Page 35 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 35
November 20,1973 Tho Gold Bug Page 7 eagers Can they keep it up? Coach Alex Ober has every reason in the world to .college transfers, 6'1" Skip Chambers from be optimistic about Western Maryland College's Hagerstown Community College and 5'11" John chances of turning in one of the best cage records Trumbo from Montgomery Community College, that "the Hill" has seen in years. This year's squad both guards, are already pressing returning let- has more talent, depth, and strength than teams of termen for starting positions . .many previous seasons. Looking at the squad, Coach Ober's reasons for A large freshmen turnout this year has also optimism are obvious. Four men will be returning deepened the team. Three 6'5" forwards, Bob from last year's starting line-up which won five out Wallace from Towson High School, Rob Platky of of its last seven contests and produced the best Montgomery Blair High School, and Wayne.. Terror record since 1964, nine wins and eleven Coblentz of Middletown High School, will provide losses, Captain Bob Decker was the only player lost the nucleus for a tall, talented squad in the future. to graduation. Guards Gef Fleming from Medford Lakes, New The cornerstone of these returning four will be Jersey, Allen Green from Orland, Pennsylvania, senior forward Dan Stubbs, who last year led the and Randy Matthews from Towson, Maryland will Terrors in scoring with a 20.8 average and also in provide adept ball-handling in the backcourt. rebounds, bringing down 15 rebounds per game. John Olson from Oxon Hill, Md. and John The other three returning starters are guards Bill O'Conner, Rockville, Md., both 6'3" forwards, Swift and John Feldman and forward Fred round out the freshmen presently practicing with Naarisma. Three other lettermen are also back, the squad. Coach Ober also expects Ron Anderson, 6'6" sophomore Tom Ammons, 6'5" senior Daye a forward from Wheaton, Maryland, and Jay Cole, and 5'10" senior John Campbell. Rodstein, a guard from Brooklyn, New York, both The quality of the new players out for the squad playing football, to join the squad when that season will make depth no problem this year. Two junior ends. High hopes end half wqy by Jack Tracey All the pre-season high hopes for the women's the sophomore offense went into high gear to bring field hockey team went unfulfilled as the back a 3 and 1 record from the tournament and terrorettes finished out the season with a mediocre secured its .500 season. 5-5-2record. The .500record may be misleading as to the team's performance. Many games were As a result of the Essex Tournament, Kathy decided by one goal and in most cases the Roach was named to second-team All-State and terrorettes out-played their opponents everywhere Sharon Spainhour was named as an alternate, but on the scoreboard. Graduating starters Lyn Van Name, Penny The highlight of the season came during the All- Parsons, and Sharon Spainhour will be missed by College Tournament held Nov. 3 and 4 at Essex the defense; however, they will be replaced by Community College. The offense which had sput- some good talent. The entire offense will be tered throughout the year, finally pulled together returning next season and after this season of and did some serious scoring. Led by Kathy Roach, playing together should be tough to top. People didn't run fast ~nough by Cindy O.'Nul WMC Harriers finished their season with a 4-9 record. Logically enough, the basic reason for the losing season according to Cpt. Mick Mekkelsen, coach, is "people didn't run fast enough." Sophomore Steve Vaughan, the team's number one man, finished 33 out of approximately 00 run- ners in the Mason-Dixon Championships at UMBC on Nov. 17. His time on the s-mile track was 27 minutes 16 seconds. Other team members running in the meet were Sophomores Leigh McConnell and Jim Darr and freshmen Gary Frank and Charlie Oldis. Helping with the team this year were Cpt. Mekkelsen, Opt. Ray Henry, and Major Ivan Magee who will probably slip into key coaching position next year. The team will be boosted next season by junior Paul Schlitz. Schlitz, a transfer student, is "excellent" according to Cpt. Makkelsen who said "he has run against us before." Another man ex- pected to be out for the team next year is John 1!umbo who ran this year until an injury prevented him from competing in the Championships, According t.9 coach Mekkelsen, "We planned on doing better," But once again optimistic, he con- cluded "We're looking forward to a much better season next year." Harriers trudge off en masses for a lot of ground-work
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