Page 31 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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November 20,. 1973 The Gold Bug Page 3 ParkJng po/icy: mysteries revealed by Gerry Philips In an attempt to clarify to students the existing vehicles". This initially vague-sounding stipulation "need for improvement in parking rules" they are policy concerning "Student Automobile and is based on the figure reached by compiling reasonable when compared with the "peripheral Motorcycle Regulations", and its purposes, Colonel statistics from previous years. Also, if the same only" parking enforced on many other campuses, Eugene Willis, Director of Physical Plant and Dean car, unregistered, repeatedly appears parked on and the parking rules for W.M.C. of the past. Ray Mowbray were recently interviewed. campus it may rightly indicate that it is in Until the late forties residents were prohibited to possession of a resident student and factually have cars on campus. The late 1940's through 1951 The W.M.C. Student Handbook states that proves all vehicles are not registered. Colonel "Western Maryland College provides parking Willis admitted that other arrangements may be brought a policy a bit more liberal but discouraged spaces for students in areas as conveniently as made if requests are personally brought to himself on-campus autos for resident students. In the college year 1951-1952the Dean of Men issued a 25( possible". In The Gold Bug's last issue or Dean Mowbray. The Dean clearly stated "Any dissatisfaction with parking areas and regulations policy can be changed." A lottery system similar to automobile registration fee; that was maintained was clearly aired. that of room drawings wasn't considered practical until 1961 when the fee was increased to $1.00. Because few students owned cars the fee was not by either man. It was pointed out that in a lottery changed, but the late 1960's increased the number Vehicle regulations for 1973-74 were issued by system women mightbe parking behind Albert of students desiring to park cars on campus. The Colonel Willis on August 20, 1973. Parking areas Norman Ward Hall and men might have to park present rate was made with S.G.A. recom- were designated by proximity to the drivers' behind Whiteford. A first-come-first basis for mendations. respective dorms. Consequently, the location of parking might result in the same situation as that of Colonel Willis and Dean' Mowbray are willing to women's dorms and the smaller ratio of women above, only with. added chaos. receive constructive criticism at any time con- with cars on campus as opposed to that of men, was cerning alternatives to the present system, but until instrumental in deciding their parking area. Registration and violation fees have become an arrangement can be made that is more efficient Resident women students are confined to park on another object of student contention. The fees go than the one existing, concerning automobiles and the east side of Whiteford Hall or behind the French into the General Fund and are applied to defray the motorcycles, things will remain the same. What House. Commuting women have the option to park costs of decals, lighting, payment of students benefits the most people, men and women, is the behind Gill Gym in addition to the space provided employed to tag violators, and maintenance. criteria for the W.M.C. policy. Whether the present for resident women. This designation was not made Colonel Willis described the amount of money system is beneficial or not, to those students without reason. Considering other parking areas received -rrom payment of fees as "a drop in the discontent or otherwise, is, of course, opinion. around the women's dorms are reserved for bucket" when compared to the total cost of The present system adequately keeps roads open, faculty, staff and visitors, walking from Whiteford maintaining a somewhat efficient parking facility. provides for faculty, staff and administration Hall to Blanche Ward Hall or McDaniel Hall seems Dean Mowbray supported this statement by citing a parking, and takes harsh action only toward preferable to hiking the distance between the men's few statistics: $1200 pays for repair and lighting, repeated offenders. parking areas, on each side of and behind Gill Gym. without capital expenditures, in the category of The "taggers" of offenders are campus employed It should be noted that parking areas are deter- capital expenditures, $3,000 to establish the students chosen with no special characteristics in mined by convenience for the greatest amount of "unimproved" lot behind Gill Gym, the hopes of mind. Anyone who feels unjustly criticized when people. tarring and chipping this lot, if realized, will receiving a pink slip of paper indicating money Faculty, staff, and commuting students, needing amount to $3,500. owed as fee for a violation (of either one-dollar or motor vehicles for transportto class or office, must In view of the fact of the rising cost of living, $5.00 five) may plead his case with Colonel Willis, and be provided with adequate parking space. as a worthy fee for registration must be left to those only when the fee is flatly refused to be paid will the Logically, they are permitted to park in areas with weighing its advantages. Though the Dean sees a offender be referred to the Dean. most access to all buildings, since their parking is absolutely necessary. In comparison, on a campus Now everyone says 'hi' of such small size, there exists no need for resident students to use autos to reach class, and their parking areas are limited accordingly. by Lori Grimes ~!:J.B()th'C . d Dean 'Mowbray agreed that the . - be im- possible the ap- As may be noticed, turnstiles have come to the proximately 1200students enrolled) must be first library! The only difference with the new system is designated for faculty and students who must that the student may be asked to show his books, travel, then for resident students, and lastly for packages, or briefcase to the person at the desk freshmen residents in "exceptional" cases. The upon leaving. The Library Committee, however, reason for freshman parking limitations is not due nopes there will be a great difference in the loss of to an attempt to regulate social life but the small books through theft. The committee decided to amount of available parking space. Presently three institute the system when the amount of loss freshmen have been granted the privilege of reached was extremely difficult to sustain with parking on campus, non-commuting. their current budget. $12,000to $17,000has been lost The present parking policy allows for ad- each year in books; and with a budget of $60,000, justments "after registration of all student much of the money for buying new books had to be cut. Besides the cost of the new books, there is also the cost of processing the books and the cost of labor which must be taken from the budget. TEEN AGE ACCOUNTS INVITED COLONIAL JEWELERS purpose in instituting the system is to make the Mr. Bachman, the head librarian, says the main students more aware of the problem. He hopes the DIAMONDS SPECIALISTS SINCE 1922 students realize the system is for their own good. It is frustrating when you can't find a book you need 32WESTMAINST and find later that it has "just disappeared". Then the money budgeted to buy new books must be used WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 to replace the stolen ones. 848ยท7606 An electronic device system, similar to the system used in public libraries in Baltimore, was discussed; however, the library committee decided against it because it is so costly and it is quite a complicated system to install. So they decided upon the turnstiles which they hope will be just as ef- fective. The student response to the system has been very good; in fact,there have been no complaints at all. One student who works at the desk said that people sometimes stop to say, "Don't worry, I'm clean!" But she says that at least now, everyone walks by and at least says "Hi" before they leave. BENN'S Men's and Boy's Clothing Also Tuxedo Rental A new library still life greets students as they come and go. Westminster Shopping Center
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