Page 56 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 56
page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, April 30, 1975 Women'S lacrosse ~~~A~a~~~~RE ENTERTAINMENT Matt Bowers Sports Bob Toner The woman's lacrosse team Heather and Sue ~~eTgrja~~d5~~ian B.J. Auger 5-10 ~ The 4 Seasons, Thomas, James 5-9 and Tommy Barb Burns extended its winning Rudrow streak 28+ week, adding two more victories last to defense each contributed 1. The The Beach Boys and Chicago 6-24- played exceptionally an . its record. The first win came when solid game and in the goal Sara The Eagles and Linda Ronstadt 5- the team met UMBC here at WMC Klain had 9 saves. 22 traveled On April 23 the team ~::r~~02~~t.t~~ a!~i~oa ~~~~~ Pennsylvania to play the Lebanon to CIVIC CENTER Men's la~rosse ::aP~i~:d ab~d w~~? th:yer:an_;.~ Valley squad ThIS time the score :!sse Collin Young and Leo Kottke ::l~ 'YMC sound1y bea~ UMBC with the Aerosmtth Once "again Su~ Underwood final score totaling 14 for Ihe . total. cc~::r o~~~;ht~ T~;-r~~~e~:: Frank ~appa 5-11 5-3 The WMC lacrosse .teern kept Wednesday, April 30, the stickers Ter.r~rettes and 3 for the op- led the attack with 3 goals, Dale their Middle Atlantic Conference meet Widener College and on postuon. ~ue Underwood led the Torbit, Heather Humphries and CAtONSVILLE COMMUNITY championship hopes alive last Saturday, May 3rd, they take on week by virtue of two stellar tough Wilkes College, a must win ~c~l~~~r~:~ha:d~:~~' cif~~~;~i~~ ~;nda MCHal~.a~ ~adT~ an~ ;ynn g~:g~~~rlin 5-4 aeser supp ie e. e ense performances. On Wednesday, the for the Terrors. 3, Toby Meldrum with 2 and held ?n and played .- consistently, DAR CONSTITUTION HALL Terrors jumped to an early lead and hung on to beat Dickinson 12--8 ~;~:I~~p~~ogl~h~~ a~~fBaS:~: ~ion a~ ~~kta~ 5-4 Then on Saturday the stickmen Bas·e ba II came.rrom behind a 3-1 deficit to ~o:~~~a:~di~t~~:e~~~:~ve game, J:S~: C:l~ilnowYO~ng and Bryan whip Lebanon Valley 7-5. Dickinson just could not match Dave Dolch hurled eight innings on Monday as the Terrors put it all ?n May 3 the tea~ traveis to !~:0~~i~hl~_13 the Terror offensive output on of scoreless ball, while Rich together and did-the number by a ~~~;n;JIII:e~~~:;~;e~~~~m~~ Ozark Mountain Daredev~ls and Wednesday as Bruce, "Lance" Heritage and Chip Chaney broke ~~::r~~\~~ ~tu~~~t:;l.f:~~~'~. play Essex on May 6 and ~et- ~f:~a~~%e;~~i4 and his Lost Preston had his best game thus far out of minor hitting slumps to pace scoring 6 big goals. Jamie Mosberg the Western Maryland baseball with an assortment of pitches-a ~~:b.~gi~~e~e~~~g I~~~~ol~i~lm! CMJOinUnd'S"o,RJiOP",_t50nand Mighty added two goals and Skip Seidel, team to a late-inning 3 to 1 victory cookin' fastball and an effective bonng afternoon come out and see . y Jay Cooke, Rick Wright and Steve over visiting Salisbury State last Wheller scored single goals to Wednesday. (Now, didn't that [tt;K~:~~n~;:~a~~~~:~~~~"'th",,,gi,",,' c;;PJ",aY-;-J~ao",ros~,,_.__ _! ~'~~:~~hZ~~_~TORIUM round out the offense. Goalie Mel sound like joe-sportswriter?) Franz. had a 16 save day to keep In plain words, Rich Heritage W~~tO a:~:~~e~;~: ~:~~:\imgio~J.~_~~ARYLAND +The previous listings for this him among the top goalies in the doubled to the wall in the bottom of up offensively, with Steve ~~:ne~r~;.r? incorrect. We regret conference. the eighth, with the score tied at i Injuries, the Terror's number all. Chip Chaney then singled him Schonberger, Jeff Leed, Bob Irvin'~-T------;--'~~~--;==='---' one nemesis, plagued the laxmen in, taking second on the throw Rich Heritage, and Denny again on Saturday as Bruce home. Rich Weber sealed it up by Duquette the standouts. A total of Preston injured his back early in knocking in Chip. four double-plays