Page 28 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 28
Page 8 The Gold Bug November 6,1973 Volleyballers dynamic By Judy Gardner There is only one word to describe the 1973 Women's Volleyball Team ., "dynamite". They are a small learn held together by sheer guts and spirit. At any practice you can hear the rousing cheers as a girl goes up to spike or makes a great save. Most drills capitalize on the team's strength -- their ability to know and depend on each other. It was this spunk and tenacity which enabled both varsity and junior varsity teams to take the matches on October 15th against Towson State College. There was a large, noisy crowd adding their enthusiasm to bring the teams to victory. The team experienced a two-week grace period during which they con- centrated on sharpening their skills in preparation for the double match against top-ranked Salisbury State and V.M.B.C. on October 26th. During this break the team performed an in-service day exhibition at Belair High School in Harford County. This consisted of demonstrating power VOlleyball techniques for the coaches of Harford County's high schools. Homecoming was a real treat for this close team of . women as marred Salisbury State's record V· Defense puts Terrors on strea By Mike Andrei and Cathy Nelson The Terrors stretched their two-game win streak Dickinson came back, however, with a touchdown to three in a row when they outfought the Dutchmen which was to be their only score of the game. of Lebanon Valley. on their home field last Satur- Before the first quarter was out, John Barnes added day, 31-21. a field goal and it was 10-6, WMC. Stellar defense was the key to early scoring as After an exchange of punts, Western Maryland's Wimpy Volrath picked off a.pass and ran 69 yards Mark Gole blocked a Red Devil punt on the for the first Terror score early in the game. Two Dickinson 35 yd. line. The Terrors' offense took minutes later, a consistently super Steve Haje over, with senior quarterback Mike Bricker leading picked off a midair fumble and ran 72 yards to the team methodically to a touchdown, with make it 14-0. Bricker himself running it in. Dickinson could not Lebanon Valley recovered themselves somewhat manage a score, or even drive in the second in the second quarter, scoring with 11 minutes quarter, as WMC's defense dug in. _remaining. Then, the WMC offense got going as In the early part of the third quarter, senior Mike Bricker ran in from the 1 yard line. Again, the defensive captain Roy Angleberger alertly picked touchdown was set up by the defense on a recovered off a Red Devil handoff and ran it in 52 yds. for the fumble at the 4 by Bob Kahler. Lebanon Valley final Terror touchdown. No one was near scored again with 54 seconds remaining in the half, Angleberger as he come out of nowhere to steal the and halftime read 21-15. enemy pass, surprising everyone and delighting the The Terrors tallied once in the third quarter on a large Homecoming crowd. John Barnes kicked all 26-yd. field goal by Barnes. Lebanon Valley fought of the conversions, all good. back to within three, but their last extra point at- The fourth quarter saw no scoring by either team. tempt failed, and with 6:49 left in the game, Denny The Western Maryland defense, anchored by Gole, Keen put the game on ice for WMC on a i-yd. run Angleberger and Haje, dug in and stopped the Red defeating hard-fought games. The which climaxed a previous 54 yd. run. Devils cold. Terror defense, playing heads-up winning assets were the team's ability to move with Western Maryland rolled over Dickinson here on football, has been a major factor in the team's each other, back each other up and playa thinking recent victories. game. The junior varsity also played three exciting Homecoming by a score of 24-6. It was a solid games against Salisbury but came up on the short victory for the Terrors, who have been steadily improving since their first two performances of the end. The evening was rounded out as both teams put it together to defeat V.M.B.C. The Varsity season, both of which were losses. Terrorettes extended their winning record to 8-2 as The stingy Terror defense held Dickinson's Red they defeated V.M.B.C. for a second time on Devils to 187yards on the ground while picking off 5 November 1st in Gill Gym. Team togetherness was interceptions. Senior defensive back Roy again the leading factor in this flashy victory. The Angleberger picked off 2 enemy aerials, one of junior varsity kept an enthusiastic crowd cheering which he ran back 52 yards for a touchdown. as they too defeated U.M.B.C. The final regular Linebacker Mark Gole, also a senior, stole a third match will be today against Notre Dame. The team pass and also blocked a Dickinson punt, which set is aiming for a victory to round out a 9-2 season up the Terrors for a score. Junior Chip Chaney and record. The Terrorettes are anxiously awaiting a freshman Rick Rosenfeld picked off 3 passes bet- chance to meet one of the only two teams to which ween them, Chaney stealing 1 and Rosenfeld they've lost -- University of Maryland. They'll get grabbing 2. their chance on November lOth as they attend the Western Maryland scored first, on a pass from State Tournament at Towson State College. If you four year starter Mike Bricker to sophomore back really want to see some fireworks be sure to get to Rich Heritage. Freshman John Barnes kicked the Towson State on November 10th. conversion, which was good. That made it 7-0. Carroll County Bank and Trust ,WMC COLLEGE RINGS' KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS EXPERT WATCH REPAIR' WESTM INSTE R MANCHESTER GIFTS ... ELDERSBURG "A Full Service Bank" David's Jewellers crosses line for 41 EAST MAIN STREET last Wednesday's meet with Mount St. Mary's Terrors lost to Frostburg but beat Frostburg. Member F. o.r.c. WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Mount in an upset win.
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