Page 15 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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October ~3 -,1!1?3 The Gold Bug Page 3 Achieving an image Calling in the chips by Gerry Philips The Communications Council has been set up as a by Cathy Nelson underwent a "dry spell" a campus . changes in which the students have Three fraternities committee to achieve a positive image of WMC couple of weeks ago as a result of action taken by requested more responsibility. With these changes, through the science of public relations. Its purpose Dean Mowbray. Parties in the clubrooms were Dean Mowbray admits, the standard of behavior is is twofold; the implementation of the public prohibited for a week; when the situation got higher than it used to be. relations program; and its function as an "idea desperate, the party moved to a women's dorm. "We're not living in the twenties anymore. bank." The cause? a water battle at 12:30 in the quad; ex- Students can't go into town, for example, break into The council is composed of alumni, faculty and cessive noise, and discharging of the fire ex- a store and have it laughed off as a college prank; students. Through its members, it forms a close tinguishers. After speaking to several individuals then call in the dean. The whole context of things is relationship with the college and its constituency of Dean Mowbray issued the blanket order banning changing. 12,000 (8000) of whom are alumni). Included parties. "But before changes are even considered, I want on the council are newswriters for the Baltimore "I'm trying to make a point," says the dean, "not . to see results. In a sense, I'm calling in the chips. Morning Sun and the Baltimore News-American a just to fraternities, but to the whole student body. I I'm not trying to stop people from having a good documentary writer employed by WMAR-TV, and am not blaming the fraternity system. I'm con- time. But my reaction to situations now may be other individuals distinguished in various fields of cerned for two things; consideration for other different - I may expect more." communications. (Ed. note: The aforementioned people, and other people's property. A water battle The fire extinguisher was of concern purdly as a individuals are all WMC alumni). at 12:30 is inconsiderate of other students." safety factor. "It may be that we'll never have a Although the council has only met once this year, In this particular situation, the dean talked with fire. But if we did, and that fire extinguisher would Publicity director Keith Moore is enthusiastic each fraternity president concerning behavior have made a difference ...if I were to overlook that, about its accomplishments and future plans: Jack because of experience in-past years with pledges. I wouldn't be doing my job." Lambert, senior vice-president of Vansant-Dugdale But what really bothered him was the seeming lack Should the situation arise again, Dean Mowbray advertising firm, recently changed the corporate of responsiveness to the changes taking place on says "I'll take whatever action I deem appropriate. identity symbol for Western Maryland, with the And I might add, it will probably be stronger." traditional interposed combination of W-M-C chairman as ROTCcamp is a learning experience traded for a more contemporary design. Dr.L. Earl Griswold, WMC sociology department well as a respected ftlmmaker, is using his January term trip to Africa as resource for a promotional by Greg Bright film for WMC. This past summer Western Maryland College had "More importantly I came in contact with some At present, the Communications Council is busy 12 students attend the ROTC Advanced Summer outstanding people." with the task of developing a positive program of Camp at Ft. Bragg, N.C. These cadets were: P!lblic relations so vital to WMC's future. . Wayne AJ.i.en,Greg Bright, wayne. Cassell, Mike "When a TAC NCO jumps in the middle of your Deener, Dave Ellis, Gary Hanna, Ed Humphreys, tent for no good reason than to show his authority, MSACSS to evaluate Jerry Kurek, Gary McCrorie, Bob Peckham, Dan then maybe the authority structure needs re- evluation." Roh, and AI Woltz. This is the six week training by Dave Marple . camp that every advanced cadet must attend, "I can safely say that WMC has little to offer in WMC is being evaluated for the reaffirmation of usually during the summer preceding the cadet's the way, of comparable entertainment to that of the its accreditation Nov. 11-14. This appraisal, the first senior year. Of the more than 2,000 cadets who night life of downtown Fayetteville." in fourteen years, is being conducted by the started camp, % were dropped from the program Commission on Higher Education-Middle States for such reasons as medical disability, injuries "The most important thing anyone can take to ASSOciation of Colleges and Secondary Schools. during training, and failure to meet the required camp is pride, pride in themselves, their unit, and Although the evaluation is serious business, Dr. standards. 12 cadets from WMC started camp and their job." Ralph C. John does not feel that the college will 12 cadets finished. Presented below are some have any problem retaining its accreditation. thoughts, pro and con, of these. cadets toward this "I was a little scared at first, but found great What is accreditation? How did it come about? learning experience, for summer camp is most comfort in making new friends." definitely a learning experience. "When asked by a TV interviewer how I thought nt~b~r ~:~i11~;~~~l~~~~~~~::.~~:r~br:!Ww~~ poncho raft-making would help to make me a better that some of the colleges operated under the "fly- "The best way to describe ROTC Summer Camp leader, my initial reply was 'Practically none.' I by-night" policy and students were wasting their is challenging." was never seen on TV." time and money attending them. The remedy was a "I was very impressed with the TAC NCO's I minimum standard constructed and applied by a found out how important sergeants, are in running "Most of my instructors were very good took a group which later evolved into groups such as the the Army." genuine interest in us." Commission on Higher Education. This com- "I remember sitting in a foxhole all night, mission is composed of teams of administration and "I was a reluctant participant, but after arriving machine gun ready to fire, the attack finally came faculty members of accredited colleges throughout I changed my mind." and my gun jammed. I fired five rounds all night." the country. Requirements such as student-faculty "'When ready to jump down from the top of the ratios, physical plant maintenance, number of vertical wall, the last obstacle of the confidence "I feel camp was beneficial to me; however, I programs, and other academically orientated course, although I was exhausted I felt like a god." feel there could have been more actual contact with qualities must be met before the endorsement of the army life." team, and thereby the commisssion, is made. "I learned a lot about getting along with others." "Togetherness is stressed. 40 guys, with few Therefore accreditation is just the simple "There were the usual Army 'wait formations' exceptions strangers, are put together to form a statement made by the Commission on Higher unit." Education that the college meets the minimum which just had to be endured." standards of that commission and that the college "Camp was also fun 1 We got good meals like "The six wc::eks were a constant well-planned is worth attending. These requirements should be rabbit and chicken; of course they gave them to you met by WMC with little or no epidermal exudance live." cont cop. 4 of saline solution. Need spending money? WMC COLLEGE RINGS Carroll County Bank ana Trust KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS ~gett WESTMINSTE R MANCHESTER EXPERT WATCH REPAIR GIFTS has openings for part-time ~ ELDERSBURG sales wort
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