Page 66 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 66
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday,December 10, 1975 A Letter From the Editor I "ollldlik"I"',,kclhisopportunilytostep parking pi""",. wake upto false flrealarms. lor this. JUSI because my name is at the lop of are Iypical of uie behind-the-scenes ********** to maintain and I. Iype has given to SCRIMSHAW ,,e speciaL Where Cindy O·Neal. Ihe last Editor 01 The items into a sometimes otherwise very serious Finatty. I would like 10 thank th! students else can" siudent transfer from anolher (i,>ld lIulI. Witlmut her cQOperatiOll in issue. Sue Coleman, Jefl Robinson. and David and faculty uf WMC lor the fantashe suPPOrt TIL,·'i",llh"u!!.hl~ltt,'nl"rmyhead are ones t:ollege. and one and a half years later leaching Oeee F'unk and I the ropes of Range. are three more people who work end· tha.t they have gIven SCRIMSHAW. As. !he would SCRIMSIIAW 11"'1 rOt, ",n' :M"'nior" Ihal are about 10 l>ecomeEdiloroftheschoolneW'!;paper? This layuul. Nexl COmeS Gene have never that lessly. and neVer cumplain, to help keep Edllor.lea,nlell'.'-lIofyouthatlherelsnolnlng been. Funk. ~rarl"al<' Ihink "I",ul "t one lime or another pninlS up Ihe greatest single opportunity which inimitable charaeler ...ho translerred SCHIMSHAWcomingoutweekly,Suespendsa mo~e grallfYlOg than knowins that all 1300 WI"" ha;.open' ,'fler this? Whal ill'~ not W~ll'haslo"fler itsstudenls. theoPDQrtunity minimum 01 three hours a week Iypin; copy COPIes thai we publish every week are t>elOg a('<"'ph~1 ttt ~rarlualt·,.,hooL and I Can'l find a luexpress themselves 10 their fullest. 10 be lu the U. of Md. this year_ Without him, for the typesetters. and has sornetimes stayed read. and feeling that all the lime and effort schemes our crazy 10 start a neW newspaper )tth···· VHr )"ou unrlcrclassman. this isn't a their own person, and to aebieve wbat Ihey feel ",·ould neVer have got1en off the grow.d. A upallSundaynight.loassu~thatthecopy put inlo prcduclng the paper has turned out a n"dnr "n>hl"m )·cl. hul jusl "'·ail. you'll get is necessary. As a student who wenl lu a nutty character, with wild ideas, my only waS all prepared by Monday morning_ Jeff product hat the students and faculty .... nl Ih.'Tt· universily",ithover:JOJIOOstudents.leanteli wakes bimself UP every Wednesday morning 10 read. you from experience thaI a small campus such regret neing that he transferred. &nd didn't Dlsixo'Cloek,todrivo;tOlhep_rinl.ersan.'!brin g 1 would like to close 011 athoughl provoking I come MI.·rlh,'abov"tho!JghL,dieaway, the next as our" offers unique advantages, So what if "lay on as eo·Editor, my Movin~ along associate the SCRIMSHAW to Its dislrlbulIOn PO"'ls, so note. A week never goes by without someone Mark Bayer. faithful to 'av,' of r,~'lings 10 hil are ones of noslalgia "'·~onlyhaveonemovielhea.terin a ten mile Edilor. and probablY the best writer on ItS wallmg [or you 10 read when YOU so for coming up to me and saying something 10 the )'ttU "ever re"lizehow easy you have it unlil radi..s·~ It's personal achievement that is Ihe "taph. There haVi! been issues where ,1'. 'H>I l(Oing 10 t>e easy any more. WMC iml)OrtanL A person ean spend four years at Mark wrole more than half Ihe copy, ;::~~;~~~::~r~~:!s:!~f~~~fn~~£?~ ::~~~~I!-'::~~~.I,~~~~;,~ b~:k)h:~~~I:o~:~ ,sn'll·eallylhalbad"plaee.oneeyoustop l'ollege. and have a straight "A" record. but because everyone else was studyins for unlesshefeelslhalhehasacbievedsomething, ;Lnd Ihink "boul il Sure. we all do our exams. or inextrieably lied up. In ad ,hart' "f bil<:hing. ""me more than others either lor himself. or for others, he will dillon 10 his wrilln~ talent •. Mark also add. ~~~:;;~r:~:n:C~~ISn~~ea...~~tdn~~~~~~:!~ E~c~~~~~~~:r~~~~1 ~~:;~~I~~~!~~ IoUI ,,·.,1,,,, I'la.