursinus, Monday. last Thursday, April 6th, with an for the season. All the teams The Terrors had fifteen hits as a away dual match against both Terrors have played this team as they went on to a 15-9 Lebanon Valley and Dickinson. season had played an average of victory. The leading hitters in the The rain and cold were major who lost four. seven games, to the Terrors against game were Glenn Cameron, and a factors as but the team Lebanon to was beat The first Dickinson, game was 3 for 6, with. 2 singles l loss for the Terrors. The team was double, and Bruce Frick, also 3 for Valley. Scores were Bth, the team noticeably JohflS Hopkins which ended in a 7-4 high, due to the weather and wet and a home run. 6, with 2 singles grounds. On April and contributors Other Dennis were by Kevin led Smith in hits Dennis Haretty, with two hits a Hanretty, Kevin Smithand and Vic opened its home season with an I piece. The team played well Dreschsler, with 2 hits each. The easy win over Gallaudet under considering it was the first game winning pitcher, Mark Caparola, sunny skies. The team then con- for a relatively young team. went four innings and was relieved tinued its winning wasy with Saturday, the Terrors took on by Frank Trautz, who finished the another victory over Catholic. Loyola in a dooble--header at home. Currently, the team record stands In the first game, the Terrors y:dr_........:1~;;"O,_} ga:se. the season begins, the ers-t. WMC's golf team this year is accumulated four hits and took Terrors, whose 'hitting seemed to a seven man team consisting of the advantage of Loyola's mistakes. 2 victory. be a little rusty, appear to have co-captains Jim Greene and Dave Accompanied by freshman, Bruce The second game started off with close all the way, but Loyola came' gotten into the hitting groove and Rae, plus solid support from I Frick, who werit the distance as a two-run home run by Glenn out the victor with a score of 6-5. must now work on their defense. continued page 8 I pitcher, the Terrors went on to a 4- Camaron in the first inning. It was The Terrors fourth game was --Strong Winds SlowsTrack, but not Lycoming . Phyllis Menschner 2:11 with Jerry Beason and David The Western Maryland Track Grossman close ~hind. 440 Relay Ior a victory in 4.':,.9. The and a second in the 120HH. Harry second followed by Ellis. Don and Field team raised their record Barbour dashed 23.4 m the 220 with mile relay team, consisting oi ~:P~~o :~c~~i~i~a~:li~~~ Harris took second in the discus, to 2-0, by defeating Lycoming 114- Tracy Ellis. a.nd TOI!l K~eriem. Runyon, Beason, Bowen and Fred thr B boo Mark Chadwick had a second in 29. Strong winds slowed times and Grossman flnLshed fLrst L.nthe 3 Smyth were also victorious with a . ~. ar r als~ ~ a second the pole vault and Don Enterline distances for both teams butWMC miles in 18:12 along WLth Jon timeof3:33.8. j~mp. ~~~dT':.u~;!::r ~~~g: to?k second in the Taking overcame them for the victory. Isaacs. Craig Merkle put the shot Other multi winners for WMC second in the 440 rH and a third in thIrds ~ere Todd Sam.blll m the 100 44' Ilh" with Dane Colbert and Don WMC swept 6 events from Harris. Knieriem leaped 2O'101h" included: a first in both the 12{)HH I the triple jump. alongwLthGrossmanmthe88Q Lycoming. Doug Renner won the for fIrst in the long jump, iii Iront of in 15.5 and the 440 IH in 41.0 for On Tuesday, April 18th, the team mile in 4:47.7 followed by John Vernon Crawford and Barbour. Fred Smyth, Mike Margiotta took . Enieriem took first in the triple ~I ~ ~avel~g. to ~ic.kens~n t~ Kebeler 'and Jim Dawson. Elliot Brian Trumpower, Knieriem, Ron Runyon' captured lirst'ih"the 880 in Bowen and Barbour anchored the a first in the high jump with 5'6" !!~~"'w~~ th~ :m~:!~ntO:: gOin~~ eep elr wmrung S rea
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