Page 118 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 118
.....2 Scrimshaw - Friday. April 14 SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the -Editor Adults? BSU Member Replies "- Dear Sir, Patterson said that any first person's human rights. Iwould like I would like to take this time to semester economics student knows . to touch upon three relevant supplement last weeks letter to the 'that when the price 'of an object examples, of this horrendous in- It has recently come to the at- The maintenance department Editor. The individual who ex- increases, the demands for that justice. tent Ion of Scrimshaw that there ecee fix a large number 01 smaller pressed his opinion on the budget object will decrease. That's only Firstly, there are no smoking has been an unusu'ally large and problems, but this, too, is beco neglected to state all of the facts as good common sense! Along the signs in Memorial. This ad- costly amount of senseless ming more costly. Although there they related to the situation. same line, the elasticity of ministrative policy robs a smoker destruction to college property is no labor cost, the matelrals of one of his pursuits (in and Social of happiness. True! during the veer-much more than needed to complete the repairs are Committee The Yearbook budgets cut demand a luxury relationship to its Thomas Jefferson would be ex- being had their or a n~essity) ever before. Repair bills from rapidly rising' in price, due to in- back to painstaking amounts but adds to the effect 'that different tremely irate if he were alive Miller's Electric and C&P Ilation. On the Rouzer end of the one important point was not commodities regulate different today. I have seen professors with Telephone have risen drastically. cafeteria the ccubre. wired glass on stressed-the one point being that a demands ... based on need. the audacity to tell a student to The malnlenance deparlment the window was broken earlier In campus wide opinion poll was Mitchell Alexander evacuate the hall in Memorial just handles many of the smaller the semester. The replacement problems, and the construction sheet was S75. Rouzer's ground !il~~~::hthea!~~~f:a~~;m:~~e:~ Right to Speak ~~~ar~~:e. he was smoking a workers repair the damages the floor coer leading to the parking lot hundred and sixty students Dear Editor, Secondly, many people are new' Student center. Most of the was closed too hard and broken responded to the poll, their There have been two letters looked down upon because they necessary repairs are In Ihe men's before break. The estimated cost response-In relationship to published in Scrimsha:-r, smoke. Males, in particular, will corms and the new student center. for laking the door apart and fixing priorltles-was that the Yearbook concerning the fraternities, sometimes think poorly of a girl And they are all totally senseless. the lock mechanism is S200-300 We are supposed to be reasonably Damage to the walls of the Student received the highest number of whose contributors have because she smokes. They feel intelligent, mature adults. So why votes in favor of having its budget withheld their names for good thatthegirl is cheap and trampish. are they so many occurances of Center, between Rouzer and the cut back. reason This line of thought is outrageous this wasteful behavior? cafeteria only, was almost S200. A statement, to the effect that It is truly sad that this and discriminatory. Work on these walls wlllbe cern- pleted soon, but hopefully not until ~~~c~~U ;:'~Ul!~~~~i~~~u~~~: ~::l~~iO~ ~!v~no~~n mfe~~e~ Another example of persecution Both Miller's and C&P have the students are finished punching Committee and the Ad- of some fraternities. It is op- towards smokers is the case where received reports from their em- hotes in them. All of this is not ministration, was brought up. The pressive when we must remain a person refus~ to r~m I~:th ployees that the needed work Is to attr-ibuted-to Rouzer residents, but Senators at the meeting agreed to silent or be silenced. What has another person caus~dlt e a ~r repair damages, not to fix to people passing through. A the additional funding (not for happened to the Constitutional :i~o~;s~:~esir!