Page 65 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 65
Thursday, March 2-1,1974 GOLD BUG PAGE 5 Maybe [ust the push you need by Kathy Lingenfelter The other day, I asked a friend, "Hey, do you interest in the Peace Corps and she gave me an know anything about the Peace Corps?" I received emphatic, "yes," in answer. I asked if she had ever not someone like me. Maybe this little reminder is the reply, "No, not really ... wait a minute! I have a followed up her interest. She replied, "Well, I sent just the push you need to prove to yourself that you __ are one of those badly-needed "other people" cousin involved in that. He's somewhere in Hon- for pamphlets and an application, but when I those who have adopted Gibran's philosophy: 'You duras. But, I don't know what he's doing there." received them it just seemed that doing that sort of These words prompted an instant recall of an thing was something that other people would do _ give little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." African Proverb which I had just read in a pam- phlet concerning Volunteers in ACTION. It read: 'Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.' Maybe you have the wish to know more about the Peace Corps and were not aware of the opportunity 12. On that day, there were The word is 'flexibility' afforded to WMC students to pursue information about it last Feb. representatives here on campus to speak with in- terested students from ACTION, the organization encompassing the well-known Peace Corps, and Vista programs (as well as lesser-known programs such as Foster Grandparents, Retired Senior For a trial period to end in June 1975, WMC will Volunteer Program, Service Corps of Retired institute a system of self-scheduling Final self-scheduling and may choose to keep the Executives and Active Corps of Executives). The Examinations. Dean W. McCormick and Hugh previous method; plus some classes are not representatives distributed information concerning Dawkins have been working with the plans since adaptable to a self-scheduling scheme. the various fields of specialization (from ac- last August. Researching into other schools with the Those classes which the registrar will schedule countanting to water resources) and territories self-scheduling system, the planners have will be if at all possible spaced so that there will be (including at least sixty countries in Africa, Asia, borrowed, of course, only the best points. They no more than one prescbeduled exam per day, per Latin America, the Pacific and the United States) noted that weaknesses fell in administration, not in student. Ideally, the registrar's office hopes to in which aide has been requested of the the Honor System. schedule such exams during one period on Monday, organization. Even though you may have missed Many worry that the Honor System would Wednesday, and Friday. If this System works well, that opportunity, if you are still interested in find- the registrar's office expects the number of self- ing out how to become involved in either the Peace collapse under such a program but Mr. Dawkins scheduling exams to be 85% ultimately with only Corps or Vista; in finding out what you have to offer and Mr. McCormick point out that this system has such classes as Intro. to Modern Languages total). elsewhere. Honor Systems in fact strengthened them and the enriching experience they have to Their attitude is, if we have and believe in an Honor art histories (slides), music (listening sections), offer you, there is still available information System, then why don't we use it. and classes with standardized timed sections on a scattered about campus The key word and reason for trial im- prescheduled basis. For those of you who have interests lying in the piementation of self-scheduling is 'flexibility.' As it Although some time slots may be cut back, as it is .Math/Science, Medical, Physical and Life Science is now, students have no choice of exam hour; so it now there will be 17 exam periods: Sat. morning fields, check out the bulletin boards in Lewis Hall. is possible to have two hea vy exams in one day, and afternoon; Sun. afternoon; Mon.-Wed. mor- For those interested in the Social Sciences and ning, afternoon, and evening: Thurs.--Fri. morning Language Arts check the ones in Memorial. The none the next two days, then two more in one day. and afternoon; and Sat. morning. There will be the student will ideally be With self-scheduling, Student Center bulletin boards also have in- able to choose from 17 different exam slots to set up three professors at each test center. Of-course the formation request fonns available. Or, better yet, variety of exams taken at each test center at one stop by the Student Affairs Office and pick up some his week in the way he can best study and perform. time is limited only by the number of classes on the But that is only ideally. It is expected that this of the information left there by the agency mem- year as an average, most students will have half self-scheduling system. bers to see just how you measure up as a potential self-scheduled and half registrar-scheduled exams. Although 'flexibility' is the key work, 'respon- Peace Corps or Vista Volunteer. If you have the teg.: Out of four classes, chances are two will have •sibility' comes through in the first paragraph of desire to learn more about these programs, you owe registrar-scheduled exams with the other two, self- rationale in the self-scheduling proposal: Western it to yourself to look into them. scheduled around the prescheduJed ones.) This is Maryland College has long sought through its both curricular and co- I asked another friend if she had ever had anv because professors are not required to switch to educational programming, opportunities in which curricular to provide students can become more tesponsible in- dividuals ...It is with this in mind that this proposal is submitted. Poetry grows on the Hill Student poets continue to see their efforts in print. In addition to the fours poem published in the January HiII--by Torrie Armour, Judy Kastner, I Nancy Barry, and Jesse Glass-several other WMC poems ha ve appeared in various magazines and anthologies. The National Poetry Press, for example, included poems by Debbie Hosey, Torrie Armour, and Joe Stevens in its 1973 anthology. Torrie and Judy Kastner have had poems accepted for the 1974 anthology. Poems by Debbie Hosey have also appeared in Pegasus and in Youth Magazine; and Joe Stevens has had two other poems printed in 1973 anthologies. Jesse Glass has collected a number of his poems into a book catted Ntgredo and has given reaemgs at a Baltimore College and at WMC. The 1974 A Melange of Poetry included one of Jesse's poems. A Iormertstudent, Beth Baruch Jose1ow, publishes fairly regularly. She is associated with the Washington, D.C. Mass Transit group of poets, which has its own press and which is publishing this spring a collection of Beth's poems called Ice Skating. During the last five or six weeks of this semester, student poets at WMC will give readings of their work.
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