Page 5 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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· ' rMS C~, \,",l;iQr~~ .> ~·l~ ~ ~~ ~ ========- ~ if great Saying tum that lies ---- " Pithy In the fact Man's he can guill _-=::-~:. ~ ~ ----..away from evtl at aQY moment, SCRIMSHAW, Volume 2, Iss~e 2, Wednesday,September 17,~-=--- - and yet he does not.RabbiBunam What happened to the crosses'? -~-A great deal of misun- subject One of OUTprofessors was exercises, . for there is no reference part of the agreement. In truth, the crosses on the chapels'! Isn't that derstanding and confusion has in California this summer, and, to commencement in the reneous life programs will con- where they belonl? Dean Zepp had recently arisen involving Western having told a friend there that he agreement. As for the Sunpapers tinue, and such groups as The a. different point of view. He Maryland's settlement with The was teaching at western statement that "at the earliest Fellowship of Christian Athletes, suggested that Big Baker, being American Civil Liberties Union, Maryland, was answered witll feasible date least 50 per cent Ha-Maccebim, the Religious Life the highest point on campus, was in concerning relationships between "That Godless institution'?!?" of the leaching faculty of the Council, and so on will remain as a tangible way representative 'of- this college and the Methodist In and attempt to settle the philosophy and religion depart- usual. The religious-groups.must the idealogy of the college. Fur- Church. Hopefully,' this article will difficulties, Dr. Ralph C. John sent ments shall be non-Methodist and be self-supporting, said Dean thermore, Dean zepp explained help to clarify the issues and clear letters to the homes of WMC at least 50 per cent of all religion Mowbray, but he added that most that the chapels were "cress up any remaining questions at this students, supporters, and friends, classes shall be taught by non- other campus groups are that as buildings rather than churches; late date. and a member of Wes'tern Methodists," it is misleading on well. What the agreement did and that the crosses belied the First, a brief review of the basics Maryland's Board of Trustees two counts. First, the agreement stipulate is that the college is not to chapel's non-sectarian stand. of the case. Late in 1972, John C. wrote an article on the editorial referred only to Methodist clergy offlcially advocate any sectarian Roemer, executive director of the page. of the Sept. a Morning Sun and not to Methodists in general. point of view. Bear in mind, of course, thai Maryland chapter of the American • clearing up the mistakes and Second, this process will be ac- This brings us to the most these are the ~2.rds and opinions of visible, obvious, and clearly one man. Dissent and challenge ~~~I ~~~~!~es W~~:~~~ ir;;!~~n~ ·~~:~f~~~o~n th~S~ ~~r~~v:ai~ ~i~fn:s~~ re::~~nt n:ft~~~ti~~ emotional part of the agreement- are "or course healthy and College, as well as Mt. S1. Mary's neither of these: or still have faculty, which the Sun failed to that involving the taking down of necessary, but only when the facts College, Loyola College, the questions, a further expJanation of mention. two CrOSSes from the steepJes of are known. The issues here will College "of Notre Dame (in the settlement is in order. Big and Little Baker chapels. This, probably continue to be discussed, Maryland (and St. Joseph's In the first place, Western Through omissions, the Sun I suspect, is the basis for most of but, hopefully, the debates will be College. The charge was that it was Maryland College was never Of- article also implies that Western the controversy, and on the sur- based upon knowledge rather thar. unconstitutional for church-related ficially a "Methodist school." Maryland will prohibit or disallow face, the question seems very "out- emotions, and on tntentgence colleges to receive slate funds, Although many of its supporters religious services or programs as and-dr-ied-what's wrong. with the rather than hysteria. 1867. The Fall Convocation; R.I.P.? according to.fhe .Eirst and Four- over ~he years have been teenth Amendments and to prin- Methodist. Western Maryland was ciples involving separation of not in itself established by the church and state. Methodist churcfi in In October of 1974, the Federal relation_ship that WMC and the Lonni Myers • District Court ruled in favor of the _Methodist church shares has been On Wednesday I attended the enlightened by it, yet there wes " toea in the back, we felt like we five schools. However, Roemer described as a . "fraternal and traditional WMC event known as such a poor percentage of student were intruding on a private and the ACLU successfully ap- mutually voluntary relationship." Fall Convocation, and realized attendance. Some of the professors gathering, the crowd seemed Sf pealed to have lhecase taken to the The Western Maryland charter has sickenly that this age-old formal seemed to think it was a waste of small. Supreme Court. For a number of stated WMC's nonsectarian assembly should join the WMC time due to lack of students Students of WMCt All I want tv reasons, including the tremendous policies in the following: "Western graveyard of Lantern Chain's, presence, and felt like they were in know is whether you want tc cost of continued litigation and the Marylan.d C~llege shall be founded Freshmen Beanies, the Baker a faculty meeting again with Dr. continue the old traditions in this fact that WMC""had lost a similar and maintained forever, upon a cross, and nightly section parties John, which they had already done blind fashion, or want to revive anc case in the late 1!!60'S. WMC's most liberal plan, for the benefit of There were perhaps one hundred many times in the previous week. rejuvenate them through more Board of Trustees decided that the youth of every religious students, parents, and visitors in As one faculty member said, "Fall