Page 74 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 74
GOLD BUG Thursday, April 11,1974 Ride a bike for the retarded by Kurt Herwig Sunday afternoon April 21 an unusual event is The Sophomore Class was contacted by Cindy being planned in the Westminster area. Hundreds Gastner, who helped initiate The Relay program. of local young people and adults will be par- She suggested a joint effort in this community ticipating in RIDE A BIKE FOR THE RETARD- service project. The Sophomores accepted and ED. As part of a nationwide day set aside for this assumed responsibility along with Relay to be Co- activity under the auspices of the Nat'l Assoc. for ordinators of The Ride a Bike Program for the Retarded Children. The Carroll Co. Assoc. for Westminster Area. This is a big job and they are Retarded Children, with offices in Westminster is welcoming any persons interested in working with making preliminary plans and arrangements for them. Any interested riders may pick up sponsor the Bike Hike. The bike hike is similar to a sheets in the Relay Office, from Soph Officers, or walkathon in that riders will be sponsored by in the Cafeteria soon. This would be a good op- groups, individuals, and businesses for each mile portunity for any campus groups to participate that they ride. All the money will be used in helping en masse in fraternities, sororities, etc. or to the retarded in the immediate Carroll County Area. sponsor riders as a group. "! love you for what you arc. next home meets are Mon. and Thurs. but / low you yet more for __________ ~ __ against Hood and Towson. what you are going to be • - (".,,1 ~.""Ihur~ A recent survey in ·the grad course No - 1, A·I. Do you feel that the U.S. Trends in American Thought, proved government is a true representation of true the premise that government the people? Yes . 1, No . 17, A - 3. Do you .processes are not satisfying the needs of know who your congressmen are? Yes _ its people. The topic concerned anomie 16, No - 3, A - 2. Have you ever written as a cause of social unrest (anomie for your congressman? Yes - 11, No - 10. Do you non soc. majors involves a feeling of you feel the Federal Court is truthful divorce from the government process, with the public? Yes - 0, No - 18, A - 3. and an inability to express political Can you identify with elected officials? feelings). Reasons for such anomie Yes - 2, No - 16, A - 3. Are you content include the inability to identify with with the policies supported by the elected officials, mistrust of the Federal Court? Yes -1, NO-17, A - 3. government, disagreement with its Though results of political anomie are policies, and a feeling of lack of varied and include civil disobedience, representation in government. The marches, riots, and assassinations, the survey was given to 21 students, average most widespread result of all is Apathy. age 27, and comprised nine questions. It's either violence and protest, or unrest Results: Did you vote in the last and anger. The latter is easier ...but presidential election? Yes - 19,No - 2. Do hardly comfortable. you think your vote is sugnificant? Yes- 13, No . 8. Would you abolish the elec- info. courtesy W. G. King, Jr. toral college for popular vote? Yes - 19 Liste'tSmo~rs: ¥ou do't't have to wait 20 years fo("cigarettes to cnfectyoU. It on1yt~s 3 secoJtfls. r Chosen hut OIlC(' and {"11('ri~lH'n tor('v('r. \ in the-ir bnllianrc- COl11pl('I(' ("onli
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