Page 70 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 70
PAGE 2 GOLD BUG Thursday. April 11. 1974 Voicebox Dear Editor, When a man (person) is sick (assuming he is new research and no gasl! It all depends on what began serving peanut butter and jelly at lunch and logical and rational) he usually seeks help from a the public wants, all the petroleum they can buy at now people want it at dinner. We began serving doctor. When this same person wants to know say 70t per gal. or force the price down and have yogurt at lunch and so much ended up in dorm . something about chemicals it would seetn to me none at all. refrigerators we had to cut down to serving it only that he would seek out a chemist. So too, with this twice a week. We used to keep a variety of ice line of reasoning, if he knew nothing about cars, the Words like "fair", "excess", "reasonable" etc. cream, but there were so many requests for rucre best person to go to to get his motor fixed would be a have no meaning in the realm of economics as chocolate and vanilla we cut down to mostly mechanic. However, when it comes to economics, regards to profits or prices. These terms applied to variations of them and now people want the "exotic everyone thinks he's an expert! Why? That, friend, profits are but value judgments. The only fair price flavors". 1cannot answer. I'm not claiming to know all about is the one that clears the market in a legally Students think that the cafeteria staff is in- economics but I know enough to realize that I competitive manner. If one is in doubt as to the considerate, and that the cafeteria wastes money. I should consult some people that do, which is more competitiveness of the oil industry then by all have never seen my staff appear inconsiderate to a than Ican say for some people around here. means call upon the authorities for "Anti-Trust" student behaving in a mannerly way. But I have students. seen many most inconsiderate We are investigation. For all I know they may in fact be paid $1.60 an hour to serve the food and wipe the There are many instances in economic study contriving a shortage but ceiling prices on oil and tables. That does not mean waiters and waitresses where the "common sense" of laymen is not only gas are by no stretch of any intelligent imagination should be addressed with obscene comments nor useless but often times in fact, just the opposite of the way to get more gas; and that friends is the expected to clean up student garbage purposely left what it appears. The basic laws of supply and name of the game. on tables! Talk about waste, watch all of the un- demand are no more subject to whimsical change The first question many will ask is, "What about touched food sent back to the dishroom, or the "wild due to what people want then is the law of gravity. the poor?" First I'd question the definition of poor creations" left on tables, or food thrown across the and see how many people in that category own or Such things as allowing prices/profits to rise is one drive cars and then, if deemed desirable by the cafeteria, or the bowls of mayonnaise and sour such example which brings me to my main gripe, cream taken and not used! Why students think they ie. the cry for a "roll back" in gasoline prices in nation as a whole, supplement those few with a need a whole bowl of sour cream for one potato is order to cut the profits of the oil companies. Let me check to cover the ten to twelve-cent increase in beyond me, but that is why four gallons of sour first of all interject here by saying that this is surely pnce per gallon Which when one thinks about it cream are used every time we serve it. one way to have LESS gas to buy than we have now. comes to somewhatless than $3.00 per week, a mere I think that students like to complain, and the Allow me to explain. drop in the bucket compared to our present welfare cafeteria is where they take out all of their expenditure. Arch Booth of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce frustrations. Tonight the Spring Buffet was served Profits are socially important, for it is the said that, "A ceiling on profits is like trying to stop and except for comments of "I'll have to take some back to my room," movement of these profits in either direction up or speeders by lowering the speed limit". The laws of I only heard two out of 638 down, which transmits a message to the producers profits and prices are two of the economic prin- students express pleasure with two _days of preparation. With food prices as high as they are, from the consumers (us) via, the market. The ciples wich betray the "commonsense" of the rising profits of the oil companies are sending out layman. Profit is pictured in most minds as evil. I'd like to see anyone go anywhere else and for $2.80 per day eat like they do in the cafeteria. two messages: One to producers telling them to It's thought that it is what the bad guys "rip-off" Thank you for your time. find more oil and build more refineries (that is if from the good guys. Profit is necessary for the Affectionately yours, local govt. allows) and