~~;~t ·c~~~~~~ something 'that went wrong with weight was thrown through the the machine or system itself. After window in the weight room, ending ~~~~) i~u:::r~~~~~:~~i':i~:~~ rightOffreedC:b~~~~~;Uglia smokers. If non-smokers breathe calling this to the attention of Mr. up in the swimming pool, with Preston Yingling, Mr. Miller has glass everywhere. f~~st~~ Smoker Objects started sending the College two ~~~~:~ry~I~~~ ~~r£Y~;,~~~~m~~'~ra~~ separate bills for the benefit of the Most of the 'necessary repairs Dear Editor: Those non-smokers are being hogs Administration. One bill is for the are in the men's corms. According The point was also made that all There is a widespread belief and are taking away valuable air normal wear-end-tear repairs; 10 Dean Laidlaw, the worst areas comments should be addressed to spreading through society that from others. the other Is for stucent.tntucted are the third and fourth floors of the chair, all should be relevent to cigarette smokers infringe on the In conclusion, I stress the damages. March's bill for the Rouzer and the fraternity sections. the matter at hand and none should rights of non-smokers. It is my viewpoint that smokers are often latter afone was S533. Along There have been only two reports be used to cast personal diaper- personal opinion that the opposite denied a right that every human with the telephone bill was a !ett~r I of damage In thewomen'sdorms in sions against another member of of this statement is true. The being deserves, which is to be able from a company official, statlOg In, the past two months, both at. the association. Mr. Patterson situation at Western Maryland to bring pleasure to oneself. part that children will be children, tributed to outsiders, not resIdents failed to realize that some things College is an excellent example of Smoking does not usually cause but ... And he's right. What ever cannot be delt with by USing the issue in question. Many any harmful effects on non- happened to those InteUlgent Parliementaryprocedures. students at WMC are smokers. If it does, it usually cc- adults that we are now being called Students wonder why tuition Is One final comment, concerning discriminated against because curs because of a non-smoker's chlldren? always rising, but they continue the implication that the additional they smoke. I believe this to be a .hoarding of a public good. Quite wasting money by destroying ~~:r:~aa~~:':en~::er~~~ =J~'fti~~ s~~e~~:=r,f'. ~nn~~¥~~~~l1ti-~nhale .mJH"e Two repairmen from Miller's, :=~~~~~~~;h~~m~;:~:~i~; called to fix a oorken fire alarm~ to grow up, It will be much ap- is a prime example of Mr. Pat- upon. To prohibit a person from share of air. terson's one sided view point. Mr. smoking is a crushing blow to a Bill Hamilton ~;~:: p:''':r :':!r;;,e ~~~::~~as pr~~:t=r:: a~hde~~~u~io~sis '; Daile Cleveland ~m:vto:.,~ :nto I~::~ ~~!::ay of amusing yourself, t~~e tude t t epa n Into a light more classes, harder classes, [om We are Unprotected ~k;,::us~~!lnuous short ~~ o~:~::,~:n, :he~ut tf~:na s::at circuits everytlme the penny got . your'e doing now. Surely these A system exists for dealing with shou1d - have gotten. Then the member did grade us irrespon- 'hot. If the circuit breaker had pie don't act In this manner at the problems of students who f~1 department head goes and talks sibly, and refused to, back dow~, failed to trip, a fire might have ::Ome. What would your parents do that they have been given an unfair with the faculty member and, we would be stuck With an unfair been started and spread very if yo broke the living room wln<*Jw or irresponsible grade for a paper, assuming we have a legitimate grade, and have wasted a lot of easily, for students are constantly for fun, or serthe trMh can on fire, a test, or for the coorse. Un- grievance, suggests that the grade time on an essentially powerless playing with the fire alarms, ex· or knocked a hole In the wall, or fortunately, this system depends by changed. That's all, just grievance process. !':~~~~~:~ab4~~s, and they flooded the bathroom, or .... ? on the reasonableness d the suggest. If a professor refuses to Do not mistake my meaning. faculty member involved. What we change a grade, the department Neither the department head nor are supposed to do Cirst is to go and headcan'tdoa thing. the dean of academic affairs -------------------- talk th. d "th the And Dean McCormack, dean of should be given the power to .