Page 32 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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Page 4 The Gold Bug November 20, 1973 Editorial The importance of the press to the public is a journalistic publication. There will always be fact. The importance of The Gold Bug to the- some who will criticize even The New York students of Western Maryland College is a Times. But The Gold Bug needs its critics; it is much disputed fact. Even its worst critics far from perfect. - have_ to admit it's read; and the point proves, that whatever the quality of our campus As it was previously pointed out, these newspaper, through its circulation The Gold critics usually know what they are talking Bug holds an Important place in student af- about. Its a shame that they don't apply this fairs. Much of the criticism of the newspaper knowledge in tither ways besides criticism. To is justified. The problems to be "ironed out", maintain -its present standard and possibly however are not without solution. achieye a p?sition worthy of more respect, The solution lies with the critics. Most of what IS keepmg these people from working on these people know a lot about journalism, The Gold Bug themselves? They might un- often, they were staff members of their high derstand that producing a college newspaper school yearbooks or newspapers. These people in two weeks is not such a cinch and working don't necessarily cut down the topics The Gold for a student publication increases one's self- Bug deals with, more often they are discontent stamina and range of personal acquaintance. with the style of writing and lay-out. Working for any publication is' a challenge. Photography is another aspect that is often criticized. Also, many claim that due to the fact that the paper is issued "only" on a bi- The campus rally concerning the recent govern- weekly basis much more effort towards its ment shake-ups left me inspired to do something. improvement should be put forth. Taking Dr. Palmer's advice, I wrote a letter. As a matter of fact, I wrote four letters. The first was to There is need for . my senator to urge him to push for continued in. vestigation of Nixon's use of funds for his homes in San Clemente & Key Biscayne. The second to my Letters to the Editor congressman urging him likewise, the third went to Mr. Nixon urging him to resign and not tie up America in an integrity-losing court battle. The Dear Editor, fourth went to my mother urging her to mail me my Concerning your article about the "few truly he said you couldn't have. 1could cite more cases of blue jeans & to send a check. credible complaints" about our college infirmary-I such brtllance, if asked. I can hear Dr. Welliver I was really proud that I had taken the initiative think your sample was just a bit biased. Sure, there now. He would say that students do not want to and written to these, my representatives in the are some cases where the service may be poor due spend money for tests and x-rays. Maybe some government and the political world. Following Dr. to the students not calling ahead, but then there are students don't, but some of us have insurance and Palmer's advice further, I urged a friend to write. the other things that happen over there. would like the tests rather than be diagnosed wrong "No." Like the time that a girl on our floor fell down the and have to waste time and money by going home "Why not?" steps. She just laid in the infirmary until her when the situation is much worse. At least offer the "You'll get put on a list." parents picked her up the next day. She wasn't tests and let the student decide. Dr. Welliver, do "Man, you've gotta do something. You can't let given anything to relieve her pain; the doctor you treat your office patients that Iax? I doubt it. I all this go by and do nothing," I implored. examined her and said she just had bruises. He suggest your attitude stems from the fact that we "Asphalt, Jack. Remember the Stalin purges." didn't recommend x-rays. When her parents took don't pay office fees. You get paid by the college Dish~artened, •.I ttu~ged ,to th~'lm{lilQ,Qx,.,Tq~y her home, they found out that she had a sprained whether we come to you or go else-where. I suggest wouldn t put me on a list, would th~y1 A~ r pulled back and a. broken rib. . you forget your- pocketbook and treat us right. down the ~andle to send off my heartfelt urgings, Horrible? But it's true. Then there are other Mistreated another friend came up. things that happen over there. Once I went over "Whatcha doin'?" there because I had hit my knee very badly and it Dear Editor, Proudly I wheeled and spoke out. "Sending let- was swollen. Dr. Welliver looked at it and wrapped I would like to address this to the faculty. ters to my representatives urging them to dick it. When I later went home, my own physician was Would it be too much to ask of WMC's ad- Nixon." shocked that Dr. Welliver had not required x-rays. ministration to cut out some of the bureaucratic red "Oh man, 'you'll get put on a list." He also immediately unwrapped it and explained tape it employs in