Page 73 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 73
Thunday, April 11, 1974 GOLD BUG PAGES It wos ...o good time The Junior Follies "No, No Nanook" or "Oh no, with their quick dialogue every performance. Suzi my igloo is melting" presented this weekend by the Windemuth, Beth Whipple, Larry Schmidt, and Class of '75 was an extremely good time for both Mark Chenowith did well in supporting roles and a cast and audiences. The story of life and love in the special appearance by Craig "Fish" Silbert as frozen north plagued by a heat wave was the himself cracked up WMC audiences who know him brainchild of Third Floor Blanche and the final and love him. The songs went well and the dance script was polished up as tryouts and casting got numbers, choreographed by penquin Beth underway. Cast in the leads were Steve Cambell as Steinmetz for her fellow dancing penquins, were well received. Much of the show's success is due to Nanook Nerd and Debbie Steward as Kiwi SicIe, the hard work of Director Richard Bailey, Tech young lovers separated by a superstitious town of Eskimos' and the Village Chief. Chief Papa Side crew Steve Mosberg and Roberta Tahl, Publicity was played by Jack Tracey who added a great deal Chairman Janet Riley, and Musical Supervisors to the show's continuity. Tracey's consistent comic Ken Bates and Patti Teyker. performance provided a good flow of humor, When asked of his work with the follies, Jack somewhat ad lib and somewhat W.C. Fields. Scene Tracey replied, "The best part was watching the stealer Fred DiBlasio as the North Wind was aided cast and crew work to pull the show together. It was by the costume work of Sharon Hobbs and the especially fun for me because I did most of the make-up of Joan Bailey. His flamboyant gestures script polishing and it was great to see the characters I created come to life. Everyone did a and booming threats made the character a big hit. fantastic job." Debby Steward reiterates, "The Big hits also were Hank Mill.sand Jeff Kleger as show was a good time for the cast and crew, it the jiving dogs, Bark and Bernie. They worke_dwell pulled our class. together and we haven't been this as a team and got great responses from audiences close since freshmen year. Alot of people sacrificed for this show, I think that's what made it work." How to avoid 'last year's avocado' by Cindy O'Neal The Undergraduate Academic Policy and matter of "looking at all facets of the curriculum" Curriculum Committee is currently launching a according to Dr. Stevens, not "a sledgehammer to college-wide curriculum review. For some time bludgeon curriculum to death." now the administration and faculty have expressed Many peple feel that with the series of ad- interest in a review that could answer the question, ministration changes and the fact that it has been "are we doing what we should be doing as well a.s many years since the last review, now is the best we could be doing it?" As Dr. H. R. Stevens says, It Philosophy and Objectives, Quantitative Degree is important to ask whether we can improve a time to take a close look at curriculum. Ten sub- Requi.rements, Types of Degrees Offered, Basic committees have been established with ap- Requirements, Interdisciplinary Studies, basically good thing, and that if the review is not Requirements for a Major, Grading, Credit for approached in such a constructive manner it will be Work other than WMC Catalogued courses, Non- self defeating. proximately six faculty members each. A com- traditional Students and Community Relations, and Also stressed by Dr. Stevens, and all concerned, bined effort of the SGA and ACe will seek out ap- Composition and Organization of the Curriculum. proximately 30 students to be various sub- This is a time for involvement. As Mr. R.. Sapora committees. Through this committee system, is the term "review" not revamp. Review is im- communications will be open for every student to portant because "if we don't work to regenerate get his ideas, complaints, and "vaguely unrealized says, "we can create our own histo~y." Stud~nts ourselves we might lose our vitality (Idon't want us dreams into the mill." interested in their college future might consider to become last year's avocado}". Yet a review is a Subcommittees which have been set up concern getting in touch with the local SGA. It sure can't j--------------------------------- hurt. I I SENIORS Poetry Festival offers I I I I workshops and winners I Do something meaningful! I I I Please send me current information and an application by Gerry Philips I The Spring Poetry Festival at Western be directed by the judges for student I Maryland College will begin at 11 A.M. I on Saturday, April 20. The Festival is a poets. I I one-day session featuring readings from Roderick Jellema, Ann Darr, and I Permanent Addre$$ the winners of a state-wide college and Lucille Clifton have acted as judges for I I university level poetry contest. Over 100 the competition. All three are nationally student Their efforts known poets. In- Maryland poets from have ap- : crw Slate Zip : stitutions entered the competition peared in New Republic, Southern ! I Graduation Date Major I I sponsored by the WMC department of Poetry Review, Review Field Western Choice, and Humanities other English several weeks ago: I --------- FOLD -\ periodicals. has Individually, readings and each of the given judges workshops and has appeared on radio I ACTION POSTAGE e. F.EES PAID (IJ I The winners' readings will begin at 11 and/or TV. :1 WASHINGTON, D.C. 2{)525 ACTION ....._ ': A.M. in Decker Auditorium, followed by The Festival promises to offer WMC a OFFICIAL BUSINESS ~ personal readings by the poet-judges. day of American culture in literature, as I I Later an afternoon poetry. workshop will it happens. I ~ I i b:·:·,·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:,:·:·:·:,:·:,:,:,:,:,:':':'''':':':':':':':':':':':'''::':::':::::':::::::::'::"::::<-::::'::::::::::::::::'::"::::'f.:::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::':':::::::::::::::':::':""!!l : VISTA/PEACE CORPS I:: 11 I R On Friday, May 3, May weekend will get underway with a concert by the 111: i I Parts of ACTION I:[·:~.:.. group Tower of Power. This group replaces the originally planned Eagles. :j:~:~.j. ATTN. OFFICE OF RECRUITMENT , • I AND COMMUNICATIONS t::: '::. J WASHINGTON, D. C. 20525 F~ 1* \_--------------------------------~~:::::::::::!:::!::::::::::::::::;!:::::::::::::=!;:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::=:::::::::::::::::;:;::;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:::;:;:::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::~:::::::~'
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