- prore:s~~rjnVO~v~j:;,t ~ ~ if academic affairs and the next step change our grades. This would ;::e '::iv;~~~':~e~~~f~c~t!b%a~ c~~~:e~ Staff Box there was some misunderstanding in the grievance process, can't do on1y move the opportunity for Editor-in-Chief Meg Hoyl. On Temp. LNV, Jeff Robill5On somewhere. And what if we aren't any more. Neither the dean nor the irresponsible action to a different Editors Business Dept, satisfied with what the professor =:no~rt ..._ Editor Heney Mllnefee SporU Editor Jim T .... lnllni Ad"n.gerJimW.tlnlln\~de~n~~~ou:t~: there is no further step in the teacher's grade: that the Photo.,-.phy Editor Scott Dehn. Busi'_ MIo~-:;O~~hY H.lbeugh didn't get the !grade we think we griE:vance process. If a faculty ~oa~;~m ~~OUl~h~ uni~~~fdS~!~ F.. ture Editor Phil L.P.dul. Beneath Lew.·s Ch'......... D".CI~.'"" pcof=.n;, Th,;, ,,,,,,.n;ngwould Features Editors Lee MIoxwe4t Denise Gi.ngol. be right. A professor is the on1y Entert.inment Oir. MIorkK.U Photographers person in constant contact with our Music Editor Tim Windsor Hal Sehlnlliowitz V.n~n Cr.wford continued from page 1 work on a subject and so the on1y Food Editor Joe Br.nt Dave Meyer .ne local unit of the American go The reservation involved was person able to fully evaluate us. Association of University ~ appropriateness of a cen- But the facul!y ~nnot reasonably Staff Writers ~f~~~i:S~ ~~i~ve~:~~ tO~eo: ~~~:~~O:ffi~ial~r~~"Wz: :~:d!~r :~~l~h~e~a~:?r Mike 0'Andr. ~te Shirey Bill Weeks MerIt C.s.y ... merit legal action, if necessary, taken. Th~questionstillremained; guarantee that all.the faculty Will Dave Zinck Phillis Menschner Mery Cole Dive MoskowiU based upon the rights provided Would the government want to always act responsibly. . . AniteCrOl5e Sergio Zarbin Mimi Griffin J.ffOy. Salty-Stebbins o.wn IMno.u Kim SheWbridge Lilllo.vis ~i:nU~ ~~:S~~~o~.mendments ~~~~es~~fil~, ~~~n;~!~ ;m!.a~eo~~~r~:o~n:u~~ Bobbi.s.- .ley Hohzmen J.ffSmitb BruceS--. As far as who directly controls them to do so. The contracts 1976 lik~. the honor boa~, Wlth.the Bill Sprina Dav. Lengley Sue F.irchild :r:7:tn~~.n~~~n~a~~, ~~ a~ renewal a~wered this question. ~~z.t;~~~r:e ~g~=:I,bl: Jerry Prophet Nancy McKenzie Merk Rosenberg Judy Ford Ann Diviney ScOtt Sheri~n Me.e Costel'- those who do. Most of the contact in Carl who has served as the grade appeal board, shou1d be SCRtMSHAW OFFICE HOURS the negotiation of the lease is made Regio~al Chairperson of the composed of both stu~ents and Spring 191' through Schaeffer, with the con- Governor's Youth Advisory Ifaculty, !.c? prevent any bias: and be Sundlly: 7:00-8:00 PM S.Dahne sent and direction of the Board of Council, stressed, "Every student tied to the current gnevance Monday: 7:00.S:00PM N.Menefee Trustees. should write their senator and process. Tuesday: 3:00-4:00PM P. LaPadulo!l When asked whether the college congressman and let your parents Whatever form such a grade ap- Wemesday: 7:00-8:00 PM M.Hoyte had considered the possibility of know about the situation." He also peal board takes, because the Thursday~ 1l:30AM-12:30PM J. Teramanl not renewing the lease when explained that the reason for the faculty. has total control over controversy first arose in 1972, release of the information at such a academICS at the college, only the John responded, "The question late date was that he did not want faculty can create it. On1y the Alfstudents and facul~ ore Invited to stop by the SCRIMSHAW office was raised. At that point, however, to do so until he was sure of its faculty can protect us from in the Studenf Center during any of the hours listed above. the contract still had four years to authenticity. U_emselves.
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