were pulled off, the second quarter and Dave Dave Dolch saw an unearned run as well. The majority of the crowd ;- d"".!apmen' Hoopes got smacked in the wrist an score in the first inning, then shut sbowed up in the later innings 57B'Ags could only play sporatically the out Salisbury the rest of the way. A when the local team looked their 59 English rest of the game. mce crowd developed partly as a worse. Oh, well. l1luna';< n"".,i". ,2 Fem.le d.1884 After Will Sanders' initial goal to result of it being halftime at the wa'or""i'i' 60 Cubicm ...... open the game, Dickinson blew to a lacrosse game. The next home game is a make- ::~';;i~~::~:~ 3-1 lead on 3 quick goals. The When asked how Saturday'S up with the Potrezebie Rug 17S1<..,ehlOd 'L..y. .. Terrors evened the score to 5-5 at doubleheader with Moravian went, Weaving Institute tomorrow. ,~ A ... ,. 2Yau·,.pulling 'JAtt ....Tam 3!>:~,~:: '6S._ hlb.1 the half and two second half goals one player answered, "It was a (Actually, it's with Oettysburg-cI 20 Adol....,.n", JCo ... ,9:;;.d.~~ 36t1oying .- ..- put the victory on ice as the Dut- nice day out." Enough said. just wanted to see if you were 4 Tigll. 37;::: l.ngthanlV chmen were -held scoreless. Skip Stu Lehman pitched an ex- paying attention.) They play tinguiI",",ul Seidel "cleaned up" 2 goals and ceptional game against Dickinson Muhienburg Saturday. 23 Kind of 6 Kind 01 J9Sohol. Bruce Anderson, Rick Wright, _jKket 24V.-y,ic:h ..... in.cid Mike DeMuth and Steve Wheeler The Swinging Knights of tlie Ineffable Bosh 25 :"":':.rwdol J Nop.i" 40 Food._It_. cla ... i"" had single tallies to complete the 27 _Duu 8~~in 43A""'I!h.,i ... scoring totals. Once again, Mel ::~~~n. "" .... 1IO .. i......,1> 46 Rsi.Qnd··_· Franz had an unbelievable day Theenthusiasm generated by the the Ineffable Bosh. The names ,:=w_ V 'ob.) 48 Kind al_ 5'E_ 30 Ph.not .."toi.. " making 17 saves and shutting off intramural athletic program up ~~~.::=.I 3'~al 5JNoIIScat.) Lebanon Valley in the second half. here at WMC certainly does renew belie the seriousness of the com- 33S.Iloon 56 "" 58 Cc>unl.. • With but 4 games left on the 1975 one's faith in the old-fashioned ' petition, however, as the frater- 35 Did no. p..-tolJR schedule, the Terrors' record ethics of amateur sports and sports nities struggle against the other :~ stands at 4-4 and t~e prospects for for sports sake. Take the current fraternities; the independents 38:;:":::CWd.1 an M.A.C. championship are s~ftt~an pr?g.ram, for example. against the independents, the looking better and better as Coach The partIcipants .run the gamut fraternities against the in- 11'.... 0111>1 Ron Athey's men have only one from ex-athletes to weekend- dependents, and everyone against 41 ~:::~"" .. !.. y .. conference loss on the books. This athletes to every-now-and-then the faculty. There are rarely any 42.WlIoI.he .athletes. The spirit is there, hard feelings, as the game .ends however, as many teams and in- with the final out. Of course, dividuals keep and post statistics friendships that .take pla.ce purely and standings. Often, good-sized because of playing on the same 45 Anumbor crowds show up (mostly team end then too, but you can't girlfriends. of the participants), have everything. . -- ::::':~in 'hape and the noise can be heard all over All in all, the intramural 5-0 Mo.ho.of Apollo the campus when a favorite team program, as is seen in the softball 52Citru.lmil I scores or something. season now underway, provides for a 54Y"",olou, healthy The names chosen for the teams outlet la,dl.b.J and needed ... ..... _IIfl ~~~~~ssB~:gf: ~~~ ~~~ s~~~~~t~~ frustrated jocks and those out 55 Eo.liOst ".gool purely for a good time. That's all.
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