Page 152 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 152
Page 4 , Scrimshaw Friday, May 20 .. 1977 Teehnolo,~.Creative or Convivial (Illieh) Bill Weeks Holmes drew primarily from the Mr. Illich bases his views on Dr. Holmes put great emphasis on tile automobile, our insatiable ideas and works of Mr. Ivan Illich, technology by observing that every Mr. IlIich's view of the importance desire for energy, and phosphate At what Point does modern an Austrian priest, scholar, new discovery that man makes of determining the point· of containing detergents, which leave technology c~se being' of help to linguist and self professed cultural potentially serves a certain maximum utility after which a tool us in a Situation, in the words of Dr. mankind and begin to be harmful revolutionary, for the basis of his amount of utility to the betterment begins to be harmful to the Holmes, of having "cleaner clothes to him, both spiritually and en- talk. Mr. llIich has written several of mankind which he terms its ultimate goal of mankind which he and dirtier .rtvers.' Dr. Holmes vironmentally? This question and books critical of contemporary conviviality, from the .... Spanish terms "maximizing human en- described Mr. Illich's presently others like it were raised in a Western institutions and values, as meaning of the word.' Included terprise." realized prediction of technology lecture-discussion in McDaniel well as offering alternatives for among those things which mayor run rampant leading to "hyper- Lounge recently headed by Dr. them, including De • Schooling 'may not be convivial are the in- ..... Some examples of tools which industrial chaos," a situa- William Holmes. Entitled socfety, Medical Nemlses, and stitutions and systems of man as Mr._ Illich feels have passed the tion in which man has become a Oddlo . 26 "Humanizing Technology," Dr. Tools For Conviviality. well as his mechanical gadgetry. , watershed mark of conviviality are slave to the auto mechanic and - J F ling on une T.V. repairman, who by the The 15th Deer Creek Fiddlers after crossing a small bridge. ~~~f~~~y~:,u~~~~c~e:ure~;~o~~ for a fulfilling existence. Mr. Illich S.RuroIEloctri· Convention will be held Sunday, would define a convivial tool as one liCl,i~n The Conventions are for AdminWr••ian June 26th, from 2 till 10 in the af- Bluegrass and Old Time music. which gives Man a sense or feel of (ab.f 6 Son-g:·,Tjml ternoon. The 16th Convention will There are cash prizes for bands, his own energy, an "extension of :~;f~:7~ be held in the following month on and individuals Guitar, Mandolin, on self," such to as those the hammer, which as competing July aist. Each Fiddle, date is Banjo, tools opposed convention 10 S••tion(ob.) picked to be a Sunday nearest the Bass, Vocal, 'and Other. Many fine reduce Man to a mere functionary full moon, so there'll be evening combinations of musicians have and button pusher, such as the moonlight to sing and dance by. had their origins on convention computer. li ~~~:~~~~:kl :ro fI~m.naodd .. This year's rain date is August 7th grounds. This summer season the Dr. Holmes observed during the ~f n~h' (sorry, no full moon). 21 Manly:frl!>CI Cub Hill Cloggers will present. course of the discussion the radical 22 Monly:lndi. The conventions are held about some specialty .dancing on the nature of Mr. Illich's ideas and the ~~~::'~:"O:\~~I ::~~.~";.~co..) 30 miles north of Baltimore on stage down by the creek. importance of staying within the fo'~vn ... Channel Road in Harford County. Advance tickets are $4; at the system if one would wish to effect o.n.orylAb.) The grounds may be reached by Money: ~ ~~!:~:t"il 46 47 ComPllny JoPlIn going north on Dulaney valley gate the price is $5. Tickets and the changes in lifestyle proposed. 31.0nlm~rlli!", .ulpll:todol Road past Goucher College. Follow information are available from He closed the evening by Mr. Illich's hope for ~~~:: .. u 48 ~~lb:~!~~.) 146 to Madonna; turn left on either: Dave Greene, 500 East 42nd characterizing as being in simplifying the future route 36 Spo,aidlilh Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21218 37Spt<:imlfl 51 Et_.8rute route 23 (travel about 6 miles (call 435-0967) or from Megan the sophisticated technology of the 39 Reeto';: almost to Ncrrtsville) ; turn right West and multiplying the basic coun,orport Shook, 3140' Abell Avenue, :~!:\~C~·~i:~II.) onto route the 136 (heading eastward of Baltimore, Maryland, 21218 (call tools for the other two-thirds of the 4OCh.olicI world. northern part across 366-5092). Maryland). Travel on for about 1 '.".**** "*''*''*''*'''*''****** __ I' mile, then turn left on Carea Road .;Mllrrel 'M ':iI~ottle.£;;1. (t
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