Page 72 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 72
PAGE 4 GOLD BUG ThUHday, April 11,1974 lucratively noble Adoctor's life begins in MedSchool by Cindy O'Neal Weslern Maryland, with its highly acclaimed things. WMC students who have taken MCATs over into grad school) .Frequently, students with Masters Biology and Chemistry departments attracts far the past few years have been consistent with the or even PhD's then reapply to Med School with a more students than feasible who profess an interest national norm. Currently, however, the validity of naturally much better chance of acceptance than in pre-med. Usually, less than half of the original MCATs is being questioned and other means of most under grads. pre-med majors remains in the senior year, many qualification analysis are being sought. So what else besides grad school can happen to of whom will never makeit into Med School. In 1968, Now that all this preliminary BS is done, it is time those who don't get into Med School? The pre-med 58 students majoring either in chemistry or biology to talk about the hassle of getting into a Med School. training gives the required background for dental worked for a pre-med degree. By 1972, with eight A couple years ago, (given in averages) 40,000 and Veterinary work. Some students go on to these transfer students, there were only 26 senior pre- students applied to six schools per person--240,000 schools or schools of optometry, podiatry, or med students left applications for only 13,000 available Med School osteopathy to sight a few. The number of students interested in pre-med openings nationwide. That average has gone up Med Schools frequently applied to from WMC who apply to WMCyearly continues to increase, yet even more now. One WMC student this year applied include (besides Md. U) Bowman gray in Winston the number who remain in pre-med after four years to over 20 Med Schools, which at $25 average ap- Salem, Emory in Atlanta, and the U. of Va. (where continues to be less than half. It seems this poor plication fee would seem to appear as a mild case of two recent WMC grads are currently enrolled>. turnover is soley the result of the Unrealistic Goal. desperation--indicative of the difficulty in getting Johns Hopkins is far more cosmopolitan-thrives True, many people are attracted to the life of the accepted. on foreign and nationwide students--hence is ex- professional M.D. with its oft times salary of One question that might be raised is does WMC tremely difficult to get into. Although is may seem $100,000annually. Here in Westminster, few if any get a fair chance at Med School application time. like WMC students have difficulty getting into Med physicians gross less than $75,000 while the head Dr. Weaver, chairman of admissions of the state School, it may be interesting to note that last year, surgeon at the hospital is closer to $200,000.$40,000 Med School at Md. U. says they do try to look at the Towson failed attempts to get even one student into can be considered the absolute minimum yearly undergraduate school of each applicant. On the Md. U. Med School. gross (compare this with the average 11 or 12- whole, therefore, Md. U. appears more qualitative This year about 15students are looking for a Med thousand grossed by that hearty species, College in admissions than quantitative. Yet even though School. So far there have been 4 total rejections and Professor). Even many people who disdain Dr. Weaver and his cohort Dr. Strange admit that 4 acceptances (two early acceptance). The number materialism and its monetary benefactor may tend WMC has one of the highest ratings in Maryland, of applicants from WMC is realistic, and small. toward such a lucrative (yet nonetheless noble) they also say that they will not accept a student This is in a large sense because of the interaction of profession, if only to be wealthy enough to afford to from WMC with B's and C's if they can accept a student and faculty through counseling and the work later with skills less materially profitable. student from another school with A's. The question total campus atmosphere. As the general feeling of But there are "not enough $100,000 jobs for that rises from this is, is it possible that WMC pre- the pre-med faculty was at an hour-long interview, everybody." The admissions committee has med departments may be more difficult and in- "we have more time for the students than other realized the unreality of the medical goal on the tence. hence tougher to pull A's in than a com- larger schools do." They welcome students who part or the majority of its aspirants. But rather than parable department in another school? This seek advice. One should hope it is through this keeping so many obviously bright students out of problem is recognized by some Med Schools such as realistic help and acceptance of true individual school just because of their goal, they are ad- private Jefferson school in Philadelphia where the potential that so many students drop out of pre- mitted; and Dr. Alspach says, "I think we do a good admissions has set up a rating system. But com- med--and not out of despair because impending job with those who come in looking at pre-med but petition for private schools, according to Dr. Med School acceptance is so hard to come by. Med uncertain." Sturdivant, is "quite keen," especially when School acceptance is tough-let's hope it is fair. Pre-med students are advised throughout their considering that unlike state schools, private college career as to the progressive feasibility of schools are in no way committed to admitting state their goal. Suggestions are made to the student as students. HunDreds 01 to whether he should stay in the program or get out. Another questionable device employed by many Students who feel unsuited after all to a career in Med Schools is a quota system in which minorities doctoring scatter into other departments and adjust are given priority. This system became operable American students their sights more realistically. 