a second message to reasons already mentioned and the fact remains Squirrelly Bitch potential investors telling them that they should that what this nation needs is a price rise in lend (invest) their money to the oil companies gasoline in order to have an abundant supply at the because there might be a good return. If the stations where we want it when we need it. Dear Editor, government puts a ceiling on profits, regardless of H Michael Deener In your last issue you glorified streaking. The the method, people will be less likely to commit Student article was preposterous. Doesn't it seem a bit their money to oil investments. Why should anyone Econ/Poli. Sci. strange that a group of guys would run around risk his savings on an investment only to drill a dry hole in the sand when he can get a guaranteed rate Dear Editor, making all kinds of noise, late at night, wearing nothing but hats and shoes. Your damn right from a bank of about 5% or more? I ha ve heard many people criticize the cafeteria, does! It sounds like a riot in the loonie bin. it The government is under the hammer from a lot and now J feel it is my turn to speak my mind - the Streaking is just a passing fad but I predict snaillng of "bleeding-beart-do-gooders" that don't fully opinions of a student worker. For three long years I will become an American pastime, like baseball realize the ramifications of their demands. The have seen many changes which seem to go un- and apple pie. On the first night of spring two studly government forces prices down, which decreases noticed except for a few seniors with exceptional males snailed twice around the campus. This is the amount supplied because it is unprofitable to memories. In the execution of my duties J have believed the first case of snarling at Western supply a greater amount at a lower price, con- come in contact with many students whom I con- Maryland. What could be more natural than going sequently there is no investment, no new wells, no sider very self-centered, rude, and immature. We for a snail around campus with a friend before turning in for the night. The cold night air is Snalling stimulating shows a and invigorating. Commen tary ••••••••••••••••••••••• person as he really is, not just a body in a crowd. We in t~is paI;1er.of s~nsatio~ali.s~ snail.ers accuse playing up streaking while ignonng a significant social trend like snailing. We expected better of you. Signed One-hundred and fourteen years ago the black The only exception was the bar tenders (of course Snailer st man was freed from his forced bondage on the blacks could never mix drinks since it wasn't until Snaller sz plantations. Many argued that the life of the black recently they were even allowed in the bars). It slave was one of security; he was fed, clothed and seems the country club had pretty liberal hiring sheltered. With the Civil War and the change many practices compared to their membership of these blacks were thrown into a world that wasn't qualifications. ready to acept them. Consequently the x-slaves These black servants waited on you hand and the cold Bug had a rough time and would have probably made foot, caring for your every need. Many were called out better living with the white masters. The price "boys", even though they have been out of their he would have to pay then would only be his boyhood for 30 to 40 years or more. My friend could freedom and respect. not understand why I was so upset. I was told I was Editor·in·Chief Cindy O'Neal Recently I was invited to an exclusive country too sensitive to the race issue. It was explained to Associate Editor Gerry Philip5 club for dinner - exclusive in that if you were me that these black men were probably paid and Photography Editor Baron Tayler Jewish, Black, or poor you could not join. The lipped sufficiently and that it was probably a building was beautiful as well as the things inside - "tradition" that they were black. What do these Advertising Manaaer Steve Boyd but that was the only beauty to be found. Every modern black slaves pay for this "tradition"? Only servant in the cocktail lounge, dining area and their respect and feeling as an equal human being. kitchen, from what I could observe, were black. What a price to pay for a tradition! Staff: Julie Mullen Gene Funk Fred DlBtasio Leigh Rogoff, Jim Massey, Dave Marple. Barry Watson Lori Grimes,Chip Wright Oayton McCarl, Jack rreeev, Suzi Paglee, IN MEMORIAM Bill Voerman Bob Toner Rev. Louis W. Foxwell, who visited WMC a few weeks ago, was killed during an apparent holdup Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do attempt on Tuesday, April 2, 1974. As Director of Communications for the Maryland School for the not neccessarily reflect those of the administration. Deaf, Rev. Foxwell came here to speak on deafness and to prepare the establishment of a tutorial We welcome your comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail to: Box 3A, Western Maryland College, program for MSL students by students of WMC. Westminster, Maryland 21157.
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