·,· interr~lalionships. have tests don't take the precedin~ two lines as a sound Kim has added immeasurably to the Quality 01 ,,·ho Ihey are. and realizes how much I ap' your Own person. and achleve~ Itt pass. r~l)Orl" 1<1 "'rile. struggle to find palonmyownback.The~areotherstothank SCRIMSHAW_ Matt Bowers and Mark Kalz -rectate the ineatculabl" bours or help each Baron L. Tayler Personal ViewPo in t: Israel andthep.LAO~ntrast . by Baron L. Tayler In lasl w<,<,ks edition of SCRIMSHAW. were pUI inln refugee eamps in Jordan, up civilians in market places. hijaekingand Il<'f'man' Au~'ang wrote an inleresting, bul Lebanon. Syria. a.nd Egyp1. They weren't blowing up jets. blowing up school buses fuU of As for lhe cynical and falalistic outlnok on life. Israelies keep these bridges open and allow "'ightl~ lesslhan knowledgable account of the "lIowt"d to have jobs. they eouldn'l travel ,·hildren. invading elemcnlary sehools. lining I Ihinkthal'sa bunch of bull The tereenes are ,\rabs who may be terrorists 10 ero .. into that by allowing Ihey believe situatlon in Ihe Middle East. "'hieh induded camps. and were made 10 feel useless the children "",.and shooting Ihem? Did the probablythemnst~a!isticpeopleonearth. head-on. Israel? Because of movement 10 these Arabs. they problems face they their Ihe freedom because "omparin~ Ihe founding of Israel with tbe If Israel. with ils limiled resources. ann IllIun ev ..r employ such atrocilies such as and don't Ir~ to eoueh Ihem in meanin~less will go back and tett Iheirfriends that Israel "spira!ion. of the PLO 10 found a state of miniSCUle amount 01 land. eould a.. imilate these. not 10 menlion blowill8 up full movie 1',,1<'511ne !I5O.000peoplein a short amount or lime. why Ihealers. taking uver hotels and gunning down terms of diplomatic jalllon_ To say that they isn'l(hebadplacethattheArab~overnmenls "ouldn'llhe Arahstates. wilh more than 98 Ihe tourists. and sending letter bombs? No, ~re eynieal and falalistic is ridieulous leHthcm it is, There's no slavery. the Arab In order 10 make my critique 01 Mr. pereenl ollhe land and resources 01 the region Iheyneverdid,becausetheyhadasenseof women aren'l used as whores. and they are Auyang's "rticle as sm~th, and i"formati~e ;tcromm<>eill8. minute serving period where as the.minorily of m"y ""jOY Iheir evening no mailer what Iheir Never, rec<.>Qnizei\srighlloexisl? "t~""tsWlmparticlpatedinthedlnner-dance plans"re is rightfully theirs. The Arab governmenls have I experienced a more disgusting. had 1! one hour serving period? In addili~. Charles Estes rl"alized loog atlO that they could never wipe despncable. worthless, hwnilialill8. terrible. was ,t necessary fur only ooe half nr Ihe '·Withaeausesovitallotheirsurvival."Mr out Israel on the battlefield. but that il they ridiculous,andabsolutelyassinineloodser_ a severe Auyang,,·role. ""nd so little time to realize il, played their cards right. theyeould USe these viee operation than I~e WMC "eafeleria" "aleteria 10 be open? This caused waiting in • • • • • • • in people resulted botUe·neckand Ihe PLO has used lerrorism as a meanS to displaced people as pawns. for their own OIristmas "dinner"_ Whoever came up with linl"for25minutesandmorelnbeserved.Also Dcar Editor. pleadlolheworldnollofor~et them andthe;r privalegoal. oferadicalin~ IsraeL To put il in Ine idea tu..sher some 600 people Ihroughonly man~ of the advertisements lelt a clear im· In ils handling of the Christmas Dinner· p)ight." What is Ihls cause so vilai 10 their anUlshell.theArabslaleswanledtherefu~ees ttnt· side of the cafeteria in (5 minutes. seat preSSion that this was 10 be Ihe Christmas Panee hel~ lasl. Saturday night. th! IFC survival~ The PLO answers Ihat it is Ihe 10 remain refugees. and they sueeeeded. By them a half the usual number of tables, and dinner for WMC tbis year, when aClual in· showedanlncredlblelaekoleonSlderahonfor establishment ofa secular state 01 Palestine not allowing Ihem to become a produclive part issuesteakcarosforamealofroastbeel.II've formalion sta\es this 10 be to the eontrary_ the stud"llis who did not attend the event overlheentireareanowknownaslsrael."Can of soeiety. Ihey have bred the hate IiUed pawn. seE'n better imitations or Rib Eye at R This.houldhavebeen an enjoyable meal for anyone Iruthfully say that the refugee cllmps Iheywanled. The israelies, on the olher hand. vegetarians convention). which we normally To some these eomplainls may sow.d IheentireSludenlbody.butthoses.tudentswho are an)' be!ter plaeeslo live and raise children absorbed everyone ",ho came to them. in· get every seven 10 ten dal'S. and "crab" cakes. picayune_ I think thaL in this case. thouah. I dldnotsotothedancewerenotglVenenOllih Ihan the Jewish ghetto of yesleryears?" is dudin~ the Arabs who stayed in their homes which We had without a caro land seconds This is not a matter another Queslion Mr. Auyang raises. whieh available) a few weeks back on "sea·food am juslified. I had 10 wait for my food." of "I'm mad I1me or room 10 eat comfOl'ta~I~. because Any eampus but a case ~roup that IS Wllllll8 10.