Page 34 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 34
Page 6 The Gold Bug November 20, SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT Baker Memorial Chapel 7:00 Wrestling H Salisbury cod,M code N codeS News Briefs -------------~ J~J"vJ . ,~ Anyone interested in writing a script for the The Junior Class, under supervision of Reggie and Jan. Term. All Juniors are encouraged to Junior Follies must have it complete and submitted Lee! is planning Western Maryland's annual tend or may contact Ned Aull (P.O. Box 48) or by Friday, Dec. 7, to Peggy Henderson or any Christmas Dance to be held in the cafeteria on DiBlasio (P.O. Box 283). - Junior Class officer. Saturday, Dec.!. - other projects of the class of '75 include a gift The annual Trumpeter's 0~~2i~f~~~:a~~~~~: ~~!~~cb,~t~t~~t~~~~~~~e~tm check for a child going to a special school in Indiana the dining hall on 'Ihursdav. Banquet will be held Dee. 6 from 4:_45 - 6: to enable him to come home for Thanksgiving, the A traditional meal of prime fibS Will be served. needed. The winner of a dinner with Dean Mowbray recycling program, and choosing an appropriate Trumpeters wanted to have a whiskey sour - these projects as well as plans for second semester cocktail hour prior to the banquet. tain but will not because of a lack of funds. script for the Junior Follies. There will be a class is Lee Dawkins. meeting on Dec. 4 at6:30 in Memorial 106 to discuss attending are encouraged to have their Remember those long, dull, boring evenings last Jan. Term? Why not use them constructively this talents that you know you have? Wed- ...they year by allowing an outlet for all those latent lost a creative game nesday and Thursday, Dec. 5 and 6, tryouts will be held for t~e. pr:>duction of a musical fantasy. a transmogrification of Jean Giraudoux's "The Mad .The Varsity Soccer team ended their season with Woman ofCh~illoW' Rehearsals will be throughout a 0-0 tie against Johns Hopkins to bring their final Jan. Term, with performances the first weekend of record to 4 wins,S losses, and 3 ties. The Terrors second semester - ~eb. 8,9, and 10. Sign up for both definitely disappointed with their seasonal record, place much of the blame on injuries to many key Wednesday's singing tryouts and Thursday's players. reading on the call board in Alumni Hall. The odds are pre~ty. favorable, a cast of approximately twenty IS Involved, including some non-singing Two of the team's five losses were decided in final - parts. If you have any questions, catch Harvey minutes of the games, after generally outplaying Doster as he whizzes by, or Denise Hovermale at their opponents. Lack of consistent scoring ham- her window, ground floor Whiteford. pered the team in the latter part of the season. The 2-1 win high point of the year was a hard-fought over the Mt. S1. Marys SQuad. At the last Senior Class meeting, graduation and Charlie Keilled the teamin scoring (11 points on 3 plans for second semester were discussed. Those goals and 8 assists) while Dave Hoopes was the top present decid~d tha~ all seniors should wear caps and gowns for Investiture and graduation. Probable goal-getter with 5. Goalie Chris Hannaby turned in and Johns shutouts, two blanking Gallaudet speaker for graduation will be NBC Washington Hopkins. correspondent Robert Goralski. Plans for Jan. term involve parties to be dectd=d The team will lose several key players through on later Second semester plans include a Gigif on graduation. Co-captains Charlie Keil and Rick Feb. 8 and a Valentine's Day Dance at Frock's on Spink, along with Ed Bwalya, Bill Fries, Bob Feb. 15. Peckham, Dennis Kirkwood, Dick Schwanke, Gary
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