Page 65 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 65
C Bet ./ Wednesday. December 10. 1975 Pithy Saying: Volume 2, Issue 12 "Thank God. It's Friday," -Rcbinson Crusoe Constitutional Changes Proposed c. ()nerepresentative from each secucn 01 SE(TIO:"':!. The Senate shall function as the b. Two-thirds !two-thirds) of the votinlj: !Wlow is printed theconslitutlon as it now e. A treasurer wbo shall have attained members "r the Senate shalf approve im- stands. and where ever a cllangehas been SQl>bomoreoriuniorclassstatusnolaterthan the Men's Dormitories and one representative legislative and judicial body of the peachm<'ntproceedings. proposed. it has ileen printed after the old the beginning of the First semester in Uleyear. from each floor of the Women'. Donnitories: Association. have the reSPOllslbililY to There shall be a Japse Qf One week between a.TheSenateshall representative Special from the d. On" "ersion in bold t~·pP. Please read these in which he serves. Housillll Council fflr every fifty students lake whatever action is necessary to insure impeachment and removal from office revisionsca~fully.becauseyou.thestudents. e. A treasurer who shall have and protect the general wel£areand Ule in· proceedings ha,·etovoteonthemtomorrow. and unless you represenledbytbeCouncilorlhree-lifths understand what thechana:esare, yOu w".,'t be attained sophomore or junior but 'lhrre-fifthSl Iractlon thereof. There shall be reresrs ertne stodentbcds from the Special at least one repreSentative b.TheSenateshalldetenninewheUlerorllOt able to use )'our vote wisely not senior class status no later than lIousingCouneilwhoshaJl be the chairman 01 the general welfare 01 the student body as a st:(1'I0~ t. Removal from office: 01 impeachment completion Upon a. the beginning of the first semester WE -nuc ST1'llt:STS 01 Western Maryland theC.ouncil whole is affected proceedings. the Senate 01 the Association College in arco«l with and subject only to the in the year in which he serves. The voting members of the A quorum of the Senate shall shall consider all aspects of the case ..ll,·otingmembers A.'()(eolthre-e·fourthsor ~i~iesofthePresidentandno.ardoITrustees consist of a Simple majority of the oftheSenateshallconstitutec(llIviction':lnd 01 Western Maryland College do establish this Senate shall be: constitution \0 promote the general welfare of Sf:(1'lnN 2. The candidate for office shall a. The members of the Executive voting members of the Senate. removal from office. c. In removal lrom office proceedings, the studenl body and the college have at least a l.lcumulativeaverage Council of the Association. The old Section 3 will now be Senate shall be presided over by the highest the ,\HTU'U:1 The candidate for office shall b. One of the elected officers Section 4 and will remain the same ranking office not being tried. NAME have at least a 1.1 WMC from each class. except for the omission of the The name of this organization shall be the cumulative average. c. One representative from each words "and judical" from the first ,IHTI('U:IX Student Government Association of Western housing unit as specified in the By- sentence. AMENDMENTS ~laryland Colleg~HTln.Ell The old Section 4 will now be St;(TIU:-; t. Amendments tothe Constitution st;(1'ItlN:I. The olficers shall be elected by laws. shall be presented to the Senale. OBJECT the members 01 the Student Government d. At-large members as sp'ecified Section 5. SE<1'Hl x z.Afterthelapse cr one weea.jwo- In order to insure the privileges. rights and Sn1'Ul x '.TheSena!eshallapprovethe thirds of the voting members of the Senate responsibilities of the students 01 Western Association at the annual spring elections in the By-laws. budget of the Association present shall approve the amendments. Maryland College. this organization shall The officers shall be elected by • MI.Tln.f:nll serve as the supreme executive. legislative. the members of the Student St:(1'](), ....2, The non·voting members of the [MPEACHMENTANDREMOVAL ~t:("Jn~ a. Afler the lapse o[ at least one and judicial instrument lor directing student Government Association at an Senate -nen be' F"ROMOF"FICE we-ek. the amendments shall be approved by life and providing democratic student a .