Page 14 - TheGoldBug1973-74
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Page 2. The Gold Bug October ;23, 1973 Reflections - Cl.I bad..- CDJL.~~~ Letters to the Editor With the incredible selection of dizzy events surrounding us, 'we should consider ourselves Dear Editor, Dear Editor: fortunate to have lived through some of them. And even so, we came ' out relatively un- This letter is to call into question your recent scathed. How much feeling do you have now "Reflections" article in the 9 October 1973 Gold At atmost anytime durning the day or night about Kent" State? 'Cbappaqulddtck? Bug. I was very surprised and shocked to see that parking places' can be found in 'any: facUlty watergate? My bet is that a year from now you printed such a misinformed editorial. I feel, parking lot on campus while the student's cars you won't even care that our justice depart- , that if you check your sources and Student Hand- are censtantly liable to the effects ·of parking ment all feU apart at once, book, there are several things which need lot dents created by the cramped situation ill correction. thestudent parking areas. The administration hiked the parking registration ·fee on the So, with all this going on, why get upset over Iam sure that the presentation to the SGA, by the grounds of improved parking facilities· but as the fact that we have a 'male' nominee for delegate from ODK, whether he was appointed or of this' date the Ollly thing that has been done is Homecoming court? voluntary. was not a true example of diplomacy that lines were painted on the Whiteford lot; and tact. One should bear this in mind when they lines that did nothing but confused the 'Issue think of the individual and realize that much of some voices; predominantly female, have what was said was not necessarily true of ODK's • and create an even poorer parking facility. raised objections, Th~y argue that a male opinion, but rather of this person's unfortunate lack The other thing that was done with our money nominee cares little at nothing about being of verbal control. From having checked several is hiring of more students to ticket cars liming elected ruler of the Homecoming Court. Of sources, I beltve you will find, as I did, that ODK or the day.·· . . . course, to a girl it is a great honor .·Wlry? What its delegate was not trying to tell SGA what to do, does it prove? That she's prettier? If she needs but instead was calling to Question the process SGA Somehow most of the women on campus got an election to tell her that, she's in a lot 'of was using the elect ACC student members, and the theshaft, 'as usual. All women 'students must trouble. A Homecoming Queen is not selected definite absence of publicity on the part of SGA park in Whiteford parkihg lot with aU the on the basis Of anything but physicality. If you concerning ACC. I am afraid we cannot hold ODK women commuting students.' while the men disagree, you should lake a good look at the responsible if the SGA becomes paranoid at the have several lots to choose from that- are nominations over the years. ·Ue:ly girls don't prospect of someone trying to usurp their already make it." . non-existant powers. After all, the SGA is suppose within a reasonable distance 'from their to be a governing body, not a group of reactionary dorms. The faculty have an even- greater glory-seekers. selection' of parking areas most of which are Another problem, say the disgruntled, is not completely used. that ' the fotmer· Homecoming Queens If you check your 1973-1974copy of the Student It seems "to me that the student cars which returning for this year's event will feel that Handbook, you will find an interesting paragraph remain -on campus overnight should be the the 1973 Homecoming is turning into a joke, on the "touted leaders" you mentioned in your ones closest to the main activity of campus of this circle are men ...who and will consequently feel insulted. Wen, if editorial. "Members leadership ability in various where "they can be observed by· both the have demonstrated that be the case, then' they might feel equally phases of campus life ... " And I am sure you will students and our roving Pinkerton Man and insulted at a cheerleader skit, for example, at agree that if one, is a member of ODK he must have thus be mote 'protected, at frat happenings. Where do you all think already shown some leadership capabilities. So it is those ladies have been since·WMC~in hiber- not a matter of waiting until one is in ODK to say Why, why can't" this campus do as many nation? They know that college life isn't what something, but rather to do something or say otherS arid operate their patking faNlities on a it was whenthey were hete. I doubt seriously something before entering ODK. Further reading in first come first serve basis. I can understand that they've been: carrying their crowns and the Handbook reveals this fact, " ...the purpose of the need for a car registration but nottor such roses around waiting to come back 'and do it the group is not only to honor leadership, but also to strictly regimented parking areas. The all over. encourage the exercise of it on the college cam- faculty can park their cars a:t night in the pus." There is nothing which states that ODK is safety' of their driveways while the student "supposed to be service oriented in some way." I cars remain on "the periphery of WMC cam- And let's be fair. With women in ROTC, an believe that ODK was well within its bounds in its admission of equality "in· leadership --and attempt to offer SGA an alternative means of pus. . str-ength, why not a male attendant-an ad- promoting student leadership on campus, since the Ronnie Seidel mission· of -leadership in beauty and SGA had failed to do so on its own. Perhaps the popularity? student body should be thankful that ODK is con- cerned enough to point out whether SGA is doing a bad job or not. A closer inquiry into ODK will also ·There are a lot more important things to be show that members of ODK are elected and not upset over in the- world· an·d in WMC" than a appointed, as pur~rted in your column. male attendant. Other· inequalities should be t:onsidered; such as: . The last line of your editorial says, "At least it's as much information as is available." That the cold Bug statement seems rather incongruous with the ar- --Why" are some freshmen allowed to have ticle by Mr. Tim Meredith. I believe you will find cars"? Why not·all? Mr. Meredith's article more informative than anything previously published in the Gold Bug. --Why are some people with On.:.catnpus Considering that the final plans and approval of the Editor-in-Chief Cathy Nelson jobs·allowed to havecarsfwiiy not-all? ' ACC was not until Spring, 1973, I feel your ex- planation reported to be in the 21 November 1972 Associate Editor Nellie Arrington Gold Bu.gto be a journalistic error on your part. ':":Whyare wOmen ortly allowed- to· park in Managing Editor Cindy O'Neal Whiteford lot, While men can park· not only in I strongly suggest that the Gold Bug should do Photography Editor Richard Elliott Whiteford, but in lots'more convenient to their some sincere soul searching on its part before it Advertising manager Steve Boyd dorms? proceeds to deface campus organizations. A newspaper should maintain some degree of in- tegrity and self-respect as a herald of news to the St~ff: Mike A~drei, Gerry Philips. Gene Funk, --And why the devil does the Campus public. For someone, "touted as an editor" to Parking· AuthOrity have the ·right to give out publish a misinformed editorial as purported truth, Leigh Rogoff, Jim Massey, Baron Tayler Chip Rouse, Lori Grimes, Adele Moorman, Ja~k tickets? If a campus as large as TOwson can is indeed a gross viol-ation of their journalistic Tracey, Sue Cocking. give out parking places on a first-Cbtne, first- profession. serv'e basis, why not run a small·campus the same way?· I hope that in the futUre you will take more time Spe~ja"1tha.nks to Keith Moore,.oirector of to research your editorials, and to present to the P!Jblications and Publicity, for press releases. study body a much finer piece of journalism. I could go on and on. And yet, there will be Published by and for the students of Western M':Irylan~ Co_lIege. The opinions expressed in some atde·nt female chauvinists who· insist Sincerely yours, thiS publication do not neccessarily reflect those that the entire tradition of WMC will be ruined Larry Lazopoulos of the administration. by a male attendant. I have a feeling that if we We welcome your comments and/or suggestions. do have a Homecoming King, we will all wake ~d. note: .Implications that ODK does not Please address all mail to: Box 3A Western up the next rnorniI1g and find that WMC is still represent an organization of campus leaders were Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland 21157. here. . ~,'"r-4 indeed unintentionaL I\.t_A.:.l
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