'Phose who remain three years ago. Many students admitted under the pre-med are well aware of the importance of ex- quota are less than qualified (2.5 on a scale of 3 is Placed in cellent GPAs. Md. U.'s average GPA acceptance for non quota Finally, for that filtered handful remaining in the applicants) so that special tutorial programs must senior year, comes the time to "make or break" it be set up for them. Naturally this subject is a RECOGNIZED in applying to Med School. All students applying get "touchy" one. But when it comes to such a career a recommendation "with varying degrees of en- as physician, many would argue that qualifications OVERSEAS thusiasm" from the advisory committee here. And must be tough-not just for most students but for all. Many qualified students are rejected by schools that have a quota to fill. Sometimes such students MEDICAL SCHOOLS then there are (aren't there alwaysj ) entrance are placed on a waiting list and are accepted only exams--MCATs. These test verble, quantitative, into unfilled quota spots or if persons already ac- through EurOmed! science, and general knowledge and supposedly cepted drop out. give a common basis to all applicants. On the whole competition to get in becomes keener for the as Dr. Sturdivant says "if it (the score) is very undergrad as the. years go by. Many students who hrtliesessianstlrtlnt:1uIy,I!J74, good, it will help you-very bad, it will hurt you. If it don't make Med School on the first try go on to grad Eur.medwiliusistllualifiedAlllfr· is in the average, acceptance depends on other school {usually thev are more than Qualified to get iCJnstulftnts itlilinh".dmitsian t.rttDlnizlllln.rselllldical SChDOls. Passing through a i:ime belt Anllltllit's JuSI UI,hlinninl. Slneelhellnl"'1~ IhIrrie.,on,!i!wjes diHitulry in ,uct __d. the p.epo~de"te,the£u.omed "'01'1'" alsa Ineludes In inlensive 12·11i week ..,tdic.~ .nd convers.- tionaIIUI"'lefOUf5e,m,ndlloryfo. Despite modern day complications ue., daylight of the drama, will be a recorder group. dtrectec by ,II students. five MUf5 d.ily. 5 days is per (12·11i ...rehllhe savings time, and the energy crisis) WMC will George Bachmann. Dancers with the choir will liven in InecQuntry ...he.t Ihtstudent transform into a medieval pageant on the steps of include dance director Debbie Buck, Floyd Twilley, ...illallend medic.llI:hool. Big Baker at 6:30 on Sun., April 21. A myriad of and high school student Mary Pat Kehoe. (The In addition, Euromed p,ovides stu- informal skits backed by music from the 1200's festival is, therefore, not wholly student oriented denh witllal2·16wetk intensive (ul· shoe! ~ help the audience capture the feeling of the but encourages total community involvement.) lurll o.ientllion p,olrlm, with Amer· medie /al festival--a feeling to climax with the The Easter Play itself has a twelfth century Ic," studenll no... stud""1 medicine presentation of Maastricht Easter Play, a liturgical Flemish background. A part of the pre-Mass Matins ~:U~~~tIO~:~tiCUln cOY"tf)" se.vinl as drama inside Big Baker at approximately 7:45. The on Easter morning, its music came from original Senior ar ,,,dnle rtadenlt cutr~nllJ' pageant like the era is a mixture of beliefs and Gregorian chants and popular secular songs of tee enrollr.inlnA",,,iunaniYl,,itj.,t feelings. According to Dr. Tribby, the era can be day. By the thirteenth century, this type of drama eliliblr to pifticipalrin tile Eyrollird symbolized by the medieval cathedral, built in had spread throughout Europe and adapted to a "Olr''''. celebration of Mary yet ornately adorned. with public demand for more of a spectacle. The original For applicalion ilnCJ fvrther gargoyles. He says the festival will be "like passing Maastricht Easter Play was performed in Our information, phone loll through a time belt." Lady's Basilica from 1200 to 1500, when it was (800) 645·1234 Originally conceived by Professor O. Spangler apparently abandoned. The text, music, and stage in New York Stale phone: who will direct the choir, the festival has been directions were discovered in 1947 in an ivory- (516) 746·2380 under his and Dr. Tribby's direction since last bound Evangelartum containing the old liturgies of summer. Although the gas shortage will prevent a what had become Our Lady's Church in Maastricht, or write, jousting group from attending, and although the Holland. Euromed. ltd. daylight savings time has caused. a shift in original The public is invited to attend WMC's medieval time plans so that the drama can be performed by pageant, free of charge. In case of rain, the first ,7oordeauwtry.OId candlelight, plans have progressed fairly well. part of the pageant will be moved from the Chapel Mineola.'U.1I501 Included with the choir during the performance steps to Baker 100.
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