planning student curriculum? "What is this infatuation with lists today? I'm that wrapping would only aggravate the injury. Would it be possible to come to an agreement on the just doing what I think is right." - Well, maybe it was just poor judgement, you say. requirements for double majors? "Okay, and someday when you're up for a 'I'hen'there are always the pills I'd been given-- A student who tries to meet the requirements of a promotion the man'll pullout photostats of those three different shades of the same color, (looking double major, plus school graduation requirements rather old) ana no explanation of what was in them. and h.aving to contend with courses offered only in letters and boom! it's asphalt for you." The blue handle beckoned me to do the right My doctor was flabbergasted. ser!am sem~sters (often at conflicting times) can thing. I did. I sent the letter to my mom on its way Then there's the girl who tripped over a drainage easily acquire an ulcer. I merely suggest that and headed back to the section with three letters. I pipe. She was carried over to the infirmary because something be done to aid the student. Possibly some guess I'll show them to my grandchildren or she couldn't walk. The nurse came in, looked at her courses could be offered both semesters. something. Or maybe I'll mail them next year ankle and said it was just a sprain. She didn't call in I would also like to request better advisor Nixon is still around and still making mistakes. if the doctor. The next morning the girl went down to assistance to members of the Summer the hospital and found out that, had she put any Sch~I/February Program. I sometimes get the -I don't remember the Stalin purges but - JT Asphalt is asphalt. weight on her foot it would have broken ." feeling that the advisors need instruction too. I was These are all direct stories--not hearsay. The a member of this program and my entire schedule infirmary does make for horror stories on this is screwed up because of inadequate advisor campus. As far as I'm concerned, in an emergency, assistance. I'll go down to the hospital before I'll go down to the I realize that advisors can only handle so many -the Gold Bug infirmary. advisees. I'm not asking for the impossible. But is it Cindy J. Cline too much to ask that careful consideration be taken when asstgntng students to advisors? Some idea of student majors can be gotten from the .Entrance Editor·in·Chief Cathy Nelson Dear Editor: te~ts .and/or Achievement tests. For example, I Associate Editor Nellie Arrington I am writing in response to the article in the think It not only unneccessary, but cruel to assign a November 6, 1973 Goldbug concerning the in- Theatre-English major to a professor in the Ger- Managing Editor Cindy O'Neal firmary. The article was rather one-sided. The man department. It happens! It happened to me! Photography Editor Gene Funk truth was told, but the real account of Dr. Now, I'd like to turn the tables for a moment if I Advertising Manaaer Steva Boyd Welliver's actions was overlooked. Where did he may, and assign the professors some ex- get his M.D.? Woolworths? No doctor I know asks if tracurricular (Soon to be curricular, I would hope) Staff: Mike Andrei, Gerry Philips, Baron Tayler you have a penicillin allergy, then upon receiving homework. Please make up a four-year course an affirmative answer proceeds to prescribe requirement chart for all majors. Make a copy leigh Rogoff, Jim Massey, Dave Marple, Chip penicillin. Fortunately, the student involved had available to all students. This is not to say plan out Rouse, Judy Gardner, Lori Grimes, Sue Cocking, enough brains not to partake of the little killers. an entire schedule, just give the student an idea of Clayton McCarl, Jack Tracey, Suzi Paglee, Adele Among his other blunders include not checking for all courses neccessary (and their sequence) for a concussion when an athlete received a blow to the them to complete during their stay at WMC. Moorman, Chip Wright, Julie Mullen head. How about when Dr. Welliver diagnosed a I will not complete all the requirements I'm told I Published by and for the students of Western Maryland rather serious and obvious case of mononucleosis need, by three different people who keep referring as a minor cold, without even a hint of a bloodtest. me to each other. I hope the administration will College. The opinions expressed in this publication do That minor cold put a WMC student in bed for six take note of this plea, and save other students from not neccessarily reflect those of the administration. weeks. Or how about when the brilliant doctor tells ulcers! you that you have a certain disease, begins to write Thank you for the opportunity to be heard. We welcome your comments and/or suggestions. Please ~ton your recordcard then changes his mind due to Sincerely, address all mail to: Box 3A, Western Maryland College, your history. At first that sounds okay, except that TorrieArmour, '76 Westminster, Maryland 21157. when later checked at home, you have the disease
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