Page 68 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 68
/' PAGE 8 GOLD BUG Thursday. March 21, 1974 If you think Kodak is just pretty pictures,you ought to have your chest examined. When a chest x-ray shows that you have a potential elude convenience for the patient, economy for the hospital, killer like TB or cancer, it's not a pretty picture. But it's an an even more useful tool for the radiologist-and, most impor- important picture because it can help the doctor detect and tant, reduced radiation exposure. catch the killer in time. Researching and creating better x-ray films is good When doctors are out to catch these potential killers, for our business, which is why we went into them in the first they want the sharpest, clearest x-ray films they can get. And place. But it does our society good, too-which isn't a bad that's why people at Kodak spend so many hours creating feeling. After all, our business depends on our society-so we new and better x-ray film equipment. Already, the results in- care what happens to it. Kodak More than a business.
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