Page 66 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 66
PAGE 6 GOLD BUG Thursday, March 21, 1974 Chess: alive and moving on WMC tables by Keith Proffen On March 3, the Western Maryland Chess team 11 a.m. was between Gettysburg, the defending over first place in the Central Eastern Penn- sylvania College Chess Association. Playing white traveled to Gettysburg for a tri-match between district champions and WMC. After defeating on board one, Rick Spink used the Colle System and Gettysburg, Bucknell and WMC. The first match at Gettysburg (3-2) in a hard-fought match, WMC took lost to his opponent. On board two, Bob Noland lost while playing the Queen's Gambit Declined. Keith Proffen, playing white on board three, outplayed his opponent in a hard and long match before mating him. On board four, Wally Fries easily outmaneuvered his male opponent before mating him while Nicky Rundhammer on board five, mated his female opponent in a very short game. The second match of the afternoon saw defeat for Western Maryland at the hands of Bucknell University. Winning for WMC on board one was Rick Spink. Rick used the English Opening and defeated Bucknells' team captain, who ran into time trouble and had to make more than 8 moves in the last three minutes. On board two, Bob Noland played against Petroff's Defense as he and his opponent drew. On boards three through eight, WMC saw defeat. Keith Proffen, Wally Fries, Micky Runhammer, Colin, England, Don Bell, and Dave Reinecker were the other chess players for WMC. Women go to Rutgers by Gerry Philips The WMC varsity girls' basketball team accepted the invitation to play at the regional tournament, held at Rutgers University, News Brunswick, New Jersey, March 7-9. One of sixteen girls' team in- . vited, the Terrorettes played East Stroundsburg and Rutgers. Against East Stroundsburg the team Batters plan to make hit In NC played one of their most skillful games, the final score 58-50, leaving WMC defeated. The highest scorer was Lin Van Name with 17 points only slightly trailed by Leslie Applegate with 13. by Brad Joison and Larry Reed Maryland sent three teams to the tournament, and Western Maryland's third place in the state Western Maryland's Baseball team is preparing Chip Chaney and sophomore Brian Le Few sharing (behind Towson and Maryland, respectively) for its 1974 Baseball season by a trip to North left field. placed them in the regional contest. Carolina during Spring Break. With the exception of Naarisma and junior Stuart The second day of the tournament WMC played The Terrors wjll play nine games in eight days. Lehman, the pitching staff is balanced out by the Rutgers in consolation, beaten 51-46. The regional They will have doubleheaders with Lewisberg. young arms of sophomore Butch McKenna and champions are Immaculata College, of Penn- West Carolina, and Elon, while they will play three freshmen Dave Dolch, Gef Fleming and Wayne sylvania, they have been national champions for games against the College of the Albemarle. Coblentz. Other members of the team include back two years. up backstop Ed Becraft, utility infielder Bob Irvin, Eleven lettermen, including four seniors, are and Steve Schonberger, a freshman from Dulaney returning for Western Maryland. The seniors who can help at first, in the outfield and can also leading this year's squad are catcher Mike Diener, lend his southpaw arm to the pitching squad. News briefs pitcher Fred Naarisma, third baseman Bob The outlook for the 1974 season is optomistic, Noland, and .second baseman Bill Swift. The according to Coach Fern Hitchcock, who says that remainder of the lineup includes sophomore Jeff the outcome will depend heavily upon the young Leed at first, sophomore Chris Hannaby at short- arms of the pitching staff. The Terrors take the Dr. M. H. Gropal, a retired professor of stop, freshman Rich Rosenfeld in right field, field first at Ursinus on April.4 hoping to better last economics from S. India has been on campus since sophomore Rich Heritage in centerfield, and junior season's record of nine and eight. Ma~ch 11for a two-week stay. Scheduled to speak to ---------------------------- in Memorial titled "The Social Revolution in India" 14different classes, he also held two public lectures and "The Foreign Relations of India." his Ph.D. from London Dr. Gropal received The Gold Bug needs sports writers for Lacrosse, an interesting, accurate ,and inside look at each University whence he also recently conferred on ... Tennis, Golf, Track, and Girls Sports. Perhaps given sport. Such coverage takes very little time, him honorary D.Sc. In addition, the University of team members or those closely associated would be but is highly important -- please consider and let a Bombay has awarded him the honorary D. Lilt. ---------------------------- Miss Sharon Donnelly, graduate student in the interested in covering their own field so as to give staff mem ber know if you would like to give it a try. program in deaf education, just had her article ...0 building block "Deaf Canadians Prepare for Professional Miss and Leadership Roles" published in the December, 1973 In addition issue of the Deaf Canadian. Donnelly did the photography. The article was a ... for years to come part of her work in the course, The Psychology of Deafness and was co-authored with Dr. Vernon . courtesy Brad Joison Concerned women of Whiteford Hall are con- The Western Maryland College Golf team begins transfer student last year who was not eligible to ducting a survey of all women on campus con+ its' season on April 5 at Johns Bopkins University. play, and a group of promising freshmen. cerning the issue of 24-hour open house. It's hoped The Green Terrors are coming off their best season by those involved that statistics will aid in obtaining ever, with an eleven and two record last year. The Terrors will have the advantage of playing a new policy. Returning to the team this year are Russ Faulkner, most of their games on their home course this Glenn Mawby, Bill Gibbons and Charlie Fnglemier. season, and should provide advantageous in the development of the young golfers. Coach Greg There are some positions available in summer Six men from the nucleus of last year's squad Getty, who this year will be assisted by Bob Erb and camps for deaf children. If interested contact Dr. Professor Elwell Vernon (Psychology) or have graduated or transferred, and the rest of the "Slug" Armstrong, is looking towards this season (Sociology) soon. as a building block for years to come. team this year will be made up of Scott McCreary, a
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