Page 57 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 57
=========- somewhere, Someday. in some life, !!I~~~~~f::;:'_- I'll commit suicide with an x-aeec knife -Frustrated Editor SCRIMSHAW VOLUME 1 ISSUE 11 Wednesday,May 7,1975 Parking probl~...s Perturb Population Barb Burns There have been many questions without further assistance from dorms. However, the many illegally. When a car is reported as about future development tsthat it raised by students concerning the the administration. students who live in Blanche Ward being illegally parked 72 hours are is hard to make future projections adequacy or inadequacy, as the - If a student were to take the or McDaniel are hard pressed to allowed to pass before the car is about'thenumberofcarsWMCwil! case may be, of WMC's parking time to read his student handbook rind a convenient parking space. ticketed. It is a very rare occasion have to accommodate unless all facilities. In setting out to in- he could turn to page 29 and read The lots near the grille and the when a car is removed by a tow students start to register their cars vestigate this matter every effort the following sentence, "West- rear of the gym are very poorly lit truck. Students are then given a now. As of right now no one really was made to get the ad- ern Maryland College provides and many girls feel that it is unsafe long period of time in which to pay has an accurate-record of the ministration's views on the parking spaces for students in to park their cars in these lots and traffic tickets and the fines levied number of cars on campus. Two parking situation. Mr. Eugene areas as conveniently located as then walk to their. dorm. Most of are very small. Because of these statistics which are available tell Willis was contacted and after possible." The major parking the other available spaces are all policies many students have taken us that WMC has slightly over 600 several delays, due to his busy problems seem to arise because ready claimed by residents of the tbe stand that it is better to have a parking spaces and over 400 schedule, a meeting was arranged. the students don't seem to agree halls nearer to the parking lots. parking space, even if it is illegal registered cars. This indicates that During this meeting Mr. Willis that the parking facilities provided The results of these conflicts is • endrun the risk of getting a ticket, if there are many unregistered was cooperative and took me on a for them are conveniently located. obvious: students begin to park in than to have to park in an out of the vehicles on campus WMC may well tour of the campus parking areas, At the beginning of the fall spaces meant for employees and way lot. Mr.' Willis is also con- be running shorl "f parking spaces. pointing out blatant parking semester a flyer was sent out along roadways. This in turn cerned about the fact that many violations and what he considered stating where the student parking creates a spillover effect when students just don't bother to to be the trouble spots on various areas were to be located. At this employees who can't Iind a space register their cars at all. He feels parking lots. At the close of this time students have four possible begin to park in illegal places. Fire that $5.00 is not an unreasonable Obviously the administration meeting, Mr. Willis indicated a choices when it comes to parking hazards are created by cars fee to ask of each student for car and the students need to get desire to. arrange a second. their cars. General student parked near the barriers in front of registration. Many students together to solve the problems meeting, possibly including Dean parking is now allowed in the Elderdice, and along college believe that if you don't register surrounding parking on campus. Mowbray, to discuss the parking following areas: 1) Behind the roadways. If fire engines ever had your car you won't get a ticket, no The formation of a committee to problem further. During the past French Souse and Whiteford Hall, to get through these roadways it matter where you park. When review parking areas snd the week several efforts were made to 2) Lois on the side and rear of Gill would be impossible due to asked about this Mr. Willis handling of parking violations contact Mr. Willis again and set up Gym, 3) Lot in the rear of Englar illegally parked cars. Deliveries to 'declared that it was not true and might be productive and helpful. the second meeting. Mr. Willis was, Dining Hall with the exception of the cafeteria are blocked by cars stated that unregistered cars are One thing is certain: students and never in when I called and so, three the spaces designated as for em- being parked two deep near the traced through the state police and the administration must com- times, messages were left asking plcyees only and 4) the lot in back loading ramp. Often people have also ticketed. municate with one another before him to return my calls. Un- of the student center and on the their cars blocked in by cars this problem will be solved. Un- fortunately, my calls were never road to the right of the center, up to parked illegally in back of them. In fortunately, if every student has as returned. Due to this frustrating the near side of Albert Norman short. what you soon have is ab- Apparently there are plans to much trouble getting together with lack of communication,..a busy Ward Hall. These spaces are in- solute chaos. develop more parking areas here the administration on this issue as class schedule and an approaching deed conveniently located if you