•• president 01 the Inter·Fraternity st:!Ttn:>; 1. Impeachment two.(hirds I\wo·thirds) of the members 01 the government in all phase5 of student activities. annual election to be held in April. ('ounch ~nd the President of the Inter· a, Any memher of the Senate may initiate Association voting. being subiect only to the poIieies of the Sorority Council: impeachment proceedini!sagainst any of the President and the Board ofTruste-es b. The chairman of the Relii!ious Life li,'e officers o[the Association. AHTI('Lt:X ,\IITtCl.EltI Sn1'I1IN~.Theoflicers~lect5hall assume lI-Il';MBERSHIP office for the year on the first Monday in the c:~n~;\:committee chairmen mZ;y v~~~~:::mb~~:!~~~::~~ This conStit~~~IF~;a~;rl:ome effective All full time undergraduate students month of May following their election matriculated and registered in Western The officers-elec:t' shall assume The non-voting members of the proceedings against any member immediately after it has been approved hy a ~laryland College shall be members of the office for the year on the first day Senate shall be all remaining of the executive council or the ~i:::i~i~ majority 01 the Association Student Govl!fIlm\~~~I~.~:~tion of May. members of the Association. Senate. ~lay. \005 OFFICERS AND QUALIFICATIONS SE(TIOr-; r. The officers 01 the Association M"kcBesults of Band Survey Intheeventofa SH1'IIINS, vacancy. sh~l1 be terim officers shall be elected by the Senate 01 in· a.ADresidentwhoshallhavea\tainedsenior or junior class states no later than the the Association wUhin three weeks of the beginnini!ofthesecondsemesterinlhe year in ,\IITICI_F.I' In a lairly recent article in Serimsba,,·{the soon be seen. Of the 726 students who com Condusion: \l'M(' "ud~nts woutd be ,.,illing 10 which he serves and "'110 has attended this MF:ETINGS OF"THE ASSOCIATION ()clober t5. 1975 issue. 10 be exact). Linda plO'ted the poll. 51 percenlor 3S9, indicated a Ir"\'~t 10 3 hall sucb as Shady Grove al a college for the two semesters pnor to his term Thomas, chairperson 01 the new SGA Social "illinsness to pay S5,OO, 32 percent. ot'235. of office. ~t:t1'IU:-; t. There must be at least one Committee promised to indicate possihle would Day 57.>0. and t2 percent. or 8B were t'nt, the poll asked students to indicate b. A vice·presidcnt who shall have attained meeting of the Association a year lor the bands lor the Spring Concert in December. "'illing to gO all the way and pay $10,00. In iunior or senior class status no later than the Well, December is nOW here. and so are the addition. ~nother 5 percent. or 22 students their personal prefcrenres in music. Choices Iisled inc\uded hard rock. rock. 5Oul. jalz. folk beginning of the first semester in the year in ~:::~~~.nolcandidatesfortheofficesherein choices, Due 10 certain difficulties involved in inststed cn a Ir~~conceT!, a "'rite-in choice not aod ~ouotry,"·estern. ptus space for students which he serves and who has attended this St:l1'tll:\' ~. Special meetings of the dealins with most agents. Linda had some hSledontheditto. Plus. the conclusion. based to specify other choices. The students were college lor the twosemestcrs prior to his term Association shall be called by the Executive problems with pinning do"n definite groups or onlhemajorit~'replY"'asthat\HICsIUMn" inSlructed to list their top three choices in 01 office. CouncilorbyamaiorityvoteoltheSenate indi,·iduals.butshehassucceededinsetting ~i~~~illin~ 10 pa~' 1.";.011 a pi~"p lor a cOncert numerical order. Although each genre of b. A vice-president who shall SE(1'ION :\, A quorum 01 the Association nine possihlechoices. and these will he listed music had its propOnents. rock won out with have attained sophomore, or ~~i~~~Os~st of ~ simple majority of the laterinlhearlicle Thes~condquestion. "Would YOUbewiUing 622 ,'otes. Second ,.,as hard rock. with 346 junior, but not senior class status ~·irsl. however, let's take a look at the togooffcampus ''''ithin the general areal and ,'otes, nnd third place wenl to lolk wHhia6. The is unevenness of these numbers mathematical no later than the beginning of the Omit Sections I and 3 from Ar- eesunscr e rcu