Page 12 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 12
Page Four The Gold Bug October 9, 1973 Commentary No kickbacks for soccer; WMC 2-0-1 by Cindy O'Neal Everyone always has a theory why his WMC boaters meet Loyola this afternoon in what saves near the end of the game preserving the tie favorite football team loses. should be the toughest game so far this year. Both score. undefeated. teams are currently WMCmet Haverford at home on Oct. 6 in the best Maybe it's the poor passing. Too many In the first game of the season on Sept. 26, WMC fumbles. An abundance of penalty yardage. defeated. UMBC six to one. Five of the six goals game to date. The end score was 5·1- a turnover Lack of cohesiveness. were scored within 7 minutes 46 seconds of each from last year when it was Haverford over WMC 4· 2. Tressler, a transfer from Frederick Community But I know why Western Maryland lost their other in the first half. Dave Hoopes, responsible for College, scored twice. Mummert, Hoopes, and first home game to Widener. It's the color of half of the total points, scored three goals within a Ilupeju each scored once and Keil had two assists. their new home uniforms. period of 2 minutes 38 seconds. Other scorers were According to Armstrong, Ed Bwalya is looking Now I know many of you football fans are Rick Spink, Charlie Keil, and Sam Tressler, with particularly good on defense this season-especially sitting out there with your beer in one hand Vernon Mummert having two assists. so in the Susquehanna game - as is Chris Hannaby and this article in the other (mainly because According to coach John Armstrong, "we won in his goalie position. Likewise, Steve Schonberger you all do everything with a beer in one hand), everything except the game" which ended in a 2·2 is "coming into his own" as a fullback - the only draw, at Susquehana it was on Oct. 3. Although freshman to start every game. thinking the color of a uniform is no reason for WMC's poorest played game to date (perhaps Leading scorers of the season so far are Hoopes losing a game 27-0. And you're probably also because of very muddy field conditions), the team with five points and Tressler with three. Keil and thinking I shouldn't be giving a football played well overall, having more shots at the goal Mummert lead in assists with three each. analysis, especially when I come out talking and corner kicks than the opponent, and overall about fashions. control of the game. In the first half, Keil scored, by Remie Ilupeju. Susquehana tied the assisted However, I still maintain the color of the score before the end of the half and made it 2·1 in Hockey top flight new home football uniforms creates a serious morale problem. the second half. Eight seconds later, though, Take my reaction at the game the other Hoopes assisted by Keil came back to make it 2-2. by Jack Tracey week. Now in all honesty, I must admit to Goalie Chris Hannaby was responsible for several being used to blue and white uniforms. So Despite lack of student turnout at games, the when the teams ran onto the field, I took one women's field hockey team is going to win ball look and began to laugh. A win at last! games this season. "Look at those poor devils in the snot green Last year the hockey team was the winning est jerseys!" I said to the girl next tome. varsity fall club boasted by this college. With the "Shut up," she whispered. "That's us." by Mike Andrei loss of only three of last year's starters this year's Halfway through the game, I got up enough The Terrors came up with their first win of the club is strong at all points. Coach Joan Weyers nerve to talk about the uniforms again. season Saturday against Susquehanna. After being shares tremendous optimism with her players and "Why did they have to get jerseys that look shut out for the entire first half, Western Maryland look forward to a schedule of fairly tough op- like dried mustard stains'?" rallied to overcome an 8-{) deficit and went on to win position. fashion, the final points being scored in dramatic th~~ ~:~¥~ow,,, she admitted, "but aren't with only 3:13 left in the game. The season is all ready two games old and Susquehanna scored first, on a 10 yard TD pass in. perhaps the only problem that has surfaced is the "Yeah. Makes the whole team look they the second quarter. With the conversion good, they sneezed all over themselves." led. 8-{) at the half. That capped the scoring by both failure to generate the offense. However, the all sophomore front line should soon start to gel and. "I feel sick." teams for the first half. After halftime, however, it get rolling. High scorers Cathy Roach and Sue "Take your choice," I consoled her. "It's was a different story. Wagner lead the attack aided by Sue Rudrow, Toby either the tuna casserole or the new uni- After exchanging punts several times, WMC took Meldrum, and speedster Cynthia "Rhoda" forms." possession of the ball and started a third quarter Williams. drive that resulted in a 24 yard touhdown pass from See? What team can play in moldy-looking uniforms? How would you feel, knowing you senior quarterback Mike Bricker to freshman end Defensively the team has allowed only two goals Ron Anderson, . Anderson, who played a brilliant looked like a week-old deviled egg on the game, went on to score a 2 point conversion, thus far. Spearheaded by All-American fullback co- football field? Why you wouldn't play your knotting it up at 8-8 with 1:57 to go in the third captain Lyn Van Name, it is given strong support Parsons from Karen Merkle, co-captain Penny best either. In fact, the reason the team looked quarter. Sharon Spainhour, Dale Torbit, and Junior goali~ like eleven men doing individual calisthenics Early in the fourth quarter, the Terrors gave up a Michelle Swain. was probably because they didn't want to Susquehanna field goal. That was to be it for the admit they knew each other. Not in jerseys game, point-wise, for the opposition. All in all, the hockey team is a top flight varsity like those. With time pressing them and trailing by 3, competitor and promises at least one winning fall The big question is, why with all the sunny, Western Maryland scored its final touchdown with team. A solid group of starters, bench strength, and bright, cheerful shades of yellow which are only 3: 13 left in the ball game. Quarterback Mike promising freshmen all allow sophomore scoring Bricker scored on a 14 yard run, behind some solid around here in pom-poms, chrysanthemums, blocking. The conversion failed, but that was sensation Cathy Roach to make this prediction concerning the rest of the season; "We're gonna cheerleaders' skirts, band instruments, crepe enough as the Terrors took it, 14-11. win 'em all." paper, andso forth, did anyone choose that particular pea soup hue'? The psychology department should tell the athletic depart- ment that people work better when wearing bright colors. DISCOUNT I think the football team needs a fashion designer. Maybe the sports department should RECORDS offer Yves St. Laurent an academic grant-in- aid. NWA Volleyball Current Albums 3.99 Women-gettin"in there UTAH SPEAKERS 8"-10"-12" 'Ihe 1973 girl's volleyball season got underway BUY ONE-SECOND SPEAKER with a successful match at Loyola on September 25 in which both the varsity and junior varsity teams ONLY 10.00 were victorious. This year's varsity attack consists of co-captains 323 E. Main St. Westmlllster. Md. (Speaker affer expires Nov_ 1) Judy Gardner and Pat Nardone, Ginny Bevans, Carla Chriss, Sandy Stitt, Molly Whitworth and Cathy Jenkins. Members of the junior varsity are AUDIOVOX FM-CARTRIDGE captain Robin Armstrong, Sue Underwood, Bee Price, Diane Munkel, Becky Bloyer, Cindy Palf!1er, TUNER 39.95 Sally Dixon, Sue Cocking, Je~n Barnes, Lmda Crawley, Jo Miner and Nancy Jewett. Both teams Op•• ,2 •••••• 9' .• _tI.lI, Closed Wednesdoy are coached by Miss Fritz and managed by Laverne Jones.
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