Mr. Willis pointed out that the at WMC, but I was never able to get I did, the parking problems here at deadline for this. story, it was live in the language houses, administration has tried to be very any speci(ics on where or when. WMC will continue for a long time decided to complete this article Whiteford Hall or one of the men's lenient with people who park One point that Mr. Willis did make to come. Everyone A Member In Radio Club Mark Katz college to allow us to have and transmitter lasts. The ap- ~ communication gap that exists Last week a meeting was held to There is a very good chance that proximate cost can be gotten by on campus. The station would get W.M.C.'s radio club, and one of the frequencies will be operate a radio station. Most of ~e among other ways, cutting out one announce rides that are offered station, underway. That's right, a available for our use. There are administration has stated their of the rock concerts that the S.G.A. and-or needed by students, and radio club with its main objective three different classes of radio approval of a radio station. "plans" for. The club will also try also have classified ads broadcast being a radio station starting, stations: A, B, and C. The radio However, a few members have to raise money on their own. They over the air. And any other ideas hopefully, sometime next club wants to obtain a class C type brought up the thought of apathy, are already planning to have a dee- concermng the use of the radio semester. There are two or three station. Tbat means there would be though rightfully so. What the club jay be an emcee at one of our' brought up by students or faculty major steps to go through in order good transmission wi~in a two has to do is 'somehow prove to the dances next semester. They will will definitely be considered by the for the college to have a radio mile radius, for another ten miles administration that the club will be also try to get donations from the club. one, ouuasuna station. We have to apply to the there would be transmission but a permanent its Westminster business district, as The radio club will almost be like The Federal Communications Com- possibly with some static, and for a reesent members. has t..o be the station will not be able to sell any other club on campus except Idea for the radio station mission (FCC) and be accepted, total radius of fifty miles, there approved by Dean Mowbray and commercial time on the air. that its "membership" will be the we have to be granted pennission could be no interferance with other the S.G.A. If approved, the club whole college community. Your by the administration, and we have stations. We would need an will then receive some funds from opinions will be greatly ap- people By now, some to come up with the money to buy a engineering firm to perform the college. The main expense for wondering why we should must spend be IX"eciated concerning the radio transmitter. . channel studies and field strength the radio station is the transmitter. money on a radio station. One station, and anything you have to John Bandy, a member of the tests, which would tell us if we do That would cost at least $5,000 to purpose of the station would be to, say about it can be mailed to club, has already spoken to the interfere with other stations. $8,000. Turntables, records, and of course, play the different kinds Scrimshaw at Box 3A. FCC. The Commissioner of that Actually there are two ways to other equipment could be bought at organization, Charlotte Reid, has create a radio station. Briefly, one reasonable rates, so the cost to run of music that the students and the taken an interest in the club and way would be by asking the FCC the station would be the cost of the faculty like to listen to. Another ****** use of the radio will be to important said that she will help us in any and using a transmitter. Another, transmitter, and that would be the give school news and an- ~GA way that she could. Ms. Reid said less expensive way, is to transmit prmiary cost for as long as the nouncements. That should narrow that we will only be able to through the college electrical broadcast on the FM band because system. This would mean that only the AM band is too full. Between 88 college residents able to Old you know thClt•••? Uampaign the ground. ,,'.._ and 92 meguhertz on the dial, there receive transmission. Any tuner are 20 spots which are just for plugged into a dorm receptacle The FAA commission in- City announced indictments of 17 educational radio stations, will be able to pick up the station. vestigating the upsurge in air people for securities-law disasters has concluded that "the violations, it withheld the names Statements ~f~~n:n ~~~il~9~:~~h~~w~~~r ~h;:: ~:t~a~~~~':i~~r~ui;:to~; majority of air crashes involving because they hadn't been arrested FCC cannot tell us which other' basic equipment would be commercial jetliners are the result yet. Instead of 'Waiting for the went frequency we can have. We have to ~~dnt:e~~:dS, c~~r~~~ ofm!~~~~~ of functioning aircraft flying into police to show up, ntnectuzens office Page 3 down to the U.S. Attorney's :::q~~~/ a~~ ~:~h~~v:a~\~~~~ now being compiled and surrendered. It turned out that have to ask for another and Another procedure that the radio only one of them was on the list for ***.*** another until one is allowable (will club will have to go through is the , When a grand jury in Salt Lake indictment. not interfere with other stations). granting !If permission by tbe ~
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