Page 33 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 33
ovember 20, 1973 The Gold Bug Page 5 ommenfary This week marks the tenth anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination ... Now that the energy crisis is upon us, at least a you might want to think about ew conscientious souls are trying to conserve round the dorms. On my floor, we have one kid who turns out all the ights in a room that isn't being used. This is great, xcept Ithink we're going to have to explain to her Love· at she's starting to go too far. When I came back from the library the night of ixon'sconserve-energy ell and the hall were out. Have you ever tried to The capacity to hate the lights in the stair urn off his tape recorder), speeeh (maybe he should limb Mount Everest at midnight'? To get the ef- eet, come up and visit some time. That night I was aved by the banister four times in the flight from by Mike Andrei and Diane Spink hird to fourth floor. Then I tripped on my pants Tte Western Maryland College Department of uffs on the landing. Dramatic Arts presented West Side Storl on Nov. 16,17,18 & 19. The lead roles of Tony, Mana, Riff, & I groped down the hall. At least this was level. Bernardo were protrayed by Scott Hancock, Jean alfway to my room, Itripped over a trashcan the Beaver, Steve Judd, & David Hay, respectively. __~id had missed that morning. Regaining my Congratulations are to be extended to these & all alance, I kept going until the pain in my nose made other individuals involved for their fine per- e realize I had run into the side of the phone formances. . ubicle. With the only normal feature on my entire ace now crooked, I found the door to my room and rawled into my own little haven of light. The play centered around the hostilities between two city street gangs, the Jets & the Sharks _ Something was funny. Either a "convention of hostilities which stemmed from ethnic pride bet- uitcases was meeting in my room, or I had gotten ween the American & Puerto Rican youths. Tony, a he storage room by mistake. Knowing that the Jet,falls in love with Maria, the sister of Bernardo, uitcase convention was meeting in Peoria, I tried who is the leader Of the Sharks. The romance brings oing into the next room. Iflipped the light switch the dispute between the two gangs to a head. & nd basked in the glow; it was like hitting the results in tragedy with the deaths of Tony, Rile & each. It was even my room! Unlike its near-twin, Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story leavesthe audience with no hope of I put down by notebook and took my coat over to reconciliation between the feuding parties. On the e closet to hang it up. Now in all honesty. my contrary, Maria, who seems the most promising loset is hidden from view of the doorway, and is example of reconciliation, delares that she has lso quite deep. I had just walked into it and was gained the opacity to hate. tarting to aim for a hanger when everything went ark. It's finally happened, I thought, I've gone Overtones of racial hatred & an interesting lind. I crashed around, managed to hang up my commentary on social work from the lnsiee vie~vof oat, and walked over an obstacle course to my bed. a "juvenile delinquent" gave depth to what mlg;ht here I sat, thinking of all the beautiful sights I had otherwise have been a rather melodramatic, though well-done, production. ~:-e~j1~iM9 ~~d:~~h'e~~n~I~Yri~n~~;~?a~keb~~~ atmy professor wouldn't be in class that day. My ext door neighbor came to the door; I could feel er presence. Sexes merge "Why are you sitting here all alone in the dark?" "It's not dark. I've gone blind." In a move away from sexual segregation on "The light's off. Here." campus, the men's and women's councils have Suddenly, my sight returned. "But I turnedthe considered a suggestion by Dean Mowbrey to ght on when I came into the room. Then I went into merge. This merge is well under way now "and by e closet and everything went black!" the beginning of second semester WMC should have Anita, played by Cathy Neff, shows her exuberance about "It's our conservation expert on the loose again. a joint Housing and Conduct council. It will contain he keeps running around, checking all the rooms.
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