that the Social Committee look pro\';de your own transportation through car attributed to Ihelact that not everyone POOlsorothermeanstotheconcert~"metwith first semester in the year in which ticle V. and reave Section 2 as it is. among the student body. You may remember ~no\'er"'helmingresponsetotheafllrmative followed the instructions predsely; some only he serves and who has attended being visited in your room or on your noor at IlOpercent 01 the students answering thep(liJ picked one choice. while other numbered all approximately 11:00 P.M. at the end 01 Qc. MITICU:'" this college for the two semesters THE EXt::CIJTIVECOUNCIL toher by a Social Committee representative IS7'90Utof7261 said "Yes." while t9 percent. or six of the possibilities t36. said "No." and \ percent or It. were un- Now we come to the bands lhat were selected prior to his term of office. SfTTWN t. The Executive Council shall who handed YOUa dittoed lorm which con d£Cided. Conclusion: WMC 'Iud~nts are by the students. The question read "Write consist of the five officers of the Association tained several questioru; concerning band ,,'illin~ to .110offumpus for a conc~rl. a lact choices and other preferences for the concert wh;chtheSocialCommitleeispreparedtodeal down thre-e groups that YOUwould like lor a and choices concert". of the the top three c. A recording secretary who shall have The Executive Council shall The poll had been conducted with the goal with ilit becomes necessary studentswhoansweredwere.inthisorder,The attained sophomore. junior, or senior class consist of the five officers of the in mind of letting the decisions involved in Eagles. Bruce Sprin~steen. and America. at status nol8ter than the first semester in the Association. The chairpersons of arranging a concert fall to the students rather Thethirdquestion ... tsabackuporsecond least one 01 which appeared on almost every thantoasingleindividualorasmallgroup.126 year in which he serves. the standing committees shall be dittoes were returned from a tot..(1 un· ~roup necessary'" had an almost equally form. Now. however. knawing precisely who d. A rorresponding secretary who shall have definite...,ply. 74 percent. or 540. students the tOIl!hree choices were. it is time to face the attained SQl>homore or junior class status no ex-officio members. de-graduate class of t285. inditatin~ a leed· answered "No." while 26 percent. or IS6.said sad but hard realities of things and clarify that latcr than the first semester in the year in SE<1'WN 2. The Executive Council shall back 01 about 56.percent 01 the studenl body "Yt'S.'· The conc\usion, quite obviously. is that none of th~s~ \hre~ "'iIl Iw n-ailable for the to the questions Here. then. are the answers which he serves lunction as the executi,'e branch 01 the asked by the poll. as determined by the • bal·kuoIIroupis not npressary. l'M(' Spri1lg ('oncert d. A corresponding secretary Association and shall execute the decisions 01 responses of the students who filled the dittoes Why not? Basically. it's a matter of "Would question you be The fourth who shall have attained the Senate -"HTII·I.EI'Ii oul. interested in attending was a concert at Shady economics. In talking "'ith aSl'nts. it was sophomore. junior. or 'Senior crass THESENATE. The first QUe5tionof the poll "'85 "Would YOU Grove. ctvtc Center or Capital Center for a discovered that each 01 these groups range in dollars for cost lrom twenty to thirty thousand status no later than the beginning S~TTI()N '. The voting members 01 the be "'illing to pay $5,00. 57,50 or $10.00 for a discountPrice?"Theresponsewaslairlyclose a concert. How mu~h is allocated by the SGA or 401. S8ying 'Yes,"3!1 here. ll'ilh 56 percent. concert ticket~" The response to this Question of the first semester in the year in s.inate shall be had something to do with thechoiceolpassible percent. or 287. giving a "No" answer. andS lor the Spring Concert? EKactly $7,500. a, The elected officers 01 the Association; which he serves. b. The presidents 01 each class bands that the Social Committee made. as will uercent. or 32 students whowe~ undecided cont. on p. 3, col. 1
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70