Page 67 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 67
Thursday. March 21, 1974 --------------------------- GOLD BUG Lacrosse opens seventh season by Cindy O'Neal Sanders, Greg Sherry, Bill Thomas, and Steve Walking out near the heretofore soccer field at Wheeler. around 4:30, one gets a panoramic view of WMC waking up from its long winter sleep. Out by the Their first actual competition this year was a football field ROTC runners and trackmen train. scrimmage against alumni on Sat. 16. Since it was The tennis team works out its pent up energies rainy, foggy, and generally uncomfortable, field decked in typical tennis attire while the baseball conditions were poor, and Ron Athey suspects that team takes up the entire hill in the background. the men aren't exactly looking forward to a Golf pros skirt around the edges of this compact repetition of that kind of playing weather. If the sports community. But although the Gold Bug weather is obviously bad, long enough before a hopes to cover fully in the future all of these sports, game, it will probably be postponed. But once the this story shall be dedicated to the seasonal in- visiting team has arrived, and if it doesn't start troduction of that infamous sport, (you know, the raining until the game is about to get underway, one where you try to destroy your opponent before chances are the game will get. plaved. he knocks your head off with that funny-looking Although Florida is not included in WMC's stick), lacrosse. lacrosse league (Mid Atlantic Conference) there is an attempt to promote lacrosse in the Florida area. The WMC team, therefore, has taken the op- More men t.urned out for the first day of practice portunity to schedule its first six games down south this year than any other year of WMC's six-year to be played over spring break. This is not exactly a lacrosse history-as to be exact. Although some preseason circuit, but should serve a similar have dropped off, that number is small. The purpose for t.he team "starting" crew is as yet indefinite; and although Returning after the break (slightly sun-baked no one will be chosen, coach Ron Athey explained that doubt) the first two games are away on April 6 and everyone gets to play about the same amount 9-·F & M and Mt. St. Mary's respectively. The first whether they start or enter the game later. home game is against Haverford at 2 pm on the 13th. Three co-captains are picked by the squad at the Last year's season record was 5-9, 5-3 inside the end of each season for the following season; one league. As coach Athey says, "We look to improve from defense, one from attack, and one from upon our record from last year." midfield. This season's co-captains are Sr. Dave volrath, Sr. Bob Anderson, and Jr. Bruce Preston. are Returning lettermen besides the co-captains Will Trackers on the run Mel Franz, Dave Hoopes, vernon Mummert, --------------r courtesy Brad Joison I I The 1974 Western Maryland College Track and I COMPETITION I Field team had its best turnout of any year, and record holder in the high jump. The javelin coaches Rick Carpenter, Sam Case and Keith throwers are Mutch Curtis and Mike Andre. The coaching staff is hoping for high point totals from " College and university students can win up to t Porter are looking forward to April 6 when the the field events. ~lOOO.OO(plus an expense paid, round trip to t Green. Terrors go for their 24th consecutive win at Among the returning runners are junior Mark f Hollywood, California). f Washington College. The 23 consecuuves wins Yurek in the sprint event's. Larry Clendaniel, Tom include two undefeated seasons for the Terror Lewis and co-captain Tom Enslers in the mid- squad. distance events, and Jim Darr and Steve Vaughn in , Both graduate and undergraduate students t Many of the members of last years squad have the distance events. Among the freshmen in the running events are, t~~~w~e~aW:n~~es ~~~~d 2~~~I~~i~e~J~~~e~ t graduated, but there are several promising fresh- Pat Datilio and Scott Whitney in the springs, and men, especially in the field events. The freshmen tPROGRAM College and University Script Writing f are led by Randy Day, who, along with, Mutch Bob (?) Manookian in the mid-distance events. In fCompetition for "The New Radio." f Curtis, Buck Horsey and sophomore Richard Seid, the distance runs Gary Frank looks quite competes in the weight events. The pole vaulters t The competition consists in writing a half-hour, t are Steve Bjornberg and Scott Lewis, and the high promising. The Terror squad also has two Blair in the 440 and James promising transfers, ,educational, entertaining, dramatic, radio script on I jumpers are John Feldman and co-captain Steve Paul Schlitz in the mile,' whom are ineligible for ,the drug problem. Wilson. Competing in the long jump will be Wilson, competition this season Bjornberg, Lewis and freshman Gregg Stakem. Acording to Coach Carpenter, the "success of the t The D-RUGENLIGHTENMENT PROGRAM will t Freshman Pat Datilio has been impressive in both season is contingent upon how well we do in the use 13 winning scripts to produce anew, national t the long jump and the triple jump, and co-captain sprint events and the adjustment of the many fresh- fradio series for public service broadcast. (T~e t Wilson is a national champion qualifier and school men on the squad". series will be available free of charge to all radio stations in the United States and Canada.) , BASEBALL ' I I Apr. 4 Ursinus A 3:00 Washington (2) Apr. 6 A 1:30 t FI~S~a~~i~M~h~~.~ (~~~r:~~ ~:~:~~::~~ t Apr. 11 UMBC H 3:00 t paid, round trip from home or school to Hollywood, t Apr. 12 Randolph-Macon A 3:00 t California) to thirteenth prize of $200.00. t Apr. 13 Hampden-Sydney (2) A 1:00 Johns Hopkins (2) Apr. 16 A 1:30 All winners will receive a tape of their show as t Apr. 20 Loyola (Z) H 1:00 , Apr. 22 Franklin & Marshall H 3:00 t produced for broadcast in addition to their cash , Apr. 24 George Mason H 3:00 ,pnzes. , Apr. 27 Mt. St. Marys (2) A 1:00 Apr. 29 Dickinson A 3:00. t T.h~re. is no ~ntry fee. Deadline for the com- , May 1 Susquehanna (2) H 1:30 t petition IS midnight, May 31, 1974. t May 4 Lebanon Valley (2) H 1:00 t Thecompetttmn is being sponsored by F.lC.U., a t TRACK LACROSSE 'nonprofit, educational, public service corporation t Apr. 6 Washington A 10:30 Apr. 6 Franklin & Marshall A 2:00 in Los Angeles, and is open to every college and l university student in the United States and Canada. I Apr. 10 Lycoming A 3:00 Apr. 9 Mt. St. Mary's A 3:00 Apr. 13 Gallaudet Haverford I I Ap& 17 Frostburg A A 1:00 Apr. 13 Salisbury H 2:00 A 3:00 3:00 Apr. 16 t Students interested in entering the competition t Apr. 20 Mason-Dixon Relays A Apr. 20 Frostburg H 2:00 .or professors who would like to introduce the Apr. 23 Johns Bopkins A 3:00 Apr. 24 Dickinson A 3:00 I competition to students in their departments) t Apr. '%l & Loyola H 11:00 Apr. 27 Lebanon Valley H 2:00 Lebanon Valley Widener A 3;00 May 1 t·~~~~ W~i~O~R~k:·~·i4fR~o~t~N~~~~;t~~~ t Apr. 30 York H 3:00 May 4 Wilkes A 2:00 tBouJevard, Los Angeles, California 90035and ask for f May 3-4 MACOIampionships A May 7 Lehigh H 3:00 Rules, and Official Entry Form I I the Information, May 11 Gettysburg A 2:00 ~-------------~ May 14 Loyola .H ,3;00 brochure.
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