faculty and student promotion? Western Maryland should get out deno.mination, who s~l~ be_freely attendance; seventy-five of which Convocation was merely Dr. John Perhaps you'd rather obliterate of the case. In April of this year, a adnutted to equal p,:"IVlleges and HAD to be there for various welcoming the faculty for the fifth some of our unique yet antique settlement was made- with the advantages of educatIon and to all reasons. After the Procession in time this week, but on the other Jractices all together. Shall the ACLU and the charges against the literary honors of the which the faculty entered in the hand, you did get to see us in our obvious preOOminating attitude of Western Maryland were dropped, College ... nor shall any prejudice robes of their alumnus, and the robes!" apathy close the Coffin lid on our as was reported in the April 16, 1975 be made in the choice of any officer new faculty members were in- So, my point is: Is it apathy WMC heritage, or would you really Scrimshaw. ~ or teacher in the said College on traduced. Dean McCormick then which has reduced student at- like to preserve these traditions, End of story. Or rather it should account of. his or her religious Ji'esented the academic awards ten dance at Convocations and but never bothere.d to support them by your Remember, have been. At the tim'e of the profession." Dean Mowbray and scholarships to current other similar just occasions, or is you can't attendance. a show without ~ not worthwhile~ students. perform Convocation settlement, mOst students and emphasized that although the faculty were aware of the college calls itself church-oriented Dr. John gave a very interesting an audience. situation. Then, in August, the and is proud to do SO', it has never and currently meaningful speech Personally,Ididenjoythifo,Fall's Scrimshaw would like to en- Baltimore Sun ran an article en- been under the control of any entitled, "In This Uncultivated Convocation and became informed courage student opinion on this titled "College pulls Down All ~hurch. "The plaintiffs may Part of the World," which dealt on many things I Oid no!. know. I subject of general apathy at WMC, Religious Symbols," which ap- disagree, but we happen to feel with the founding of colleges in the think other students would have in whatever \ manner that this peared in its August 19 issue. The that we had (followed the com- United States, especially those in benefited in the same manner had disease and-or blessing seems to be story was misleading and often mitments in our Original charter) Maryland, and their religious and they chosen to attend. I think much affecting you presently on campus. downright incorrect, and un- be~ore (the settlemen). Dean Zepp private affiliations at their of the reason for poor attendance If there are no replies, comments, fortunately stirred up a great deal affirmed that the resolution of the beginnings which have lies in the fact that the occasion or contradictions, student opinion of outrage. Letters poured into this ACLU suit did not involve denying progressively moved towards was not REALLY "advertised" or- will be assumed to be obviouslY" college's administrative offices by Christianity or church relation· public and state affiliation in stimulation of interest towards apathetic. the hundreds, and several people ship, but was, rather, a way of recent years. Dr. JOM emphasized Fall Convocation was practically Either abolish Spring Con- wrote angry letters to the Morning affirming WMC as a public in- the undetachability of religion nil. None of my professors even vocation, or make it worthwhile; and Evening Sunpapers, filled with dependent liberal arts college, and from education at the time of these mentioned to us in class that it was let US especially try to present an such emotional phrases as that severing the college's so- colleges foundations due to the OCCUrring that day. Another audience which is not em· "(selling)' its birthright for a mes~ called identity with the Methodist Jrominent Protestant and Catholic Jroblem was the location of the barrassing in number, or let go 01 of pottage," "loss of the college's church was a part of that af- convictions of the founders and the assembly. A1; four of us traipsed these final threads of tradition Jrmciples," "denying ...God," etc. firmation. communities in-that ear. Of course. into Alumni Hall, we realized that which are unravelling faster year A few of the writers even believed Most of the conditions of the one hundred or two hundred years we were. the only ones there. By by year. that Western Maryland was settlement will have absolutely no of time has made many of these old ~~~~ ~~k~;~i~:tif:undaf~~ *************** outlawing church services! effect on the life of the college. entering * a * Worst of all, the APB Wireser- Baccalaureate service's with ~::~~~nsTbiU~=~~bl~asif w~~ .assembly in Big Baker, we'd **- PRESENTING * that vice picked up the story, and the religious material are prohibited in researched and supported strongly late, only to discover which is the * NEW COLUMN: * news of Western Maryland's the agreement, but in fact WMC by Dr. John's personal convictions .• missed the procession to go in the * * supposed infamy- spread has not been sponsoring bac· Considering the recent develop- reason we had decided being * PE RSONAL I throughout the country. Religious calaureate services in the past ments concerning religiOUS af· first pJace. (We all like and * VIEWPOINT * publications started loading up the three years. The Morning Sun is filiation of WMC, this speech was impressed by the pomp in their * * When we tip- ************ ... artillery. A couple of the out-of· wrong in stating that prayers are quite appropriate; we 'who at- .plendor of our teachers see page two state papers editorialized on the forbidden in .commencement tended enjoyed it, or at least bard-earned finery.)
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