~ut the ,'onnects with the preceding statement. How Mr, Auyall8 asks if terrorism is a new "'herelbemajorityofsludentsoneampushad timeandeffnrl Into organizing activllies for weretheserefugeecampsereated.andwhydo m('Chanism invenled by the PLO terrorists. ~:,i~i~g~t';i~eth;~:~a~uf~r~ol~,~~J to sa<:riliee a service thai has been paid for SO thesludents should beCea Palestinian stale. BUI no. The terror employed by the Irgun and Stern lhe Arabs wereo't happy with tbe situation. SO Gan; was directed at the Brillsh. not the the Chrislmasdinner-dancewhlleserewin;up Tyrant-ln·Training: EI Supremo Picture the people wbo ate before the "'henthelastBritishtroopspulledOUIol Arabs. The Brillsh.....,...,bo\h occllj))'ill.lll Ibe majocilyof started? The idiot wbo ClIme up Kim Shewbridge Snapper: dinner-dance Israel .• nfnArabstatessimultaneouslyat- lacked Israel. The Grand Mufli of Jerusalem Pielr homes, and ",·ait'-n the OPpnsile bank. SO hurt. without giving prior wamine, SO readiedaspeopleleft_WithalittJeplannillll Henchmen: Mark C, Bayer everynnecouldclearthearea.Themainlh.rust the ~rmies could mOve Ihrough. and wipe oflhelerl"Orism wasn't at killill8 people,ilwas andorianitatioo. II"Dpleeouid have been Israel 01.11Quickiy. The Isnelis, on \heotber at deslroyilli supplIes, and showing that the nowin;inandoulOl:ltlmt,andthedanceselup lood. Kathy Citro The Guy Who Gets Rid with iess hassle and crowdill.lll. As rorthe hand. "'ere spreading leanets lellin; the Arab Susan Coleman Of This Rag: residents 10 stay in lheir homes. and they lIri!ish had littleconlrol over tile area. The "",It,,_a famous man once said, "Home is wouldn'l be hurt. II is true that two Arab besl example thaI can be given WDS wh"" the where the heart is, and also the only place to Mary Gately Jeff Robinson \'iUageswerewipet!oUl,ineludingeiviliansbut Kill8 DavidHotel.inJerusalem.was blown up. get a g<><.>dbome cooked meal'" Denise Glangola The Hombre Who Sells Ads: Ih""r ,,'..rO' th~ ooly I,m \·III.~t$!~All other The Irguncalled the British 10 minUles before eivilianswereleftunhurt,TheArabarmies,oo the expl!l5lon, and lold them that the King the Sincerely. Carlton Harris David Range David was going 10 blow up, and 10 clear Iheolherhand,,,'i]lt'd .... tdo ....ns of border area. But no. the Brilish refused 10 clear the Thomas F_ Lewis III Bill Link Attorneys: Kibbutz·s. kitting bundreds of innocent lonni Myers dvilians.Thiswasn'tabormalprocedu~.this a~a,orevenevacuatethehoteLresull:over Samuel Goldenstien W'as.ta"dardprocedure :.0 killed. and hundreds wounded, Why, Richard Naylor and Sons because the British didn't dear Ihe hotel. If Ihey had just lislened, only Ibe hotel would Dear Edilor, Jeff Robinson AND: A cast of thousands, Whenthewarwasover. Israel had expanded hue been hurt. Fortw.ale!y for the British. Some observations on the Christmas dinner· David Range ilssize,againstallodds.totwicewhat the U.N. they were nol alwayS sostuhborn,and usua!ly danceolDe<:_6: Although this was a fine idea The opinions expressed in mandalehadcalledfor.andduringthelimein eseaped belore the explosions. But the point to and all particlpating parties shouJd be ap- Sue Snyder this publication do not which Ihe war waS ralling, and thefollowini be made here is Ihat the terrorism wasn't plauded for their efforts, there does seem to Jennifer Watts few months, Israel absoTbed 850.000 Jewish directedagainstinoocel1t women and children, have been some mishandling of the evenl: necessarily reflect those of immi~rants which were thrown out uf the Arab it was directed at military installations, and speeifieally,dinnerfornon·partieipating Jim Teramani the administration, Box countries with nothing hul Ihe clothes on Iheir coneentrati0l15of Brilishrule studenlS, I aSSume the planners of this affair Bob Toner back_ These people were absorbed into Israel's knewthatamajorityofthesludentbodywould 3·A, Western Maryland POpulace.andliivenjob6,aplacelolive.a How can Mr. Au~all8 cnmpa~ these ob· not be al the dance and therefore would be SUsan Tuley College, Westminster, Md" livelihood. What happened to the Arabs Ihat jectiveswiththekU!in~ofathletesatMunieh. ealing at the "regular"meaJ. Why, then, did ned? Thelotai nurnberof them,aboul 900,000, gunnin~dnwnpilgrimsatLodairporl,blowing themajorityofthestudenlbodyonlyhavea45 21157
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